Sentences with phrase «become lesser factors»

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«To the extent that the program does that, discretion and case law and interpretation become much less of a factor
Since that article was published, I would say that LinkedIn and Medium have become serious contenders that would occupy space to the right of Google + (which has become less of a factor).
I advise my scientific colleagues and students to become more political rather than less so, because it is impossible to separate science from politics when government funding is a primary factor for promotion and tenure in academia.
Environmental factors Why the wisdom tooth is becoming less present among people?
But they are slowly becoming less of a factor in the top 4 race.
The theory I've heard for the opposing view is that over more games luck becomes less of a factor, and if luck is less of a factor we should be comfortably floored.
When you think about making the purchase decision using this type of thinking style becomes less of a factor.
Once they reach 4 months, this becomes less sensitive and can be another factor that can allow your little one to start sleeping for longer at night.
Rh factor was once a common cause for elevated fluid levels, but with increased screening, this has become less of a cause.
Add to the mix additional siblings of the ADHD child and conflicts, attention pulled in different directions, feelings of resentment by the child who requires less attention --- all these factors combine to create a parenting role that can quickly become overwhelming.
A few factors — they stink either right out of the dryer or instantly when they're peed on, your baby starts getting rashes, and / or they've become less absorbent.
The result could also become a factor in upcoming legislative battles, as Republicans will have one less vote in the narrowly divided Senate in 2018.
As a factor becomes more concentrated in a cell, it will begin to activate genes that it has less intrinsic affinity for, potentially changing the cell's behavior.
Genes become more or less active at the touch of proteins called transcription factors, each of which can influence hundreds or thousands of other genes.
The team factored in how over time survivors may also be less likely to become infected after having experience of avoiding or fending off zombies.
The heavier they become, the less likely that surgery will be successful at reducing these cardiovascular disease risk factors
Anderson and her co-author are unable to say with any certainty that eating dinner together more often, getting more sleep, and watching less TV will help any given child lose weight, because of the other factors that may contribute to a child's obesity (or that may protect normal - weight children from becoming obese).
Following disruption of the normal flora balance, mice became less cautious, and changes in the animals» brain - derived neurotrophic factor — a protein associated with mood disorders — increased significantly.
In Dr. Maffetone's book, 1:59 Marathon, he argues that breaking this magic barrier will happen when an athlete actually does less mileage and less intensity than today's elite, but improves running economy, optimizes rest and other lifestyle factors, and learns to race barefoot (because of reduced weight and improved explosive force per stride... once the feet become conditioned of course!).
This is the factor where internet courting actually becomes less risky.
Disequalizing factors in our school finance system continue to increase, and it is difficult to understand how children can receive an equal opportunity for a sound basic education when districts are becoming less uniform.
And as low - sulfur diesel fuel becomes more widespread and available, the inconvenience factor becomes less of an issue.
When everyone is pricing sub $ 4.00, price promotions will become less effective — If readers have an unlimited supply of high - quality books from their favorite authors at under $ 4.00, it means factors other than price will gain importance.
I only needed them for bookstore placement (now becoming less and less of a factor).
Seanan McGuire is the author of more than forty traditionally published books, a fact which becomes much more impressive (and much less believable) when you factor in the part where her first book came out in 2009.
When you become an authority in your industry, price even becomes less of a deciding factor.
But this factor becomes much less of an issue when the business is small and there are very few participants (owner & spouse).
For example, if the half - life is short, as for momentum with a half - life less than one year, a stock's factor exposure will change rapidly over time, sometimes because momentum is becoming more expensive (when momentum is working) and sometimes because the compositions of the long and short portfolios are changing.
But as you get older, and those items are no longer necessary, debt becomes less of a factor.
The good news is that as time goes by the blemish becomes less important in scoring factors.
As far as I am aware, Tim Loughran and Jay W. Wellman got in first with their 2009 paper «The Enterprise Multiple Factor and the Value Premium,» which was a great unpublished paper, but became in 2010 a slightly less great published paper, «New Evidence on the Relation Between the Enterprise Multiple and Average Stock Returns,» suitable only for academics and masochists (but I repeat myself).
Also, given how many commodities are priced globally, and those have become a more important part of the cost structure recently (though the effect is not that bad if one takes a long - term view... increased productivity means we use less commodities to achieve the same ends as 40 years ago), the factor share going to labor in developed countries is probably being squeezed a little.
Once you get closer to your retirement date, changes to your earnings become less of a factor, but there's still a definite possibility that the program itself will either suffer cuts or receive additional funding.
And all too often, when I factor in «potholes,» projected fixed charges coverage ratio would become 1 or even less.
These factors make it a good treat for dogs with kidney disease since the dog's coat will become less healthy and the dog will have a decreased ability to fight off infection.
I did a lot of reading and attended some classes when my son brought home his Pit Bull, this is where I learned about the their attitudes and tendencies... about their fear factor, they are tenacious and strong but they are actually less aggresive than some of the more common breeds that nobody seems to fear, Rotties have a very powerful bite and a record of people attacks, but no one is banning them... so I would suggest you get your puppy, take him / her to classes and get him / her socilized early on, let him / her play with other dogs so they know that there is nothing to be afraid of... you'll have a wonderful time and you will become so much more wise from the experience.
First, I like to point out to customers that, whether setting up a land or water turtle, they will make an equally significant investment in caging and supplies, and that once they have invested that much, the price of the actual turtle becomes less of a factor.
At that point, difficulty becomes less of a factor.
West's insistence on identifying all contributing factors to her films in her titles means that her works become less about the heroism of individual gestures, more about the actions of social groupings.
For example, one might predict that the pattern they see (wide rings more common) would be prevalent in cooler, wetter parts of Alaska, whereas the opposite pattern (wide rings less common) might be more prevalent in warmer, drier parts, where warming may have pushed temperature past critical thresholds to the point where warm temps become a limiting factor.
The first is that the turbines become less efficient over time as a result of mechanical wear and tear, erosion of the turbine blades and related factors.
The 2006 Saul / DCI press release quotes the Koch - funded Cato Institute's Patrick Michaels, who stated, «There are many more factors determining hurricane frequency and severity, some of which (such as westerly wind strength) should become LESS conducive to hurricanes as the planet warms.»
But with several factors combining to increase temperatures in Greenland and reduce the reflectivity of the snow and ice cover, the ice sheet is becoming less efficient at reflecting that heat energy, and as a consequence melt seasons are becoming more severe.
A 3 % discount factor with an hypothesis of $ 250 bn annualy has in fact a $ 8 trillion dollar policy cost (fared in todays dollar value) and not $ 20 trillion over 87 years; (ii) I would assume, with great certainty, that the cost of the policy will not remain at $ 250 bn (in 2013 $) in the coming 87 years: government feed in tarifs and green certificate subsidies will become less and less expensive with renewable energy prices matching fossil fuel energy prices in the coming decades.
It then becomes a question of separating volume changes due to thermal factors from volume changes due to more or less water in the ocean.
Changing a girl's name from something fairly feminine, like «Sue» (which is less masculine than the mean female voter's name), to a more gender - ambiguous name, like «Kelly,» increases her probability of becoming a judge by roughly 5 %.16 This effect may appear small, but it is highly nonlinear in nominal masculinity; changing a girl's name from «Sue» to a predominantly male name, like «Cameron» (75 % of those named «Cameron» in South Carolina's voting population are male), increases her probability of becoming a judge by a factor of 3 (roughly).
Recent cases suggest that the nature of the position is becoming less of a factor in the notice determination.
Although this might not become a factor in computing policies, one of the motives behind the high price of student insurance is that students are normally expected to live a less accountable lifestyle including booze, promiscuity and general risk taking.
At a young age, the risk factor is less, however, your needs will evolve as you become older or cross 40.
However, this nitpick becomes a touch less serious when you factor in its ability to not only control music via a paired smartphone but also its capacity to store roughly 300 songs — for use without a companion phone.
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