Sentences with phrase «become philosophers»

So the only thing left to do for those who, for some reason, haven't had their souls flattened is to become philosophers.
When I wrote that I had decided to become a philosopher, he wrote a letter giving his opinion of philosophy, stressing the fact that in that subject there is «not one certainty.»
After Arnold, my only options were to drop all theological beliefs — except perhaps Arnold's desiccated formula: «The enduring power not ourselves that makes for Righteousness» — or else to become a philosopher.
At the time, the decisions to become a philosopher and to become Catholic had absolutely nothing to do with each other, other than the fact that they were major life decisions I was making behind my parents» backs.
After one year at a seminary in the early «60s I dropped out and decided to become a philosopher.
Plato (The Republic) mentions that leaders must be philosophers, and that the common person isn't able to become a philosopher.
Watch this clip to learn how Dr. Shulman became a philosopher by «making distinctions.»
At first he hoped to become a philosopher, and studied philosophy at Stanford and Harvard.
Born in Aberdeen, Washington, in 1915, Motherwell grew up intending to become a philosopher and received a bachelor's degree in philosophy at Stanford University before heading east for graduate study at Harvard.
Mr. Taleb is a former Wall Street trader who has become a philosopher of probability.
I wish to reach my aim of becoming a philosopher by gaining education from your University.

Not exact matches

By April 1921 he found financial backing for Napoleon Hill's Magazine, which became a bigger success than the previous magazine and firmly established Hill as «America's resident philosopher - laureate of success and ethics.»
For the next 1,300 years, covering roughly the medieval age, the view of those pagan philosophers became the standard for the Roman church's explanation of the universe.
Sadly, where our beloved philosopher becomes derailed is in his support of John «Let's take Democracy to the Middle East» McCain.
Please also consider the powerful minds (scientists, philosophers... etc) who, upon honest examination, ended up changing there minds and becoming believers (Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Hugh Ross, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Malcolm Muggeridge, Alister McGrath, CS Lewis, and theist Anthony Flew... just to name a few.
As Whitehead's thought became better understood among academic theologians and philosophers, it attracted a small but staunch group of followers who found his explanation of God to be both intellectually satisfying and religiously credible.
The American philosopher of religion Charles Hartshorne (1897 — 2000) was already pursuing patterns of thought along lines similar to Whitehead when he arrived at Harvard for post-doctoral work in 1925 and became Whitehead's teaching assistant.
The meaning of time (which has always been a problem for philosophers) when seen in terms of God's self - revelation is that it is the mode of becoming that a world has to assume while it is receiving God into itself.
The full implications of this probably became visible to Christian philosophers only with the resolution of the fourth - century trinitarian controversies, when the subordinationist schemes of Alexandrian trinitarianism were abandoned, and with them the last residue within theology of late Platonism's vision of a descending scale of divinity mediating between God and world — the both of them comprised in a single totality.
This misconception, which has ever since flourished unquestioned among Whiteheadian philosophers, proved a powerful factor, I think, in Whitehead's ultimate adoption of an atomic or epochal theory of becoming.
It was this quest for factual certainty that prompted Aristotle in the fourth century before Christ to become, for his day, a great scientist as well as philosopher.
Finally, modern process philosophers like Bergson and Whitehead focus upon the process of coming to be (or genesis, creativity, creative evolution, becoming) and find this to be a universal feature of the world process.
The lesson taught by the linguistic philosophers is that the more we become self - conscious of the language we use the more we realize how linguistic distinctions have all along been imported into what we believed were direct descriptions of psychological processes.
Process philosophers must either become Cartesians and reject the doctrine of the spaciness of mind, or find an effective way of reinterpreting the epochal theory to permit longer - lasting conscious occasions, or they must reject the doctrine of the external imperceptibility of mind.
The «realists» spawned ethicists who became moral philosophers, clarifying moral questions in medicine and business and, in their spare time, keeping alive the «God question.»
There are some Whiteheadian philosophers, no doubt, who would tend to think that immanence is adequately explained by the temporal aspect of process: present prehending actual entity following in temporal succession past actual entities which have completed their concrescence and become fully determinate.
In this concept of existences as teleological processes, Whitehead thought, we find the proper way for the philosopher to perform his task, now that the basic idea of physics has become the flux of energy rather than the particle of Newtonian matter.
The central question becomes the very character of the discipline itself: What modes of argumentation, which methods, what warrants, backings, evidence can count for or against a public statement by a physicist, a historian, a philosopher, a theologian?
Another attack on Ely's work came from the philosopher - theologian and member of the University of Chicago faculty who was becoming the foremost advocate of process philosophy and theology, Charles Hartshorne.25 From the publication of his first book in 6 until the present, no thinker has matched Hartshorne in the detailed elaboration and adaptation of Whitehead's philosophy.
Towards the conclusion of his landmark book After Virtue, the Scottish philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre observes that the death rattle of the Roman Empire began when men and women of good will «turned aside from the task of shoring up the Roman imperium» which had become socially decadent and culturally diseased.
The Greek philosopher Parmenides, one of the earliest writers in the history of philosophy, considered being and becoming.
Once the revelation of God in Jesus Christ became a concrete historical fact of Western experience, there was no concealing it, not even from philosophers.
* There is now a superb biography of Charles S. Peirce, with an excellent concluding essay on his thought by the historian, who is also a capable philosopher, Professor Joseph Brent, who has become a close friend, although I had not heard of him until a year or so ago.
Others, like myself, will decide to learn from his critique of the world view of modern science without wishing to become Whiteheadian organismic philosophers.
Isolated individual philosophers have given way to an apologetics movement that has become an industry in itself.
The dictum that «the Sermon on the Mount is not for statesmen,» has become a predominant influence upon Christian political theory in our time.3 One contemporary Christian philosopher rejects all naïve ethical idealism in politics with the assertion: «The Christian kingdom is not of this world, it belongs to the realm of the spirit.
This becomes particularly clear when one takes account of certain basic presuppositions that are now widely shared by theologians as well as philosophers.
Kaplan became one of the most influential of American Jewish philosophers in part because he was willing to teach homiletics, which many of his colleagues on the faculty considered beneath them.
The classic definition by the Christian philosopher Boethius, who formed a bridge between Greek philosophy and medieval Christian philosophy, is that the human being is «anindividual substance of a rational nature,» which became a standard definition.
William James (1842 - 1910), became one of the most eminent of American philosophers and psychologists.
It was the task of St Thomas to make a Christian of Aristotle, not to make a better scientist of him... (He) became to the generations that followed him a model of what a philosopher should be, and research was left to the alchemists, whom the popular mind obstinately associated with magic.
The philosophers would not acknowledge that by «becoming flesh» the divine Logos made it possible for human beings to know God more fully than they could by means of human reasoning alone.
He seldom discusses a figure for no reason, but each philosopher, artist, and historical figure he examines becomes integral to the argument he is making.
Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard knew: «Now with God's help, I shall become myself.»
He was an assistant of Whitehead at Harvard, since when he has become the leading process philosopher.
The philosopher also denies Satan but at that moment he becomes his fool.»
For his theory of becoming Whitehead appealed to Plato, particularly to Taylor's interpretation of Plato: cf. PR 67 - 70; also his essay, «Immortality,» first appearing in The Library of Living Philosophers III (ed.
Most of these lectures aim at bringing the insights of Hinduism and Buddhism closer to Indian and Western Christians as well as philosophers, to deepen their understanding of faith and expand it to other forms of belief.43 His anthology «The Vedic Experience» which has been accepted and respected by many Hindus, tries to present texts from the Veda and the Upanishads in such a way that they become open towards other beliefs and transparent for the depth of faith.44 An important aspect of his literary production, already central at the beginning, but gaining prominence again lately, has been to address a Western public that faces the challenge of having to seek its religious identity and not being able to take it for granted.
They humanize what has become a scientistic discipline and call philosophers back to the love of wisdom.
In their struggles with Christianity, the pagan philosophers of late antiquity presented Pythagoras as their answer to Jesus: here was a good and spiritual man whose knowledge and wisdom became foundational for all later philosophy.
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