Sentences with phrase «become public servants»

Her dedication has inspired many veterinarians she has trained to become public servants, and helped them to be strong advocates for animal welfare.
There is a lot to be said for people who become public servants later in life, after successful years in small business.
He made his way through hard work to become a student at Harvard University, Harvard Law School, and really gave up the opportunity to have a lucrative private sector career and became a public servant.
There is a historical model: The National Defense Education Act trained a generation of people who became public servants.
But Ichijo is going to forge his own path and not take on his family's legacy, by becoming a public servant of some sort, and everything seems well on its way until Chitoge Kirisaki falls into his life, literally.
My dream was to become a public servant by being involved in community activism, politics and civil rights advocacy.

Not exact matches

Dad understood that the deeper he went in his Catholic faith, the better a citizen and a public servant he became.
To make these practices communicative in and through specific cultural contexts, those of us who teach ministers to become «servants of the Word» have encouraged them to become aware of aesthetic conventions and put them into practice in public communication.
So while it's understandable to respect a would - be «public servant» who comes clean, is it too much to ask or to hold out for a candidate who has lived a life of integrity to best of his / her ability, so that public confession becomes unnecessary?
The veteran public servant explained that the political landscape in Northern Manhattan is changing, as residents are becoming more diverse and active in city government.
The lack of appetite from civil servants to become part of a «mutual» is proved today by the announcement the next in line for part - privatisation is a small team wedded to the Cabinet Office's ideology, the Public and Commercial Services union said.
The arrogance of a public servant selling his influence and abusing his office illustrates just how far off the beaten path a pathetic, narcissistic and power crazed elected official can become and why term limits ate so important.
«Over the years, WEF has helped to shape the global economic agenda,» the Senate President said, «This year, by choosing a theme that challenges leaders to become more sensitive to their people, WEF has demonstrated that there is a need for all public servants across all levels to implement policies and laws that have direct benefits to the citizenry.
The evil corporate education reformers target yet another local elementary school for closure and takeover through a bizarre scheme that would have allowed a public school principal to resign his position as a public servant, become president of his own private company and then take over control of both his old school and the new school.
Lower compensation and new restrictions on unions could also encourage increased voluntary turnover, with private - sector employment or retirement becoming relatively more preferable for teachers and public servants.
You are the spouse of an eligible public servant who died or became permanently disabled due to injuries suffered in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
«Are US senators pompous gits before they are elected, or do they become pompous gits afterwards» I can tell you that they normally enter he Senate as poor public servants and then join the ranks of the 1 % wealthiest citizens soon after.
Most recently, the state of Indiana has taken the castle doctrine even one step further, becoming the first state to specifically permit its residents to use deadly force in response to the «unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant
The Impact Center provides New York Law School students with training and experience that will help them to become highly skilled public interest advocates and public servants and helps to foster their commitment to social justice throughout their careers.
The processes seem clear at the top of the bureaucracy, but, as you get further down the chain and the further away from Canberra, the understanding that public servants have about the new processes become more blurred.
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