Sentences with phrase «to become sleepy»

It's very common for a baby to become sleepy after a C - section.
Most animals become very relaxed and may even become sleepy.
Without a good breakfast, you may become sleepy in the late morning, lose energy, and even lose the ability to perform mental tasks.
It cools down at night as people become sleepy.
While newborns are awake and alert during the first 2 hours of life, they tend to become sleepy from about 2 to 24 hours after they are born.
A before - bed routine will help your toddler become sleepy and signals it is time to relax and prepare for sleep.
If you tend to become sleepy too early at night, you may require blue light therapy in the late afternoon or evening.
Other animals become sleepy for up to 24 hours following treatment.
It was a boom town over a century ago, and has since become a sleepy fishing village where tourists visit for a quiet, more secluded getaway.
Many animals become very relaxed and may even become sleepy.
Most experts recommend allowing a baby to become sleepy in your arms, then placing him or her in the bed while still awake.
• Parents may notice that their babies become sleepy after administering gripe water.
These signals will set the stage for you to become sleepy come nightfall.
MMS works very fast, and people often become sleepy after taking a dose of MMS.
When baby becomes sleepy (or in some instances falls asleep), place baby into the crib on the spot where the Tranquilo Mat was placed underneath the sheet.
The department had become a sleepy backwater accused of abandoning industry altogether.
Some pets may even become sleepy after treatment.
In effect he was saying that faith is an opiate, that men drug themselves with it, become sleepy, complacent and comfortable through the use of it, and that their main object in going to church is to be sprayed once more with spiritual cocaine so that they may feel less acutely the ills of life and the miseries of men.
«When they gain control of their heads: As they become sleepier, they turn their face away from objects of people, as if trying to shut out the world.
A baby who is not gaining weight properly can become sleepy and uninterested in his surroundings, according to the Kids Health website.
This quiet stillness will allow him to become sleepy.
Babies who are dehydrated often get tired, but when they are tired, they are more likely to become sleepy, suckle, suck less, and the result is less water.
This quiet stillness allows him to become sleepy.
Reading bedtime stories when your kid is all tucked in help your little one become sleepy, especially if you read in a soft tone.
The only issue is that some may remain in your breast milk and cause your infant to become sleepy.
We become sleepy and then alert; our body temperature cools and then warms; hormones are released, then subside.
Or your entire group becomes sleepy and settles down, so you too become sleepy.
It pushes filmmaking into a new realm of the senses, to a place where it is okay to become sleepy.
Other animals may become sleepy or lethargic for 24 hours after acupuncture.
If some drowsiness is associated, that isn't necessary a bad thing, but this is different than merely causing a terrified pet to become sleepy.
Having a dog along is a good excuse to take a break and reduces the monotony of the drive, which can cause you to become sleepy or less alert.
Why did people meeting around our dining room table stay alert and cheerful all day, than in an ordinary office, become sleepy and irritable in half an hour?
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