Sentences with phrase «becomes acceptable»

Decorating for Autumn The leaves are crisp, the air is chilled, pumpkins abound and straw becomes an acceptable form of home decor.
I, for one, am just going to see how it plays - out and follow whatever becomes acceptable.
As marijuana use becomes acceptable, experts are afraid that California's roads may become very dangerous.
One of a few new platforms selling prints, including the RA's own Art Sales scheme, this initiative helps mark the beginning of an era where it becomes acceptable to not see a work of art in the flesh before purchasing.
Playstation Network maybe free now but it may not always be, and if knowingly releasing incomplete games becomes an acceptable model, it will, in a way, force players to pay for the game multiple times.
Stick it on its stand and with the supplied keyboard and mouse it becomes an acceptable desktop if necessary.
With online dating a no longer uncommon option, it also becomes an acceptable means of getting a partner.
When travelling, it suddenly becomes acceptable to dress like a tourist.
Quiet wakefulness becomes an acceptable alternative.
no one is around to defend the religion so it becomes acceptable to call them what they were all along, a mythology.
In Judaism man becomes acceptable to God through conformity to God's law, for God loves the righteous man.
In the first place it is no longer necessary to teach other people the faith, to explain it to them and convince them; it becomes acceptable to make people believe with the sword.
As the massing crowds turn their focus away from the intellectual adversities considerations around procreation being forsaken, sensual recreation becomes an acceptable normality within today's mainstream socialites.
But with prices escalating in recent years, a little commuting has become acceptable.
Critics of Bluetooth headsets liken them to Crocs and fanny packs: purpose - driven apparel that somehow became acceptable for the grocery store.
Culturally, such moves not only became acceptable, they became part of a career path.
Culturally, it's become acceptable to use the word «addiction» loosely.
In Italy, he is known as Super Mario, a moniker he earned in the 1990s when, as the Italian economy neared the brink, he became the acceptable public face of his country to foreign investors.
In the 1990s, Mr. Draghi earned the nickname Super Mario when, as the Italian economy neared the brink, he became the acceptable public face of his country to foreign investors.
All deficits became acceptable to the new Liberal government, not just those resulting from infrastructure investment.
Why do you think, in the last 15 years, it's kind of become acceptable for a generation that was raised to «just believe» to start openly embracing doubt as part of their faith journey?
Braun believed that many of those who attended church did so out of the belief that faithful churchmanship helped them to become acceptable people.
It provides a base for new coalitions between Roman Catholics and Protestants (witness the ecumenical character of its adherents), liberals and conservatives (witness the continuing concerns of the World Council of Churches and the evangelicals» Chicago Declaration), «majorities» and «minorities» (witness the numerous theological works written from black, feminist, Latin American and Anglo perspectives), and therefore can become an acceptable, sound theological foundation for church education.
It became acceptable for pagans who were not Noahides.
Unlike what's been told... you do not become acceptable by your good works... only by believing.
From church charities to foreign aid, assistance programs became acceptable only when the self - interest on all sides was clear.
At what point in america did this become acceptable?
What once would have seemed like an alien Eastern invasion of Christian musical space — a mystical form of biblical literalism transposed into mesmerizing vibrations — has become an acceptable form of meditation in the Evangelical community.
And the religious life ought not to be held up as intrinsically «better» than any other calling — a view which became acceptable to the Catholic Church only in the present century.
And recently it has become acceptable with foodies across the globe to add it to anything!
People like you are the main reason it has become acceptable to pay the highest prices in the country to watch a mediocre team struggle to achieve 4th place every season, line Wenger and the boards pockets.
The opportunity came along when West, sensing that «futility had crept into the franchise and losing had become acceptable,» called Brown at his home in Atlanta.
How many goals would he need to score before his limitations in a tight team formation became acceptable?
Has mediocrity become the acceptable new norm?
It has become acceptable to judge some choices (such as smoking) as always being bad, however, choices such as, «I just don't want to breastfeed because I don't want to be that tied down to my baby» are sometimes «hand - off» choices which nobody is allowed to judge for some reason as being inferior choices.
«When did that become acceptable
Sawyer has, in recent years, become acceptable as a name for your baby girl as celebrities like Sara Gilbert set the trend.
«Paying as little tax as possible, regardless of the social consequences, has for many become an acceptable way of doing business,» said Dr David McNair, Christian Aid's senior economic justice adviser.
It's quite open - ended: A lot is said about the national deficit, but in recent years personal debt has also become an acceptable and even expected way of life.
Gamers, such as China, Russia, Bahrain, Pakistan and others, have become acceptable members of the global community in spite of their extending charge sheets.
No one could possibly count the number of personal stories which became acceptable news fodder because of John Major's «Back to Basics» relaunch following Black Wednesday.
He told Samson Lardy Anyenini on Joy FM / Multi TV's news analysis Newsfile Saturday, there are times when some things that are considered grievous and injurious could become acceptable in a society.
It can not become acceptable
That association of music and causes became acceptable to everyone — to media and musicians, to politicians.
Once signed by Mr. Bellone, activities promoting agricultural tourism including U-pick operations, harvestable crop mazes and hayrides would become acceptable, as well as the addition of larger farm stands, permeable parking areas, and processing facilities that create locally crafted goods such as wine or potato chips.
Our Nation needs to RAISE ITS STANDARDS, not allow lowered standards to become the acceptable norm.
It is hard to know exactly when it became acceptable for U.S. politicians to be antiscience.
He asserts that before the 1700s, Westerners saw truth as coming from God and king, and that only after then did «the idea that humans were individuals with the freedom of rational choice» start to become acceptable.
The range before refueling has become acceptable, as well, after manufacturers switched to high - pressure 700 - bar tanks.
I feel that it has somehow become acceptable for people to put people and things down that they either don't agree with or don't care for.
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