Sentences with phrase «becomes apparent»

But when we study the wider picture, its significance becomes apparent.
In the process of reception it becomes apparent whether or not the teaching was representative.
The bad faith that can infect holders of this position becomes apparent when feminist cries of «femicide» and «previctimization» over the selective destruction of female embryos curiously lapse into silence at the random destruction of embryos (abortion on demand) or at multiple abortions (abortion as a contraceptive).
Franklin Graham appears to be such a person, as it becomes apparent that his world consists of objects that are only black or white.
The main problem with the term «spiritual body» becomes apparent in Luke 24.
During the exchange which included «vulgar words of language,» it becomes apparent that both men are entertaining the idea of drawing down on the other.
Marvel at life and how our bodies work, when time began (infinite), where space ends (infinite) and before long it becomes apparent that for all that our rationale minds want to impose structure, order and a conviction that we have it all together, we understand surprisingly little.
When it becomes apparent that slavery is transgression of the divine commandment, then the Church repents of it, turns its back upon it, abolishes it within itself.
Yet a change of emphasis becomes apparent in the twentieth century.
After the recent senseless disaster, It would be gracious of patriots to lock away the recreational semi autos and long clips until actual threat of invasion from Mexico or Canada becomes apparent.
Ultimately, the absence of the emperor's clothes becomes apparent, but, contrary to the fable, those vested in the illusion seldom consider the dis - illusion an opportunity to laugh at themselves.
This becomes apparent when one scans the interrelated course of New Testament research and systematic thought in this century.
It soon becomes apparent that this response to God's saving activity is, in part, not only the means of achieving the goal of Nicodemus and other humans.
When group activity is analyzed carefully, however, it becomes apparent that some groups have achieved far greater facility in communicating in a fundamental way than others, and that, indeed, some of the groups seldom reach a point where interaction is on a meaningful level.
Niebuhr writes that through the image given in revelation «a pattern of dramatic unity becomes apparent with the aid of which the heart can understand what has happened, is happening and will happen to selves and their community» (80).
As a result of the above, the necessity of the doctrine of the free grace of God becomes apparent (not only from the above logic, but from Scripture itself).
It becomes apparent that many of the details in the synoptic accounts are paralleled in the Hellenistic literature; that Christian writers did use Hellenistic models can be seen quite clearly in the apocryphal Acts of Peter, where the author improves on a version of a story similar to that told by Philostratus.
This point is not made in the parable by direct reference to the forgiveness of sins, but rather becomes apparent only when the parable is set in its context in the ministry of Jesus.
Given the theological and church issues that could have divided any one of the early Christian congregations, the importance of the Lord's Prayer as a guide to all aspects of daily life becomes apparent.
In the light of this wider purpose it becomes apparent that the liturgical reforms envisioned by Sacrosanctum Concilium, however well or badly they may have been implemented, were motivated by a desire to make the prayer life of the Church more accessible.
And here the continuity between Sacrosanctum Concilium and the introduction of the new translation becomes apparent.
And it becomes apparent that these young adults need opportunities for communion: to share their stories in supportive communities, to name and to share their suffering, and to receive healing.
It becomes apparent that there was no clear division of organic functions.
When one considers the technological pressures toward world and regional organization which have been sketched above, the force of the remarks by Aldous Huxley on the politics of ecology becomes apparent:
When one carefully distinguishes between the subjectivist bias and the subjectivist principle, it becomes apparent that the subjectivist bias is, in and of itself, in no way the cause of modem philosophical difficulties.
If we accept the second of these two, it becomes apparent that what is revealed in Jesus Christ is the meaning of history because in that fellowship we find this kind of interchange brought to such a high level of dominance over counterprocesses that it has stood before all subsequent Western history as the revelation of this way of life.
The enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent becomes apparent in the ongoing struggle between the devil and the human race.
It also becomes apparent how far - reaching the effects are of an understanding that politics are the new name for civilization, since, if we regard it as an essential task to preserve nature as a pre-condition for a rational future, then civilization will justify both its original name and its claim to be able to overcome barbarism.
One thing's for sure: if this is indeed an unreleased Beatles song, the reason they didn't release it becomes apparent almost immediately...
They consistently paint themselves into an ideological corner, and then act surprised and confused when it becomes apparent that (once again) their guy doesn't stand a chance of winning.
From the point of view which we have been developing it becomes apparent that the citizens of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. need each other in order to play out their despair; they need to have a scapegoat against which to battle in order to fortify their precarious sphere of existence.
For it then becomes apparent that this accumulation of features, bewildering at close quarters, does in fact outline a face: the face of Mankind gradually acquiring the knowledge of its birth, its history, its natural environment, its external powers and the secrets of its soul.
The relation between personal autonomy and the being of the world as a whole becomes apparent to most people as they recognize it in the lives of certain other people.
Perhaps, Eliade's political affiliation too here becomes apparent.
Still thinking of discipline in terms of child care, it becomes apparent, however, that the best prevention is education whenever it can be achieved that is, that the child who can learn to anticipate consequences for himself is in a much better position to avoid harmful misconduct than the child who relies wholly on external admonitions.
Indeed, if the teachings of the churches are properly understood, it becomes apparent that the good found in these relations in fact derives from what Christians have to say about the goods of the sexual division, the goods of sex, and the goods of marriage itself.
The potential impact of this shift on churches becomes apparent when one realizes that the average local government receives 64 per cent of its general revenue from property taxes and that churches own a vast amount of untaxed property.
It is precisely on issues of this sort that the limits of historical reasoning become obvious and the need for more sophisticated philosophical and theological categories becomes apparent.
A really good restaurant can function for a month with no chef before his absence becomes apparent to the clientele.
In reading Elizabeth M. Kraus's The Metaphysics of Experience, A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality, I was particularly disappointed by her concluding chapter on «God and the World,» for there it becomes apparent that she has been reading Whitehead's remarks on theological topics through the jaundiced eyes of Boethius, St. Thomas Aquinas, and classical theology.
Yet in the next moment its deception becomes apparent and, eternally understood, calls for repentance.
Such a shift occurs when it becomes apparent that the old paradigm is no longer adequate to solve problems raised or new information or experience no longer fits the old paradigms.
For it is only when it is plainly seen that the great purpose is the building of the universal Kingdom of God, and that the object of human living is the development of the human spirit, that the irrelevance of such things as material success becomes apparent.
The reason why this can be so valuable becomes apparent when one recognizes that many of the mistakes and lack of effectiveness in counseling are due, not to a lack of intellectual understanding of techniques, but to problems of interpersonal relationship.
It becomes apparent that to define prayer is no simple matter.
Unfortunately, having done so on more than a few occasions, it becomes apparent that it only serves as more» fuel» for the atheists fire.
At precisely this point it becomes apparent that praising God is a discipline, a formative factor in the shape of our lives.
This becomes apparent when we read the chapter by starting with its run - up in chapter 12.
True justice can not be imposed from above; it is achieved only when the fairness of the judgment finally becomes apparent to all.
This tactic eventually becomes apparent and hence powerless when enough followers share their stories.
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