Sentences with phrase «becomes even»

Charity understood as relief of a particular need until new social systems can eliminate that need altogether becomes even more crucial when envisioned radical change of social arrangements is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future, let alone in the lifetime of those who care and are cared for.
When you are extracted from a religious community for a while (your decision or theirs) and this game is no longer sustained by the crowd dynamic, the gimmick becomes even more obvious.
Now it is coming in, however, and as it comes, the presence is not what John imagined, and it becomes even more difficult to identify as it draws closer.
If what he was doing was trying to rip off the guy's costume, not beat on him, it becomes even more understandable.»
If you consider health impacts that don't include death, then pregnancy becomes even more devastating to women's health.
The evil of economism becomes even more apparent when we view environmental concerns and poverty together.
An uninformed minister is threatened by such people and often becomes even more resistant to liturgical change.
When a soul doesn't feel like too much — it becomes even more beautiful.
This dilemma about truth becomes even more convoluted when we begin to discuss history, poetry, and literature.
So it becomes even more confusing to think that He was with you and did nothing to stop the abuse and nothing to soothe the heart in the aftermath.
The story becomes even more tragic, though, when the trail of evidence leads him to Dave Boyle, a boyhood friend who was molested as a child and has been acting strangely ever since the recent murder.
The result, however, may well be that Iran becomes even more dangerous.
This becomes even more critical as we hit periods of increased media coverage (and speculation), like we're seeing now.
With crashing Chinese and US stock markets, and with crashing Asian RE markets one the way soon (especially in SE Asia), the necessity to own REAL money over FIAT currencies becomes even stronger.
Hacking away at your debt as quickly as possible — before it becomes an even heavier weight on your shoulders.
This means there's still time to lock in a lower mortgage rate or double - down on paying off debt before it becomes even more expensive.
But as content promotion and distribution matures and becomes even more commonplace, these data points should begin to publically surface.
The same observations can be made for developed Non-US equities, and the valuation case becomes even more compelling when looking at Emerging Markets.
This becomes an even bigger problem when a key member of the staff leaves and takes all their hoarded information with them.
Hence, it becomes even more important that we stick to the regulated and legit operators like IQ Option for our binary trading journey.
With the prominence of the social age now an important development for all businesses, a multi-disciplinary approach becomes even more crucial.
Over time, that additional hurdle becomes even more challenging as compounded returns pile up on top of each other.
That picture becomes even starker in emerging economies, where the capital competition that would arise in the US would hugely undermine growth.
«And when that stage comes, this ride share business becomes even more important.»
As decreasing costs for both devices and data make smartphones more accessible to a larger percentage of the population, a digital stored value solution becomes even more feasible.
This becomes even better with all the bonuses that this broker provides.
Once you work for yourself, the adage «time is money» becomes even more appropriate.
This was a great blog, which becomes even more relevant with time.
Where the story of cryptocurrencies becomes even more interesting and complex, however, is how cryptocurrencies are treated and recognized around the world.
It becomes even more expensive when you are going outside the box and go with new technology (electric / autonomous).
By providing a range of services in one place, the company becomes even more indispensable in people's lives.
If the loopwhole is lost, Bob becomes even more upset as his tax bill would increase 80 per cent (35/44).
Zooming out to analyze the longer - term monthly chart of $ KOL, the technical pattern becomes even more clear.
Instead, it is in the control of a higher power that cruelly takes the lives of tens of thousands of Americans every year — and this ideology becomes even more absurd when you consider that we are supposed to have a separation of church and state.
Since they can't be distributed by traditional means, it becomes even more imperative that your release be inherently shareable, tweetable and likeable on social channels.
Each sale will raise the bar, and if you have a CEO who sells it becomes even more fun.
The existential crisis facing the legacy food giants becomes even more pronounced when you consider a company like Hain Celestial — which, with its $ 2.2 billion in sales last year, is clearly on the path to Big itself.
The valuation problem becomes even thornier when it comes to services like advertising or home - staging, which are fundamentally qualitative in nature and are often tailored to a client's specific needs.
And, as big data becomes an even bigger business, data storage companies like Switch are at the forefront of this evolution.
Moreover, working more than 55 hours every week becomes even more counterproductive as productivity drops much lower.
This discount (cash adjusted) becomes even more compelling given our confidence that Apple will grow earnings per share at a rate well in excess of the S&P 500 for the foreseeable future.
And that risk becomes even greater when traveling.
Greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation industry currently total about as much as those of Germany, not a small amount, and experts say that sum will grow as the world becomes even more mobile.
It becomes even more important then that the sleep you do get is high quality.
As technology becomes even more important in the medical field, McKesson (MCK) hopes to be even more in the mix.
Add the high profile of the Olympics atop that and the threat becomes even more real — for visitors, organizers and sponsors, say security experts.
This cocktail becomes even more confusing when you mix in some extra ingredients by using hormonal birth control.
This becomes even more of a problem when you consider the fact that even traffic lights are connected to sensors in smart cities.
And if we try looking at individual companies, at a particular moment in time, the question of alignment becomes even more difficult.
t's enough of a computer that I've adopted it as my main machine in many ways, and when paired with an Apple pencil it becomes even more powerful.
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