Sentences with phrase «becoming archaic»

However, «references available upon request» is rapidly becoming an archaic term, and has made many «top ten resume mistakes» lists.
With ebooks quickly becoming the dominant publishing format, things such as printing, warehousing, and shipping and distribution are becoming archaic distractions that bog down any forward - thinking progress for legacy publishers.
The days of logging mileage in excess of 20 + a week are rapidly becoming archaic.
The consumer watchdog says that Ronald has become archaic.
GCUC founder, Liz Elam, talks about shaping the coworking industry and predicts what's to come for it and why the term «office» will become archaic.
The best of our forest was cut down for furniture that soon became archaic and was replaced by cutting down more forests.
Even the language that the Christian once employed in speaking of Christ has become archaic and empty, and we could search in vain for a traditional Christian language and symbolism in contemporary art and thinking.
Even when these translations have been good, and quite intelligible to the people of the period of the translators, with the passage of time these versions have become archaic in language to later generations.
When the English translators of the King James version of the Bible encountered the Hebrew words hupakouo / hupakoe and shema / lishmoa they discovered that there wasn't an exact English equivalent, so they chose the word hearken in their translations which subsequently became an archaic term and was later changed to obey.24 So, what exactly do the original words in the Bible mean?
The Republicans and Democrats created these problems, and have become archaic and out of touch.
It has become an archaic concept to go outside and meet people to see if you have a connection with them.
So, it's a given that existing training programs become archaic and are superseded by the need for new ones.
The orchestration of pure color harmonics as the basis for structuring advanced picture making became archaic and relegated to history as an abberational discovery of the Impressionists.

Not exact matches

Most businesses have become more flexible on hours, and 9 - to - 5 work days are an archaic concept to many entrepreneurs.
For archaic man the only reality is the sacred reality of which he becomes a part through myth and ritual.
But for one possessed of a static outlook, it becomes a contradiction to say that an archaic movement is really a forward or eschatological one.
So maybe if we want to communicate the message of Jesus we have to get away from archaic terms like gospel which have become traditional» buzz words «or theological jargon devoid of precise meaning and make anew the original intent which was about an announcement of the coming of God's Kingdom and all that that implies.
And the best way to do that is to become radically archaic with Eliade.
He ate the apple and he became divine; what, in the biblical perspective, was the original seduction was also the most archaic experience of «consciousness - expansion.»
In archaic societies, by which I mean typically the great Bronze Age monarchies of the old world in the second millennium BC., political power has become highly developed and centralized.
In doing so, Macmillan pays specific attention to the role of concepts such as honour and masculinity and the overarching interaction between these archaic codes of behaviour and the social changes occurring at that time: «As Europe went through its rapid social changes in the last part of the nineteenth century, honour became both an attribute that the old landowning classes could cling to with increasing determination as something that distinguished them from the newly prosperous middle classes and, for the socially ambitious, a mark of a higher and better social status.»
If solar rooftop arrays became as ubiquitous in home design as chimneys, the U.S. grid could indeed cease to exist — an end to power lines, electrical substations and transformers atop equally archaic wooden utility poles.
Rather, they write in a paper published online in the Journal of Anatomy, it appears the chin's emergence in modern humans arose from simple geometry: As our faces became smaller in our evolution from archaic humans to today — in fact, our faces are roughly 15 percent shorter than Neanderthals» — the chin became a bony prominence, the adapted, pointy emblem at the bottom of our face.
As the wife of a white man, thrown in jail while pregnant, a mother of small children, who becomes the driving force behind changing archaic laws that forbid a white man bedding down with a black woman, Negga virtually disappears into the character.
As a result, Caleb and Nathan become the antagonists as symbols of an archaic patriarchal mindset.
Each of the chapter lessons identifies SOME of the archaic vocabulary and provides the definitions - though this tails off towards the end as there is an assumption that the students become more confident in defining these archaic terms.
Those radio show producers, certainly, are becoming relics, and they do sound strangely archaic trying to convince authors to find landlines to use.
Instantly it becomes clear that Armikrog gets confused in its attempt at a modern take on the point - and - click adventure and ends up with just plain archaic game design.
It rises above the ideas of what is and isn't challenging and becomes something more than an archaic rubric of difficulty.
The more I read, the more depressed I became about the gender gap in that industry and how archaic the whole situation is.
His legal complaint has become the subject of a fair amount of conversation for its odd language («archaic System»,) odd quotation of Hamlet, and oddly redundant adjectives («naked, unadorned.»)
Warhol's dollar signs become irrelevant when confronted with an astonishing, smiling Archaic bust and arms of a korē from the 6th century BC.
We used this archaic mode of communication as a tool to counter the high speed communication to which we've become accustomed during every second of our waking (and sometimes sleeping) lives.
In them we see him becoming more direct about his love for the archaic and sinuous forms.
He became famous for his» attacks» with oil paint on archaic and digital landscapes, mutating self - portraits, or on interiors.
PRESS RELEASE: As photography's designation as a medium of pure documentation becomes slowly archaic through the fissures of the Photoshop era, the possibilities of photographic cross-pollination with collage, sculpture, and installation are increasingly eminent.
As photography's designation as a medium of pure documentation becomes slowly archaic through the fissures of the Photoshop era, the possibilities of photographic cross-pollination with collage, sculpture, and installation are increasingly eminent.
Even when the specificity of their imagery seems to indicate a particular authorial stance, the pictures become stranger the longer one looks at them, undoing preconceptions and cultivating an archaic, quasi-magical state of mind in which representations are perceived to be as alive, unruly, and unpredictable as the things they represent.
Getting rid of the environment — as utility — therefore becomes the project of getting rid of the felt needing which constantly betrays the (archaic, orgiastic) fantasy of who we are.
To the contrary, I think a well - executed online network could — and someday will — become a viable alternative to the traditional bar association, which many see as archaic and irrelevant.
The only thing I feel Google now needs to do is overhaul the archaic design which, even after the Material Design refresh, didn't quite become the looker I was expecting it to be.
That may be necessary in archaic survival situations, when even cannibalism became a viable option, but it is not a reasonable option in achieving a healthy and fertile family.
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