Sentences with phrase «becoming as thinkers»

PAG 2 is addressing the question of who our students are becoming as thinkers and learners.

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So as the idea developed, about 6 months after doing this kind of exploration where we'd meet continually with a whole bunch of different people, industry thinkers and stuff, it became clear that we could actually start a company around this and we could build the world's first social magazine.
Over the course of 22 years in my role as business owner, at times I have had to become production manager, customer service representative, salesperson, sales manager, marketing manager, strategic thinker and assume other responsibilities too numerous to list here.
I like to tell high schoolers I meet that if you're interested in big ideas and becoming a better thinker and communicator, you should skip college and attend as many FEE events as you possibly can.
Libertarian - leaning Ron Paul may idolize thinker Ayn Rand (even naming his son after her) but he is rejecting her atheistic worldview as he hopes to become the GOP's standard - bearer.
Children can absolutely become indoctrinated and it is our job as parents to help them become thinkers and not just believers.
The religious aspects of the Jesuit missions were inimical to Enlightenment philosophes, but the story of the reducciones nevertheless helped thinkers such as Montesquieu to articulate new ideals as, in Imbruglia's words, «the creation of a utopian society became the mission of European civilisation.»
He writes explicitly: «I shall assume that the process thinkers are right in holding that an adequate metaphysics of time must recognize dynamic becoming in nature as well as in human consciousness.
After Our Likeness becomes more enigmatic when one recalls how carefully Volf has considered the historical studies of scholars such as Yves Congar, the theological insights of Reinhold Niebuhr and the ecclesial analyses of feminist and liberation thinkers.
Both thinkers feel that one misconceives the nature of the entire universe as long as he fails to understand that becoming, dynamic, changing categories are more fundamental than being, static, and permanent categories.
Some Jewish thinkers became so Hellenised that they came to regard the heavenly bliss of a spiritual soul as a much more worthy expression of human destiny than the thought of an endless life in a material body.
Recognition of the need for an interpenetrative societal view of the world, perhaps more than any specific philosophical requirement, has led process - thinkers to place their emphasis upon «becoming», as a dynamic movement of development in relationship, rather than upon «being»; here, they insist, is the best «model» for our understanding of God.
If culture is the way people think and feel and behave as a people, and if spirituality is the way we live out the life and teachings of Jesus in this particular culture at this particular time, then the questions for thinkers, writers, theologians, and religious professionals must become: What cultural realities are challenging the Gospel now?
Late - twentieth - century thinkers are rediscovering many things Augustine knew» that knowing begins with the self as a basic datum; that the knower tends to become what he or she knows; and that knowers «must be roused and shaken up from time to time if [they are] to pay real attention once again.»
Indeed, their full meaning is likely to become more apparent in the future than at the time of the book's first appearance, as thinkers from other world traditions engage its arguments.
In other words, too much of natural law theory, especially that derived from those thinkers from Grotius on who transposed natural law into natural rights (which after the French Revolution usually became known as «human rights»), relies on a concept of nature that is not natural.
But it has also promoted a distraction of mind in the reader, so that, perhaps precisely from respect and admiration for China and Persia, the thinkers of the middle ages, the four universal monarchies (a discovery which, as it did not escape Geert Westphaler, has also set many a Hegelian Geert Westphaler's tongue wagging), he may have forgotten to inquire whether it now really did become evident at the end, at the close of this journey of enchantment, as was repeatedly promised in the beginning, and what was of course the principal issue, for the want of which not all the glories of the world could compensate, what alone could be a sufficient reward for the unnatural tension in which one had been held — that the method was valid.
This thinker, whose name I shall not disclose, said that he was becoming more and more convinced that there was «something in the older metaphysical — he called them «ontological» — claims; at the moment he was much concerned, he said, to find a way of giving more than linguistic status to such propositions as «personal God», for it appeared to him that these statements somehow pointed to a truth about the universe, about the nature of things, that must be reckoned with in any honest description of the «way things are».
I shall assume that the process thinkers are right in holding that an adequate metaphysics of time must recognize dynamic becoming in nature as well as in human consciousness.
The purpose of courses in theology and ethics, then, would not be to explore ethical «positions» or «systems» of theological thought as such but rather to «help students to become practical Christian thinkers» (106).
Supernatural intervention was much less a problem for ancient thinkers than it has become for us, with our conception of the orderly processes of nature; for the race, as for the individual, «heaven lies about us in our infancy.»
Now that Ole Diz is being heard from coast to coast however (Game of the Week on 190 CBS television stations), it becomes mandatory, both as a journalistic duty and an act of simple kindness, to offer a few keys to the Dean mind — which, like those of Einstein, Freud and other original thinkers, is more easily admired than really fathomed.
As your toddler becomes more of a free - thinker, you'll both be learning how to cope with new life experiences.
Perhaps, as the union leaders become even more gung - ho, the Labour Party will never come back to election - winning strength, say Conservative thinkers.
As a result, I became an independent thinker.
Other authorities argue just the opposite: As the brain shrank, its wiring became more efficient, transforming us into quicker, more agile thinkers.
I see podcasting, blogging, wikis, and Moodle becoming better established as parts of many school landscapes, but this list is a collection of edgy folks» hopes and dreams, the great ideas of creative thinkers who imagine that the tool they have designed just might change the way folks work, play, communicate, and so on.
They become incremental thinkers who, as Costa and Kallick put it in Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind, are «more likely to apply self - regulatory, metacognitive skills when they encounter task difficulties.»
Intentional teaching as part of the EYLF promotes many strategies to lay good foundations in numeracy but what we can't overlook is everyday problem solving abilities that assist children to become creative independent thinkers.
The school uses core principles of game design as a framework to help students become lifelong learners and design thinkers.
When students are exposed to arts - integrated teaching, Wolf Trap has found that learning improves across subject areas, including reading, math, and science, as they become better critical thinkers and problem solvers.
The driving force of the programme is the involvement of youth as a major segment of the community, taking cultural dimensions into account, encouraging them to become thinkers and actors of development.
When early elementary teachers integrate music and theater, student learning improves in reading, math, and science as they become better critical thinkers and problem solvers.
In the process, they applied their skills as effective communicators and critical thinkers to become change agents.
This again puts the focus on curriculum, as it requires us to rethink how we teach computers in a way that supports students becoming strong computational thinkers and doers in service of being mathematicians, readers, writers, scientists, thinkers and learners.
As Christine says at the start of the documentary of her project, «We assign kids things because we want them to get through the curriculum, but what we really want is for them to become innovative thinkers
Being given the room to explore, experiment, and express oneself is vital to becoming a creative thinker — and to the learning process as a whole — says Resnick, author of Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play.
The mission of the Park City School district, in partnership with the home and community, is to provide varied educational opportunities in a safe environment that encourages and supports each student to become an active learner and critical thinker who strives to achieve his or her highest potential as an ethical and responsible citizen in a global environment.
Tech Boston Academy, Boston This project will allow a team of 6th and 7th grade humanities teachers to research, plan, and implement a Sustained Silent Reading program in order to support students as they become life - long and enthusiastic learners, readers and thinkers.
As educators, we are focused on helping students acquire core knowledge that prepares them to become skillful thinkers, pass tests, and complete entry - level college courses.
As independent school students strive to become better students, thinkers, and community members, they might feel overwhelmed by high - demand coursework, peer pressure, and the need to succeed.
See if his 10 highlights sound like something that might help you provide a wonderful opportunity for your students to grow as creative and critical thinkersbecoming makers of amazing products and (best of all) passionate lifelong learners.
Interactive and hands - on activities play an especially important role during this exciting time of growth and development as students learn to become critical thinkers and strong readers.
Being a creative thinker, my next question became, «How can I leverage those valuable testimonials as reader reviews on Amazon?»
To address the wide range of decisions you face as a pet store owner or manager, it's important to become a whole - brained thinker.
It has since become an iconic document chronicling cultural movements of the 1950's and 1960's, and the voices of the Beat generation's most innovative and influential thinkers such as Antonin Artaud, Charles Brittin, Charles Bukowski, William S. Burroughs, Jean Cocteau, Allen Ginsberg, Walter Hopps, Larry Jordan, Michael McClure, and John Wieners.
But Stezaker was a student too at a time when a wholesale critique of the pop - cultural image was being launched by such thinkers as Guy Debord; the Situtationists» scurrilous repurposing of media imagery became an exemplary strategy for him, alongside his abiding, and then unfashionable, interest in surrealism.
Just as we come from across national, cultural, material and conceptual boundaries our student body includes recent graduates, mid-career artists, writers, teachers and thinkers who come to Transart Institute to expand their points of view and invigorate their practice by participating in intensive immersive residencies including workshops and seminars, presentation and critique, peer dialogue and debate and becoming part of an international artistic research community.
As a CalArts professor and darling of the Angeleno museum circuit, Charles Gaines — known for his incisive photographs, sculptures, videos, and drawings that tackle the relationships between aesthetics and identity politics — has become one of L.A.'s leading conceptual - art thinkers.
9 THOMAS HIRSCHHORN, GRAMSCI MONUMENT (FOREST HOUSES, NEW YORK) It was fitting that the fourth and final work in Hirschhorn's series of discursive «monuments» — this one devoted to the life and thought of the Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, famous for theorizing the concept of cultural hegemony — was installed just as inequality in New York was becoming a central topic in debates among the city's mayoral candidates.
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