Sentences with phrase «becoming different cells»

\ n3) There are «pluripotent» stem cells which are created from skin cells and offer the potential for becoming different cells similar to the hypothetical benefits of embryonic stem cells, but they do NOT involve any moral controversy.
«Growing stem cells on synthetic surfaces with different levels of compliance showed that stem cells would become a different cell type depending solely on the mechanical environment they perceive.
However, in a few cases it has been shown that a fully differentiated cell can actually become a different cell type; this process is called transdifferentiation (Graf and Enver, 2009).

Not exact matches

If human brains are like body's cells, there is a natural point of specialization, in which new systems break away and form similar but slightly different branches, as cells in a body become fingers, feet, hands, etc..
Cells in the body take account of their environment and become different as a result.
These cells, which can become several different types of blood cells, are similar to the specialized stem cells found in bone marrow that can churn out new blood cells.
Using a mouse model, the team also demonstrated that two processes during neurodevelopment are regulated by the gene: proliferation — the replication of neuronal stem cells that have the potential to become multiple different kinds of cells, including neurons — and migration — the movement of neurons to specific locations in the brain during development.
The results, which focus on two choices near the start of embryo formation, show that, when cells are making decisions about what to become, there is greater variation in the activity of the genes in different cells — the same genes may be turned on in some cells and off in others.
This process of making similar cells become different is called symmetry breaking.
Cells become different as a result of a long sequence of biochemical choices made before we're born.
Stem cells are capable of becoming many different tissue types, including neurons.
If the contact allergen remains a long time — as was the case with the patient's implant — different inflammatory cells and molecules become active at the site of the reaction.
Dolmetsch exposes these stem cells to a variety of different growth factors that mimic those that induce stem cells to become neurons during normal development.
Adult stem cells: They have less flexibility and «stemness» to change into different cell types, but they can still produce new cells, specialized to become part of a particular organ or tissue, such as muscle cells or neural cells.
To create different cell types in the lab, stem cells must be coaxed down the road of determination — the branching paths that fetal cells normally travel to become neurons, skin cells, muscle cells, or any number of other cell types.
Depending on the concentration of cannabinoids and the activity of two different receptors, the islets became larger or smaller, while the alpha cells, usually located outside the islets, were able to migrate inside,» explains Dr. Katarzyna Malenczyk fom the Nencki Institute, the first author of the publication.
As the animal moves, different subpopulations of these cells become active depending on distance and direction, creating an internal map of its trajectory.
Many different compartments within the bacterial cells or between the cell membrane and the bacteria's cell wall also became apparent.
By exposing the cells to different chemical cocktails, the team encouraged some of them to become brain organoids and others to become blood vessel cells.
Sheltzer's team proposes that these cells rapidly evolved to acquire different mutations that would confer a survival benefit — perhaps enabling them to grow in new environments, just as cancer cells that become metastatic evolve so as to be able to detach from their tissue of origin and grow at different sites in the body.
«The organization of cell colonies and phenotypic switching between different types of colonies becomes a lot more flexible and rapid with reversible aneuploidy than if it depended on random mutations in the genes,» Skupin says.
Some scientists believe the ability to grow different cell types started animals on the evolutionary road to becoming humans.
«But then when we do the experiment again and start changing protein levels, the ratio of these cells becomes very different
These findings will open up new ways to improve the efficiency of cell reprogramming and to drive stem cells to become different types of specialised cell.
The central question is how, in the human organism for example, 100 000 genes have been orchestrated to yield about 250 different cell types, which then become assembled as the human body.
For instance, the trials underway in China and Australia use neural progenitor cells that can grow to become a variety of different cell types.
Additionally, ERCs were reported to be able to differentiate into, or become, cells from the three different germ layers (see the previous post on MSCs for more details): mesoderm (muscle, bone, fat, cartilage, and endothelial cells), ectoderm (neurons), and endoderm (liver, pancreas, and lung cells)(Meng et al., 2007; Patel et al., 2008).
Each of these progenitor cells follow a different pathway to become extremely specific blood cells.
Kathy Niakan and colleagues are providing new understanding of the genes responsible for a crucial change when groups of cells in the very early embryo first become organised and set on different paths of development.
He accomplished that with the help of a virus different from the retroviruses used initially: an adenovirus that brings the genes into a cell's nuclear area but doesn't become part of the cell's DNA; it disappears after it expresses the reprogramming genes.
The progenitor cells that those skin cells become are able to turn into all of the different cells the newt needs to create a leg.
«Using different regulators, scientists have been able to induce a subset of myocardial characteristics in various experimental models, but never the complete beating phenotype, so there is something special about gata5 that can take a cell that's not supposed to become a heart cell to actually become one,» said Stainier.
Transcription factors are expressed (or made) at different levels in different cell types, and control what genes are expressed in every cell, making sure, for example, that a liver cell remains a liver cell and does not become a neuron.
Beverly Emerson studies how different genes are turned on and off through the course of a cancer — from the time cells become precancerous until the time they develop into a mature cancer and spread to new organs.
«Learning more about how different genes cause cells to become and remain pluripotent will help us to produce and use stem cells more reliably.»
«These are interesting results proving it is theoretically possible to «regress» cells back to an earlier stage in development when they are self - perpetuating and still have the potential to be directed to become a whole range of different cell types, whether nerve cells, heart muscle or bone.
(Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are much more limited in their potential; they can usually only become a few different cell types, and consequently are not applicable for treating as wide a variety of diseases as hESCs are.)
But if, as this study suggests, the way that cells become proliferative again is similar across many different organs, we can imagine therapies that interfere with cancer initiation in a more global way, regardless of where that cancer may appear in the body,» he explains.
When a stem cell divides, it has the potential to either remain as a stem cell (process known as «self - renewal») or to become a different type of cell with a more specialized function («differentiation»).
The researchers were able to «reprogram» adult skin cells to become cells of a different tissue type.
MSCs hold great potential for the field of regenerative medicine, as they can become many different types of cells (they're «multipotent»), most typically bone, cartilage, and fat cells.
Immunohistochemical demonstration of Cyclin D1 have become an important mean for assessing cell proliferation, therefore the immunohistological demonstration of cell cycle related antigens such as CDKs which regulated by the different cyclins could provide a good tool for assessment of cellular proliferation [11].
Willet, Mills, and their colleagues believe the discovery that cells in different organs go through the same process to become proliferative could lead to new potential targets for cancer treatment because the factors that initiate tumours could be the same in multiple organs.
«Although we first became aware of prions because they cause several bizarre neurological diseases, the discovery that something so awesomely similar happens in organisms as different as humans and yeast makes us suspect that there is a fundamental, common biochemical process at work here,» said study director Susan Lindquist, PhD, professor of molecular genetics and cell biology and an investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago.
«Bringing together this team, to do this kind of work means we will be better able to understand how stem cells change as they grow and become different kinds of cells.
Researchers used a powerful X-ray microscope at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source (ALS) to capture images of nerve cell samples at different stages of maturity as they became more specialized in their function — this process is known as «differentiation.»
Different factors, including the free radicals that are a byproduct of oxygen metabolism, result in Top1ccs becoming trapped on DNA and accumulating in cells.
For example, the same cellular signals that guide early heart development can be used to direct stem cells to become the different heart cell types needed for modeling disease in a dish.
Although cancer stem cells have been identified in many different types of cancer, it is becoming increasingly clear that the properties of these cells may vary greatly among the different tumor types.
However, cancer cells often invade other tissues where the availability of certain nutrients is drastically different or grow so quickly that the blood supply, and the accessibility to oxygen and other nutrients that comes with it, becomes scarce.
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