Sentences with phrase «becoming more analytical»

I started thinking more clearly and became more analytical of my surroundings and beliefs.
You can become more analytical, improves analytical skills, becomes a more attentive reader, enhances your vocabulary, lets you understand how to use different words in a sentence to make it meaningful, and convey the ideas that you possess.

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The gaming company Zynga split its analytics team into two to become more proactive about analytics; while one team does the conventional reporting, the other «tests hypotheses and creates models using statistical and analytical methods.»
Some of the more recent scholars, including disciples of Bultmann such as Käesemann, became critical of that kind of approach, and showed that the analytical method alone would not suffice.
Perhaps our models of some of the most popular theories will be modified as new data becomes available and our analytical tools become more sensitive, but that hasn't stopped us from building computers, vehicles, and machinery of such diversity, spanning the realms of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, etc..
Fortunately, new analytical methods and more and more refined chemical tools become increasingly available and might well trigger a new era of discovery that will change our perception of biological membranes.
One of the great benefits of QS tools and online systems which aggregate data, such as Dan's Plan, is that sufficient data to support more accurate analytical methods may become available.
Instead of just relying on hope and becoming more and more desperate, adopt a positive analytical approach.
Through the study of painting, sculpture, and architecture, all students — particularly struggling readers and English - language learners — can become more insightful readers, effective communicators, and analytical thinkers.
This way of thinking may be a different, more analytical way to approach the complex act of teaching than we are used to, but it soon becomes a more nuanced and targeted way to plan and teach, and by increasing the teacher's expertise, real student learning results!
They've become more cold and analytical in focusing on the evils of the system.
They've become more cold and analytical in Continue reading
I have become a bit more analytical in determining which short sales I will take on.
In Slain Trances, a series of black and white photomontages, Ostoya's investigation becomes more associative than analytical.
This analytical report aims to discuss how the entire food sector, from the farmer's field to the consumer's plate, can become more «energy - smart».
This analytical report aims to help developing country national - level officials make decisions that support communities and economic sectors to become more climate resilient.
My understanding is that English dictionaries began by being prescriptive, and have more and more become simply descriptive, but never, to my knowledge, analytical.
In my view, the great change and improvement has been that the commentary, certainly more recently, has become incisive and analytical, rather than simply opposing.
And as our data sets become ever bigger, the analytical algorithms will become ever more sophisticated in revealing robust patterns.
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