Sentences with phrase «becoming more desired»

«This exam opens many medical assisting positions as it is becoming more desired by employers.»
As an example, if oil is high, $ KORN will rise as ethanol becomes more desired as an alternative source of fuel.
«Enzymes and other natural ingredients have become more desired by the pet owner, and natural ingredients have been made more effective,» says Joe Zuccarello, national accounts manager at Tropiclean.

Not exact matches

If you desire to become more persuasive, get in the habit of addressing the concerns of others.
Entrepreneurs have begun building their businesses around this desire for instant gratification, and as a result, consumers have become even more conditioned to expect real - time services that further feed this perceived need.
Also Time tracking has become important to get more output in the desired time.
And that, dear parents, is the point at which your work is done — when your children's success becomes much more a factor of their desire and work ethic than yours.
If you want someone to change a behavior (or become more inclined to taking a desired action), then you can «model» it with a story.
The more you illustrate the gap between your current situation and the desired position your customer needed to reach, the more interesting your journey towards success becomes.
If you desire to become a more productive, healthier, and happier individual, adopt these five powerful morning habits.
Emerson's offer stems from its desire to be a leader in all areas of automation and to present a stronger competitive offering to industrial companies as European giants such as Siemens, ABB Automation Group and Schneider Electric become more aggressive in the field.
The decline of BB is perhaps a more familiar story, but «Losing the Signal» enhances the drama with personal human stories: how the founders» genius and strengths ultimately became their downfall: the reliance on efficiency of network and battery use ignored the groundswell of desire for an always - with - me computer.
With nothing more than a small investment and a powerful desire to succeed, ATO can bring you into the lucrative tax preparer business today once you've decided to become a tax preparer.
«As states continue to legalize and Cannabis becomes more and more ingrained into American society, the desire for Cannabis - driven content is reaching an all - time high,» High Times» CEO Adam Levin told Benzinga.
Because we have become more effective at matching sellers with the kinds of investors desired by companies, the transactions we submit to companies now close more than 95 % of the time.
What started out as a shared desire to learn to code, quickly became Read more...
The decision to not release detailed documents could signal a desire for the government to shift away from the public quarterly budget updates, which are meaningless in terms of fiscal planning due to the province's dependence on fluctuating natural resource commodity prices and have become little more than public relations exercises for the government over the past two decades.
He envisions a future in which Boomers become strong advocates for medical marijuana because it «may be a less expensive and a more desired therapy for diseases» that are impacting them.
But the more time marches on, the more Humanae Vitae appears prophetic, for Paul VI voiced four concerns regarding artificial contraception that have largely become realities: a general lowering of moral standards; increased marital infidelity; the reduction of women to instruments for the fulfillment of male desire; and public authorities engaging in coercive population planning programs.
At our level we need to walk it and in doing so become more Christlike and desire it.
When we lose faith in the essential goodness of life and our own humanity, seeing that which we judge «evil» to be more prevalent than that which we judge to be «good», then we have lost faith in either the goodness or the power of God to sustain that goodness and our God has become too small or just another Baal, a false god of our own vain imaginings, a projection of our own finite limitations and disordered desires.
This concerns the very experience of love, attraction and erotic desire; that experience which is sadly more and more becoming the main criterion by which the act of sex is evaluated.
To those who've been paying attention for the past few decades, American Christianity has become more politicized and commercialized than Jesus would ever have desired.
Or when we see that the grateful man enjoys life in a way which is closed to others, we may desire to become more appreciative.
Lilith did speak out Gd's hidden name and was wisked away to God's presence and did become God's wife and goddess until even God could no more take her mindedness ways so God did punish her for desires to be above all men and even God, Lilith did bcome as a curse to all the families young children.
Let us call the two parties A and B. B's property or treasure, B's heritage, B's right, is adjacent, or appears to be adjacent or is declared to be adjacent — adjacency is a phenomenally flexible term, subject to interpretation according to what is deemed to he adjacent by the powerful covetor; B's thing which is B's by rights, by inheritance, becomes in its adjacency an object of passionate desire, an obsessive craving, on the part of a more powerful A.
Nevertheless, may be we have «come through»; perhaps the old wounds are no longer bleeding, we have become wiser and more modest in our desires, we expect less from ourselves and others, and our resignation is not too painful.
The counterculture of the sixties has become the common culture today, and Americans are united only by an insistence on «ever fewer restraints on the sovereign self» and an insatiable desire «for ever more material comforts and pleasures.»
When a more highly developed finite organism becomes conscious of mutually supportive aims and desires, then he more readily moves in their direction.
As I practiced this new desire, (surrender), I noticed the voice of the Lord became more frequent and clearer, (John 10:27).
The more America became the democratic society that the social gospelers so desired, the more difficult it became to do ethics in a theologically candid manner.
Generally, as news anchors and the news itself, more and more become the products of popular culture and consumers» desire to see the handsome and the beautiful, and the dramatic and alluring, television viewers will suffer more and more from inaccurate reporting, inane and nearly meaningless stories, outright stupidity, and a complete decline in journalistic integrity (of which this story on CNN is a part).
Frustration is not new to human nature; but as life becomes more complex and the means of satisfying material desires more numerous and alluring, frustration at failure to find the deeper satisfactions increases proportionately.
But this should not prevent us from adopting the approach of one of the companions of St Ignatius, and a contemporary of More, Blessed Peter Favre, «Whoever desires to become useful to the heretics of this age must be solicitous to bear them much charity and to love them truly, excluding from his mind all thoughts which tend to cool his esteem for them.
As a thinking being, it is possible for me to suppress and quell in my consciousness every movement of self - assertion, every notion and opinion that is merely mine, every desire that belongs to me as this particular Self, and to become the pure medium of a thought that is universal — in one word, to live no more my own life, but let my consciousness be possessed and suffused by the Infinite and Eternal life of spirit.
In the light of this wider purpose it becomes apparent that the liturgical reforms envisioned by Sacrosanctum Concilium, however well or badly they may have been implemented, were motivated by a desire to make the prayer life of the Church more accessible.
I have some fairly extreme ideas for how a church can become more missional, and I really desire reader feedback.
On the other hand, when we respond in love for love, and with it for the establishment of the justice that love desires and enacts, we are on the way toward realizing our potential humanity and becoming more truly what we have it in us to become.
It does not follow that God would not desire greater moral sensitivity in his creatures and by the method of persuasive possibilities present moral possibilities to creatures who through time could slowly become more morally aware.
McGavran and his disciples suggest that those desiring church growth should become more conscious of sociological «people movements» and encourage people to become Christian through the people - movement route.
Religion has become little more than political special interest groups, complete with lobbyists, legislation tilted to their desires, voter blocs, and the rest of it.
«While reading the book, I felt the need to define roles to be less and less important, and my desire to become like Christ to be more and more significant.»
BTW cheese, I quit drinking on my own desires to no more drink because I became aware of its deadly possibilities especially when behind the wheel.
Thinking about this more, «commitment» to me embodies a vision of the person I want to be and is intended to override my impulses or desires to promote my becoming who I really want to be.
Thinking to be noble in not desiring life after death, we become most ignoble in our accusation of God as the creator of such a world as this with nothing more to follow!
Christian prayer and practice is meant to properly calibrate the will and desires, so that, by relying on God, we become more like him, rather than being an eternal ignoramus.
My point is that the more I know God the more I understand God's infinite love for me, which causes me to desire to please God by becoming more like Jesus who tells us that we should demonstrate our love for God by loving our neighbors.
As consumers become more savvy, there is a growing trend of apprehension of GMOs and a swelling desire to ensure that their favorite CPG brands are Fair - Trade Certified.
If the mixture becomes too thick, add more water 1 tablespoon at a time, stirring completely between each addition, until the desired consistency has been reached.
«The desire for foods with a spicy component is continuing, but the preferences are becoming more refined,» said Lacey Eckert, market development specialist with Kalsec, Inc., Kalamazoo, Mich. «It's not just about how hot something is.
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