Sentences with phrase «bed at a reasonable hour»

That said, evenings are for family and getting to bed at a reasonable hour
If you want to hit the gym before dawn, make sure you are going to bed at a reasonable hour to get the recommended six to eight hours her night.
In fact, I'd argue that going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting a good night's rest actually make me cooler.
And everyone still got to bed at a reasonable hour.
As millions of children across the U.S. end their summer vacations and head back to school, parents are getting ready to ease their kids back into the school - year routine of homework, extracurricular activities and going to bed at a reasonable hour.
They need their parents to help them manage these demands and make sure they're on track to get everything done and get in bed at a reasonable hour.
Subject matter aside, the sheer length of Titanic meant that we had to get the conversation over with quickly if we had any hope of actually watching the movie and getting to bed at a reasonable hour, putting the day and its challenges behind us.
Another mistake is waiting until your baby crashes on his own from exhaustion rather than putting him to bed at a reasonable hour.
Because you probably all went to bed at a reasonable hour.
But you want them in bed at a reasonable hour.
Make sure you're getting to bed at a reasonable hour (preferably close to the same time every night), getting plenty of sleep, and taking 5 - 10 minutes 1 - 2x a day to do some deep diaphragmatic breathing and / or meditation.
Sleep experts tell you the importance of establishing a pre-bedtime routine, and I've done just that: I get in bed at the reasonable hour of 11 or 11:30, plug in my phone, and then stare at Twitter until after midnight.
And D.J. would have finished Last Window by now if protagonist Kyle Hyde could drag himself out of bed at a reasonable hour.
It all depends on whether or not my daughter goes to bed at a reasonable hour.

Not exact matches

It was probably via a midnight rabbit trail sort of web surfing and I probably saw something I like and then in my attempt to not forget about it yet still fall asleep at a reasonable hour I signed up, signed off, and went to bed.
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