Sentences with phrase «bed every night worrying»

I went to bed every night worrying about running out of money.
I went to bed every night worrying about if I was forgetting something, or worrying about something I had to do the next day.

Not exact matches

I remember many occasions on which at night in bed, I would be unable to get to sleep on account of worry.
When I go to bed at night, I'm not visited by the «ghosts» of people I abused, neither do I have to worry about standing before the judgment seat of God to answer for that.
I live in a apt complex and i'm worried that his screaming at night might attract neg attention.So lately hes been sleeping in my bed and still when he wakes up between 1 - 4 o clock in the morning hes screaming bloody murder..
If your child is so sick that you are worried about them sleeping the night in their own room, it is better that you set up a mattress on the floor in his / her room rather than taking them into your bed.
I'm a bit worried about co sleeping although it is all he will do now, i attempted last night to keep putting him in his cot right next to our bed and it was 4 aclock in the morning when i gave in, my partner managed to get him asleep, put him in the bed, little one cried, i shoved the nipple in and had sleep, then he seems to be catching up on his sleep now, but i can't catch up on my sleep and i need something to sooth me now!!!
This baby mattress can be your baby's bed day and night and you won't have to worry about rashes or skin allergies because it is Greenguard Gold Certified.
I have been trying to make up my mind about whether I am doing the right thing or not, as I nurse my son to sleep most nights and this is working, and furthermore he has been slightly awake a few times when I put him to bed (by «accident») and as long as he wasn't overtired he seems to soothe himself to sleep — his makes me feel like he is developing his sleeping habits and learning to sleep although I am constantly worried about whether I am nurturing a bad sleeping habit.
I guess I've been afraid to put him to bed earlier because I worry that he'll wake up earlier in the morning or in the middle of the night.
Currently the only time I can get out of the house on my own is after the babies have gone to bed at night — any other time, I am too worried about someone else having to deal with the waking (two at once = NOT FUN).
Social media, watching television right before going to bed, mulling over the day's events, worrying about the affairs of tomorrow and stressing over factors that are outside of our control, are contributing factors to not getting a good night's sleep.
It's a feedback - loop at its worst: you lie in bed at night worrying about how you are unable to sleep — which only keeps you all the more awake.
Don't worry - we were in bed by 10 pm on Saturday night!
This bed was so high I was worried that if I fell out during the night I would probably break something!
I was literally crying the night before because I was worried I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for his birthday.
I don't have to worry about whether or not we cuddle or sleep apart in bed that night.
I've been reading about adding stuff to the ini file or some other root file thing, but kinda worried... somehow the other day, I pushed the light button and accidentally slid the power button and it wouldn't turn on again, got a replacement (warranty) and would love this night mode, but I'd need someone to provide a step by step on changing / adding commands to the root file or folder so a 3rd grader could install it I'm almost thinking to get some 20 % tinted window static cling film and just cut out a piece to lay over my screen, 1 % brightness is still to bright to read in bed.
I want to be able to go to bed at night not worrying about my RESP.
«I remember lying in bed at night, with so many fears and worries swirling in my head, wishing I could have my dog Jasmine next to me to provide raw affection, comfort and support,» she said in the press release.
Many nights, we go to bed with heavy hearts — worried about the dogs that are still waiting to be rescued and outraged over the extreme neglect we have witnessed.
«Many nights, we go to bed with heavy hearts — worried about the dogs we can't save and outraged that the commercial breeding industry gets away with such extreme neglect.»
This bed and breakfast has on - site parking so guests have one less thing to worry about, and they can borrow from an extensive DVD library for a relaxing night in.
Although there's definitely a darker and more sinister side to a lot of his illustrations, his style always has a signature rounded cuteness and plumpness to it — a reassurance that we can all sleep at night without worrying about what might be wandering outside or hiding under our beds.
If you've got things whirring around in your head every night, keep a notebook by your bed and write down any niggles, worries or tasks you need to remember.
«Many parents are confused by their child who, until last week, slept through the night, kept the door closed, and wasn't worried about monsters under their bed — and this week has morphed into a hysterical, frightened, over-tired monster themselves.»
An anxiety scale was constructed based on the child behaviour check list (CBCL / 1.5 — 5)[40] and included the following seven items: «clings to adult or is too dependent», «is upset when separated from care - giver», «will not sleep alone», «opposes to go to bed at night», «is afraid of trying new things», «is upset about any change to the normal routine», and «is afraid and worried».
We also kept everything very high so when she does end up sleeping in her new bed, we don't have to worry about anything falling on her or getting knocked over in the middle of the night.
Worrying about Sprog 2 ″ s not insubstantial weight crashing down on me from her bunk bed led to a fitful night's sleep.
As I begin to start a plan for redoing our family / dining room this year I find myself afraid to commit to the color, style, etc... Anyway, just before going to bed last night I was discussing my plans with my husband and he told me that I worry too much about getting it right.
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