Sentences with phrase «before accepting any form»

We provide a GFE upfront before accepting any form of payment to ensure our clients are aware of their investment.

Not exact matches

Some online merchants that accept bitcoin as payment, according the FTC, may not deliver the product on time or may only offer refunds in the form of store credit, not currency: «That is why it is important to always know the seller and their policies before making a purchase.»
Before going to file your application and pay your fees, call the office and find out what form payment must take - many offices accept credit or debit cards, but some accept only cash or money order.
It really was a whole lot easier to be faithful back in the past, before science, when all forms of superst.ition were just accepted as «reality».
Those who accept traditional physics and thermodynamics look upon this sort of dividing as «releasing energy», although they are using the term «energy» equivocally here, in my» view, since in part they mean «matter» (the energy» retained in the parts), and in part they» mean the difference between the energy required to maintain the integrity of the form (or «system») before it was divided, and the energy left in the parts.
He rose on that last day to call for unanimous consent in hopes that that too might help the document be accepted, and he said, «In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall have become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
(Against Tödt [Son of Man, pp. 224, 50], who accepts the saying as representing a warning by Jesus to «the present generation, [which] though living before the end, does not watch the signs of the times... in the way Noah did» [p. 50,] and Colpe [TWNT article, C I 3a], who can find no ground for rejecting the saying in its earliest form.
I think I'm right in saying that before Harold Wilson accepted the offer from the Queen to form a minority government in 1974, after Ted Heath resigned, he asked for and obtained an assurance that he would be granted a dissolution of parliament if he asked for one.
Nominations for the 2015 round are now being accepted so if you are aware of an individual or team that you believe to be worthy of recognition you are warmly invited to complete and submit a nomination form at any time before 31 March 2015 to have your nominee considered for an award next year.
He confirmed he had accepted the Queen's invitation to form a government and become prime minister before paying tribute to his predecessor, Gordon Brown.
Aspirants had to crisscross the country to get their forms endorsed by delegates in all the 10 regions before the forms were accepted as a step to realising their dreams to contest for a national executive position in the party.
This study radically changes the generally accepted scenario, according to which the Tharsis dome was thought to have mainly formed before 3.7 billion years ago and to have existed before the rivers, since it controlled their flow direction.
Before jumping right in and accepting payments, it's important to determine what forms of payment you'll accept from your clients and customers.
Before 1950 or so, self - publishing was an accepted form of publishing.
And if you can't, what is being said about the status or role of selflessness before the final form of the fiction as accepted by the audience, I mean the willingness of the author to submerge his ego to produce the novel that is truest to itself?
Financial aid is awarded in many forms, and as a student, it is important to know all of your options before deciding which awards to accept.
It's recommended that you make a quick call before hopping in the car to verify that they'll accept credit as a form of payment.
For existing Care Credit account holders, the same forms of ID must be verified by one of our Client Service staff members before we can accept Care Credit as payment.
The release form must be signed before the dog is accepted from an individual owner.
Applicants (including on - line applicants) must carefully read the Terms and Conditions before submission of enrolment forms, and an application will only be accepted if the applicant confirms his / her agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
Read these terms and conditions carefully before you accept these Terms by: (a) placing an order and / or an enquiry through the use of any of our contact forms on our Websites, or (b) otherwise using the Websites.
While the other Call of Duty's made only half - hearted attempts at getting players to form emotional connections with the burly on - screen soldiers before just accepting that they were explosion filled blockbusters, Call of Duty: Ghosts actually feels like it's genuinely trying to make you feel something.
- specialize in movement and various forms of support - switch into a Nyanter by selecting one of your Palico Felynes at anytime before accepting a quest - in single player mode, you can go as a Nyanter and have your two Palicoes tag along as well - Nyanters have their own exclusive quests, but they can play any quest a regular Hunter can - tag up to make a party of four Nyanters with your friends - Nyanters don't have a stamina gauge - their controls are the same as regular Hunters - they can also run around with their weapons unsheathed - dig underground to avoid attacks - can do other similar actions as Hunters, such as gathering - they are faster at it and they don't need to carry around Pickaxes or Bug Nets - two acorns on the top - left part of the screen that counts as a couple of extra lives - once they lose all Acorns and then get KO'd, it'll count as a regular KO
Brave Giant Games has a feature in most of their HOP's that I absolutely love, there's always one object on the list that is a Morphing Object, that must be in the correct form, according to the list, before it's accepted.
Fortunately, most beta participants are fairly accepting of a game in its early form, rationalising that most, if not all of a game's bugs will be fixed before the game's release.
In introducing Murray that evening, Varnedoe referred to her work «as dramas of form and color that accept, indeed demand, to play on the more austere terrain of high abstract art, in decisions about push and pull, bright and dark, fragmented and whole, planes and volumes, sculptural and painterly, that move us before we know what they are about.»
In accepting art that is reduced to color, line, and form, he argued, we are able to appreciate «many kinds of old art and the arts of distant peoples — primitive, historic, colonial, Asiatic and African, as well as European — arts which had not been accessible in spirit before because it was thought that true art had to show a degree of conformity to nature and of mastery of representation which had developed for the most part in the West.»
That point was reinforced in a comment sent Friday by Bárbara Ferreira, communications manager for the European Geosciences Union, endorsing what others have said about the dangers of publicizing research before it has been peer reviewed: «Our policy at the European Geosciences Union is to not advertise research submitted to our journals before the paper has been accepted and published in its final, peer - reviewed form — which, in this case, wouldn't be for at least another three months, possibly more.»
In its basic form, falsifiability is the belief that for any hypothesis to have credence, it must be inherently disprovable before it can become accepted as a scientific hypothesis or theory.
The park authorities then entered into a ten year struggle to evict the community, before finally giving up and accepting this as a model form of low impact development.
It was also generally accepted that it would be possible to have some form of transitional agreement so as to prevent all of the UK's rights and obligations coming to an abrupt end before any agreement covering future UK - EU relations could be agreed.
Before you sign any insurance forms or accept any settlement, speak with an experienced Allen auto accident attorney at the Weaver Injury Law Firm.
Patients are often required to sign a consent form or a waiver before accepting medical treatment; this, however, does not mean that the physician is clear from accepting any liability from medical malpractice.
Because signing a release form and accepting a settlement offer can have serious legal consequences (including waiving your right to sue the at - fault party), you should want to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer before doing so.
If, before the award is made, the parties agree on a settlement of the dispute, the Tribunal shall either issue an order for the termination of the arbitral proceedings or, if requested by both parties and accepted by the Tribunal, record the settlement in the form of an arbitral award on agreed terms.
Doctors accept different forms of health insurance which you can verify before setting an appointment.
Continuing Education: Many CE programs leading to a Certificate or Diploma require that students complete a Conestoga College Application Form and be accepted into the program before registering in any course (for example; Educational Assistant, Personal Support Worker).
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