Sentences with phrase «before becoming effective»

Any requests and / or submitted applications must first be reviewed and approved by us before becoming effective.
Most Member States would require that the amendments be ratified by their legislatures before becoming effective.
The D.C. bill still must be signed into law and, like all District legislation, reviewed by Congress before it becomes effective.
Tax changes do not required passage of the applicable legislation before they become effective.
Once you purchase a plan, you have thirty days before it becomes effective.
The vaccine does not work if your dog is already exposed to the flu and must have a second booster one to two weeks after the first shot is given before it becomes effective.
Remember, vaccinations take a week or before they become effective.
Companies that are already in compliance with the Directive must ensure that they're compliant with the new requirements of the GDPR before it becomes effective on May 25, 2018.

Not exact matches

Early bird promotions and preorders are becoming an increasingly effective means for e-commerce players to drive more traffic to their sites and lock in purchases, with over 90 percent of Nielsen's respondents intending to place items in their online carts before November 11th as to avoid products selling out.
I've written before about how email has become digital noise, but the reason it's still effective is that it is still incredibly public and still widely used by every age group.
Moreover, if the final rule's 60 - day delay were not immediately effective, significant provisions of the Rule and PTEs could become applicable on April 10 before the delay takes effect, resulting in a period in which the Rule, fiduciary obligations, and notice and disclosure requirements would become applicable before becoming inapplicable again.
For new employees hired after your initial SHOP enrollment period, you can decide on a waiting period before coverage can become effective.
You can start claiming the credit in the tax year before the tax year in which the plan becomes effective, and you may carry it back or forward to other tax years if you can't use it in the current year.
There is a commitment by the government to give the provinces one year's notice before any changes become effective.
But before that witness could become effective the whole idea of a divinely sanctioned brutality had to be purged from the system.
Gravity from space (Einstein's relativity) operates on mass through space and matter interaction is a natural process like centrifugal force which made its appearance when a body is morning in circle Jean mass is the amount of matter that must be present before gravity becomes effective or felt, once this minimum amount of matter is reached or exceeded, gravity with mass interact with space - time to bring geodesics and gravity begin to control other bodies and then orbit around each other, another aspect of the twin effect of gravity and mass is the necessity to account for energy required to sustain gravitating mass and where does this energy originating from Einstein's field equation says from space but never refer to the origin of gravitation.
The Party's expedient oppression of the protesting masses (albeit selectively) by nipping them at the bud before any become fully organized or joined by other dissidents is also effective.
The oldest of them, Cardinal Husar of Ukraine, will turn 80 on February 26, and thus become ineligible before the abdication of the Holy Father becomes effective.
Governments have decided that they need to push markets to do their work before the price signals become effective.
I find that 30 mins is the most time I can let a juice rest before the taste really changes, becoming less effective.
These cubes are obviously most convenient to use during a home birth, or while you're laboring at home before transitioning to the hospital, but they become increasingly effective as labor intensifies and appetite for other foods decreases.
He said: «A smaller, more effective house will be able to build public confidence and support for its crucial constitutional role in checking bills before they become law and in reviewing policy through their hard - working select committees.»
When I talk about poor leadership, [I mean] the NPP has been here before, but appropriate and effective leadership dealt with it in a way that even saw the NPP becoming even much stronger.
The decision will become effective in six months, unless Congress provides its own legislative fix before that date.
In their always engrossing, often grotesque account, journalist Bill Wasik and veterinarian Monica Murphy trace the illness's history, detailing the many futile methods of combating the disease (including the original «hair of the dog:» binding into a patient's wound a hair from the animal that infected him) before Louis Pasteur's rabies vaccine became the first effective treatment in 1885.
Long before the space shuttle actually existed, it became much more than a machine to bring stuff and people to space, a tool that could be swapped out for a more effective tool.
Colonoscopy is an effective screening test because it allows doctors to find and view individual polyps (growths), and to remove them before they become cancerous.
Continued support for the development of other novel strategies including drugs, improved case management, insecticides, and new approaches to vector control, is needed before effective dengue control becomes a credible prospect.
Detection of dementia at the earliest stages has become a worldwide priority, because drug treatments, prevention strategies and other interventions will likely be more effective very early in the disease process, before extensive brain damage has occurred.
The final order will become effective in 90 days, so manufacturers of new devices will need to start submitting data to the FDA about product safety before their products receive clearance to go on the market.
«The company produced a pro-drug, which must be activated by a naturally occurring enzyme in human leukocytes before it can become effective.
This means the AI agent can dynamically learn network traffic patterns and normal behavior and thus become more effective in discovering and thwarting new attacks before significant damage.
Both recent experience with immunotherapy for clearance of Aβ in AD, and their own (and Prothena's) experience with AS - clearing immunotherapies in animal models, indicate that in order to be effective as disease - modifying agents when administered alone, therapies that remove proteinaceous aggregates from the brain must be initiated in the early clinical or even preclinical stages of the disease, before the burden of other forms of aging damage becomes entrenched.
But before we can successfully run more effective clinical trials in HD patients, we have to understand exactly what happens in people as they become sick.
Rope jumping requires developing a certain level of skill before it becomes fully effective.
Many of the techniques from before we became an internet - faring civilization have since been proven to be effective, even though they were called «bro science».
Any updates that are made will be posted on this page at least 14 days before such updates become effective.
The second hour picks up speed and becomes more interesting, with some dips into serious drama that are particularly effective, but an unbelievable side - story into Holly's background before coming to New York drags the film down into absurdity.
Matthew McConaughey, long before he became the rom - com king and loooooong before his re-emergence as one of the finest dramatic actors working today, gives an effective performance as Fenton, the killer's son who has information on his whereabouts.
She also kept sticky notes handy, so if she saw a teacher using a particularly effective teaching strategy or behavior management approach, she could immediately write down a compliment and stick it on the teachers desk, before she got back to her office and became distracted.
Physics of Learning Doug Smith was an engineer before he became a teacher and writes about science education, math curriculum, and thoughts on effective instruction.
I envision that it won't be long before those who are falling behind will become less and less effective in the classroom to the point that they will choose to leave because it is all just so overwhelming without these new tools for connecting and learning.
To ascertain whether that was the case, we compared the rate of change in the NAEP math scores of the top 10 percent of all 8th graders between 1990 and 2003 (before NCLB was fully implemented) with the rate of change after NCLB had become effective law.
It is important to address such difficulties before the gap between these children and their peers becomes wider and, without doubt, the most effective time to provide such support is in the early years.
They include the importance of early years education in closing the gap before it becomes entrenched; targeted small - group interventions for those at risk of falling behind; robust and rigorous evaluation of teaching and learning strategies; and sharing effective practice between schools (and building capacity for doing so) as key to closing the gap.
Shana Frazin, who taught elementary school in California before becoming a staff developer with the Reading and Writing Project at Teachers College, says the best principals find ways to reward teachers who work harder and are more effective than others.
If ethanol safely supports a 15:1 CR in a naturally - aspirated application where gasoline can only go up to 10:1 before detonation becomes a concern, one can expect the effective working pressure to improve by up to 50 % (of course, the engine's compression ratio will physically have to be altered to take advantage of ethanol).
(b) Before removing, replacing, or diverting any of the specified individuals, the Contractor shall notify the contracting officer, in writing, before the change becomes effeBefore removing, replacing, or diverting any of the specified individuals, the Contractor shall notify the contracting officer, in writing, before the change becomes effebefore the change becomes effective.
Carbon brakes have occasionally been applied to road cars, by the French Venturi sports car manufacturer in the mid 1990s for example, but need to reach a very high operating temperature before becoming truly effective and so are not well suited to road use.
In a 2009 report, the Treatment Advocacy Center, a national non-profit devoted to eliminating barriers for access to timely and effective mental health treatment, compiled the results of separate studies on Kendra's law and found that it has been highly successful in achieving its aim of ensuring that those most in need, get treatment before they become a danger to themselves and others.
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