Sentences with phrase «before getting it stuck»

In a harrowing incident last month, a Pegasus Airlines plane in Turkey slid off a runway and fell partway down a cliff over the Black Sea, before getting stuck in the mud.
A version of the bill overwhelmingly passed the House last year before getting stuck as Senate Republicans and Democrats dueled over funding specifics and certain controversial provisions.
I transferred it into my blendtec and got it about half way crumbled before that got all stuck up too.
If your rings are feeling the least bit snug, do yourself a favor and take them off now before they get stuck on your finger.
NASA chose to move the rover forward in more careful increments, which was especially important because Opportunity lost the full use of its right - front wheel (because of a seized steering motor) just days before it got stuck in the sand.
And that's before you get stuck holding the bill for all that fat, cholesterol, sugar and chemicals.
Before we get stuck into this MI40 review, it's important to know who the man behind the product is!
My one — huge — issue with them, as someone who lives (and walks) in NYC, is that the heel would last at most 3 wears before getting stuck in a grate or elsewhere on the sidewalk and becoming irreparably ruined.
Before you get stuck in to this week, here are the publishing stories you may have missed over the past fortnight.
Walking on the beach, you can grab a stick and play keep away, stopping to ask your dog to perform a behavior before he gets the stick.
Just make sure that your boat captain fills the engine with petrol before you get stuck in the middle of the Kowie River.
It's a slightly disconcerting thing to be presented with just before getting stuck into yet another online ranking match.
After a read through the bio via Steam before getting stuck in, the game sets the bar high for expectations.
Before we get stuck into this review, let's get one thing straight.
Before getting stuck into the World Tour mode you might want to warm up with a few exhibition matches.
More importantly, in the context of this post, from the map above, the Fram seems to have managed to get further north in 1893, than he would have if if he had made his voyage in 1979, before getting stuck in the ice.
It's a good place to start to learn about where you're going before you get stuck.
So before we get stuck into the meat of this preview, let's get the major differences out of the way.
Before you get stuck into the finer points of styling your office, you will need to make sure you have found the perfect spot for your workspace.
Here are 8 things to bear in mind before you get stuck in...

Not exact matches

When your client pay $ 5,000 to work with you, they're much more likely to stick with the process long enough to get results, even if that means trying and failing a few times before getting it right.
If you've got a big talk coming up, an important client presentation or a project launch, decide that you'll finish the preparation or the work 48 hours before the actual deadline — and stick to the earlier due date.
«But we're lucky that the «Mud Dragon» got stuck in the muck, because its skeleton is one of the best examples of a dinosaur that was flourishing during those final few million years before the asteroid came down and changed the world in an instant.»
It is time for Twitter users to catch up with how to get the most out of Twitter before they find themselves stuck with the average 208 followers.
Before we talk about how to get started, though, I wanted to let you know I researched and compiled science - backed ways to stick to good habits and stop procrastinating.
Before you start looking into exotic foreign investments or get stuck in a U.S. - centric investment plan, start by looking at how you handle money on a daily basis.
If you take money out of your IRA before age 59 1/2, you could get stuck with a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty in addition to the income taxes you will owe.
And to say «all of it» is just to stick one's head in the sand at very basic literary, historical, social, and text critical issues before you even get to theology.
Lets hope someone sticks them in a fenced off area before they get to that.
When we use doctrinal statements to determine the eternal destiny of other people — which is something only Jesus should do — it is not long before we get the idea that if a person is reprobate and a heretic, it is better to send them on their way to hell, then to let them stick around and lead others astray.
The packet came bundled with three days» worth of mail that the postman managed to hand to us before he got his van stuck in our snowbank.
After the same moral statement had already been out there for hundreds of years before the guy on the stick who got picked to be made famous.
The Franciscans who had so enraged Luther before Leipzig, stuck to their guns, drew in Eck and got Luther's bishop to speak; in a letter to Staupitz, Luther wrote of his bishop, «He is only a wretched bladder blown up by Eck's wind».
I was able to get about a dozen and a half out of them before the dough just wouldn't stick together any longer.
We stuck our bag of frozen hash browns in the fridge the night before to thaw (because the less time we have to wait for the waffle hash browns to cook, the quicker we get to chow down on those crunchy potatoes, and stretchy melted cheese).
I've talked about the health benefits of chickpeas before as well as the importance of not getting stuck in a food rut.
I was stuck at home today, and just before leaving to walk out in the rain for a long, cold, wet trek to get some lunch, I decided to poke around and see what we had on hand.
Actually, I've got a recipe for it listed in my editorial calendar, but I'm so bad about sticking to it that it'll be 2016 before it ever goes live.
If you're having trouble sealing the dough and getting it to stick together, wet your finger with a bit of water and run it around the edge of the square before folding — this will help it stick together.
When the egg starts cooking I add few chopped onions, tomatoes (very few or it can get watery), diced green chillies and cilantro before sticking the roti on top.
After some mild panic (my biggest bowl is not quite big enough for comfortable hand - mixing of that much dough, and it was making things difficult to judge, so I was a little light - handed on the flour before trying to begin kneading I think) because the dough was so wet it was just smearing / sticking to my board, I managed to knead in enough extra flour that I could get it into an oiled bowl.
TIP: if you heat your pot and leave it in the oven for 10 minutes or so before you dump the dough (because you got busy and could not get to it) your dough WILL stick.
Lastly, keep in mind that if your frosting gets a little too soft as you work your way around the sides of the cake, you should stick your pastry bag in the fridge and walk away for 10 minutes before continuing.
If you do get it, make sure to put the sticks in first before the liquid.
I recommend forming the shapes in stages, chilling in between (as soon as the mixture gets too soft to work with, stick it back in the fridge for about 10 - 15 minutes before continuing).
Before finding this product, I stuck with a Starbucks cold brew coffee with a dash of coconut milk (which I still get from time to time).
Before dipping them in chocolate I stuck them with tooth picks and used a spoon to help get the chocolate over them, it was easy!
I often get stuck behind the computer or the stove and before I know it, it's bed time.
If you are using blender don't forget to add liquid to your blender before adding the rest of ingredients as this will prevent the blender blade from getting stuck.
And don't forget to add liquid to your blender before adding the rest of ingredients as this will prevent the blender blade from getting stuck.
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