Sentences with phrase «before the grand jury»

By law, the judge pointed out, neither lawyer can be compelled to testify before a grand jury unless granted immunity from prosecution.
While it is a gamble to appear before a grand jury, it may be one worth taking in this case if there is at least the chance of heading off an indictment.
The county's police officers are aware of the phenomenon of cases that fail to go before the grand jury, and are not happy.
There were 121 sessions with witnesses before the grand jury - and women prosecutors led the questioning six times.
He did something that is rarely done — he appeared and testified before the grand jury.
At the same time, a state special prosecutor is lining up witnesses before a grand jury to determine whether criminal charges should be filed.
After French was cleared, Schneiderman accused Abelove of making an «end run» around Cuomo's executive order by rushing the case before the grand jury at a time when the attorney general's office said it would review the shooting.
Ortt's wife, Meghan, a design specialist from North Tonawanda, was among those who testified before the grand jury on March 9, according to sources familiar with the investigation.
The county executive, who other sources said had previously testified before the grand jury investigating the Skeloses, and Walker have every legal right to refuse to answer questions about Singh or Oyster Bay politics, the sources said.
Henry Wojtaszek would not discuss his appearance before the grand jury convened by Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in 2014.
In her testimony before the grand jury on August 6, Lewinsky had spoken in a general way about her sexual relationship with the president.
«They were interested in Joel Abelove bringing Randy French's case to the grand jury,» said retired Detective Sgt. Patrick Bornt after appearing before the grand jury for 90 minutes at Rensselaer City Hall.
Aldrich said he was called before the grand jury due to his name appearing as a person who was to receive absentee ballots.
The revelations come as James and Kimberly Snead, who had taken in Cruz after his mother died, testified before a grand jury Wednesday in a closed - door session.
Earlier this month, Hafner issued a related order saying Fitzpatrick can compel two city hall attorneys to testify before the grand jury about the preparation of the councilors» affidavits.
Stephen Bannon, Trump's former chief strategist, was subpoenaed last week by the special counsel, Robert Mueller, to testify before a grand jury as part of the investigation into possible links between Trump's associates and Russia.
Unlike most cases, in which it is almost foolhardy to appear before the grand jury when there is a reasonable chance it will be asked to indict the witness, in political cases the need to avoid an indictment is particularly strong.
The perjury charge, a felony, relates to comments from Abelove before the grand jury convened by the AG.
Thomas Aldrich, a Democratic volunteer, said Thursday that while he was before the grand jury at the county courthouse he was told his testimony was part of the investigation into the actions of City Council President Clement Campana, Councilman John Brown and operative Dan Brown, the councilman's brother.
Instead, they identified Baldwin, who had no experience representing clients before grand juries, as their lawyer, and she accompanied them as they testified.
A former Bronx Democratic Party official was subpoenaed last week to appear before a grand jury with all of the books and records of the party pertaining to Heastie, a law - enforcement source told The Post.
They finished their fund - raising this month, just before a grand jury indicted two of the three co-founders on perjury charges stemming from a drunken - driving case.
According to documents filed by prosecutors this evening, both Jenny Hou, the 2013 campaign treasurer, and Mei - Hua Ru, the 2009 treasurer, pleaded the fifth before a grand jury in 2011.
A detective who took the Fifth Amendment before a grand jury also lost his gun and badge.
UPDATE: More from Grace... Apparently, word about Bloomberg testifying before the grand jury came as a complete surprise to the defense, which is being led by former AG Dennis Vacco.
Aldrich was among five witnesses that appeared before the grand jury Thursday.
But even if there were sufficient evidence to charge the officer with a crime, which there is not, doing so would be «impossible,» the AG's report says, because Rensselaer County District Attorney Joel Abelove allowed the cop to testify before a grand jury regarding the shooting without waiving immunity.
Capatain Kidd, the notorious Scottish pirate (or privateer — take your pick), was brought before a grand jury of seventeen at the Admiralty Sessions at the Old Baily on the 8th and 9th of May in 1701.
The Trump administration argues that the special counsel doesn't have the authority to bring a president before a grand jury.
But in a Q&A with prosecutors before her grand jury appearances, Monica Lewinsky specifically disputed Jones's description of Clinton's penis.
Are clergymen entitled to keep silent before the grand jury when others (i.e., journalists) are not?
A clergyman of the American Lutheran Church has been ordered confined in jail for contempt of court because he refused to answer questions before a grand jury investigating the «occupation» of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, for two months last year by militant Indians.
The former close friends and associates are now revealing innermost political and financial secrets before a grand jury.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and police commissioner Bill Bratton last week announced a pilot program to equip officers with body cameras, which came shortly before the grand jury's decision in the Garner case.
«He did what you're supposed to do: He brought the facts before a grand jury and the grand jury spoke,» Molinari said.
One source familiar with the situation called Wednesday's voluntary appearance before a grand jury without immunity «a pretty drastic move.»
At the same time, he conferred immunity on the officer involved in the case, Sgt. Randall French, before the grand jury voted.
Just hours earlier, he voluntarily appeared before the grand jury probing the campaign finances of Maziarz and the Niagara County Republican Committee.
The motion, filed by Vincent Messina, who argued that he should not be required to testify before the grand jury because it would violate attorney - client privilege and force him to disclose «secrets,» was rejected in court today.
As a result, Messina is expected to appear before the grand jury sometime next week.
The state attorney general's investigation of Rensselaer County DA Joel Abelove's handling of a police - involved shooting is now before a grand jury.
Bill Clinton as a sitting president was hauled before a grand jury by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr for perjury (lying under oath) while in office as president.
«The fundamental flaw in the presentation before the grand jury, however, is that there was no evidence whatsoever that Defendant Ortt knew the source of the monies paid by Synor / Regency to Meghan Ortt was NCRC,» Lynch wrote.»
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