Sentences with word «befoul»

«Wouldn't it be interesting to see more advertisers follow suit and create new paths rather than befoul existing ones?»
Oil spills befoul oceans and rivers.
We know solar power won't befoul our water like oil pipelines will.
Mark Dion: Theatre of the Natural World @ Whitechapel Gallery Enter a cage full of bird that literally crap on our knowledge of them with books for them to clamber over and befoul.
In retrospect, that film hinted at the hubris that would befoul his later efforts.
The miss guided information befoul and trample the beliefs of good honest people, as stated before, by the people who spot lies and the common misconceptions.
When U.S. President Barack Obama says something disgraceful is befouling the beaches of Florida, he is not talking about Canadians.
American - made cars were attacked and befouled on the streets of Italy.
Members that have a conscience and are willing to facilitate change need to leave the catholic church and join another denomination that isn't so thoroughly befouled all the way to the vatican.
It is a mockery of the multi-verse to imagine that Earth, (aka, the befouled, way - over-crowded, war - profiteering & starvation - choked, singular - human - terrarium), is a mere 6 - 10,000 years old!
... If our politicians were realists, they would think rather less about missiles and the problem of landing astronauts on the moon, rather more about hunger and moral squalor and the problem of enabling three billion men, women, and children, who will soon be six billions, to lead a tolerably human existence without, in the process, ruining and befouling their planetary environment.
Morales is a great gamble — he had very nice seasons in both 2012 and 2013, and his comp - pick - befouled 2014 shouldn't be held against him too much — but he's still a gamble.
People will think about that doomsday scenario, where guests are befouling their bathroom, their sanctuary, their home with strange waste, and they'll remember to pick up an extra can of Febreze.
The realization that the pesticide - laced foods we eat, the smokestack - befouled air we breathe and the petrochemical - based products we use negatively affect our quality of life is a big part of the reason so many people have «gone green» in recent years.
In the wake of 1989's massive Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska's Prince William Sound, when 11 million gallons of oil befouled some 1,300 miles of formerly pristine and wildlife - rich coastline, much has been done to prevent future spills of such magnitude.
«I have befouled myself with non-organic chips, I am unclean.»
It goes hand - in - hand with the Nixonian westerns littering the popular culture in the new millennium; no surprise to me that this administration — and the attendant feeling of paranoia and cynicism befouling our air — encourages this kind of revisionism, and really, who better than Zombie to helm an update of Carpenter's seminal slasher?
The rest of us — those invested in public education — can only sit back and watch this most recent befouling of New Jersey ego - driven politics.
That was the word Darwin used in his book, which Jekyll befouled weeks ago and then dumped from the chamber pot out the window (no...
The same problem which befouled guns also effects Roy's Techomancer skills, which are essentially Mars: War Logs form of magic, albeit with an actually technological explanation.
Then watch in astonishment as Rack befouls, corrupts, slaughters, and brings about a general air of misfortune to everything and everyone he confronts.
Smeared with paint, nail polish and toothpaste, it looks befouled and abandoned.
Why is King Coal allowed to get away with befouling our air and water while destroying entire towns?
This avoids the insurance on the road problem (at least as long as the mobile house stays on the property), it avoids the duty tax, but I will pay a tax on building materials in Canada, and removes the necessity of paying $ 8000.00 to U-haul and befouling the air with diesel.
Pittsburgh was once known as the «Smoky City» or «Hell With the Lid Off» due to the overwhelming befouled conditions that plagued it for over a century.
I nearly befouled myself giggling at that one.
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