Sentences with phrase «beginning classes divided»

Why are our beginning classes divided by age?

Not exact matches

Something similar might again be possible in the U.S. if those who are divided by race and class begin to talk about their problems in concrete terms at the local level.
It could be a routine hold for Labour in a constituency they have dominated forever, proving that rumours of the party's demise have been greatly exaggerated; it could be the route to Westminster for Paul Nuttall (for whom this is the fifth attempt to get into the Commons — still short of Nigel Farage's number), heralding the beginning of a big Ukip surge into working - class Labour heartlands; it could end up with a very close three -(or even four -, depending on Liberal Democrat performance) way race that shows the new divides in the electorate in the wake of the Brexit referendum.
6 / 7 — To divide class into Complementary colours and to learn to mix paints and to begin to paint detail.
Your annual payroll at the beginning of the policy period is divided by 100, and then multiplied by the base rate for your class code.
The beginning classes are identical curriculum, divided by developmental age.
EU citizenship makes this kind of «integration thinking» impossible, as it was designed, from the very beginning, not to allow states to divide incoming EU citizens into classes of «good» and «bad».
Begin with a relatively small pilot project, using a basic prorated premium (i.e., current annual premiums divided by average annual mileage for each rate class), with an extra 10 - 20 % margin to account for uncertainty.
Your annual payroll at the beginning of the policy period is divided by 100, and then multiplied by the base rate for your class code.
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