Sentences with phrase «beginning stages of the divorce process»

The beginning stages of the divorce process in New York state can be the most important.
Sometimes I will receive a call from spouses at the beginning stages of the divorce process who say they both want mediation, but are not sure whether or not they need it.

Not exact matches

While it's best practice to meet with a financial advisor in the beginning stages of divorce, a financial advisor can help clients in all stages of the divorce process and finds positive changes in all stages.
Thus, the left spouse may only begin the emotional process of divorce on that day, creating a significant discrepancy in their respective stages of the emotional divorce by the time they reach the office of an attorney.
This difference in the beginning of the transition causes a difference in the length of time it takes each person to complete the five stages, and this difference is a major reason why spouses are at different stages as they progress through the divorce process.
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