Sentences with phrase «begins by praying for»

Well, notice that Jesus begins by praying for Himself.
Begin by praying for God to show you who they are and where they live and work, and then, pray for the courage and wisdom on how to do more than just put some money in a plate or write a check to an organization.
Let's begin by praying for those who are home sick or still on their way.»

Not exact matches

Let's pray for every person and family who were harmed by Driscoll to heal, and also for Driscoll to seek help, come to true repentance, and begin a fresh start with the one and only gospel capable of providing salvation to all who believe.
You may want to begin by praying specifically for the families of the 21 Coptic Christians recently executed in Egypt.
In the tumultuous sixties, as an undergraduate at Harvard (for which I have prayed for forgiveness most of my life), I was disappointed again and again by the common Victorian and early twentieth - century convention of beginning a chapter with lush description and then abandoning it in favor of....
Perhaps the Church can set an example by praying for the bereaved and allowing them the space to begin to move on, while respecting that everyone goes at a different pace.
The annual Mass is an event put on by the Archdiocese of Washington and the John Carroll Society and aims to bring people together to pray for the members of the judiciary before the court begins hearing cases each year.
Strangest Lenten Story: Episcopal cleric tries Islamic rituals for Lent «On Wednesday, the first day of Lent, he began performing salah five times a day, by facing east, toward Mecca, and praying to Allah.
Antonio and Julie never expected to be forsaken by the law, but when everything begins to fall apart for the pair and they can't determine who to trust, they prepare to put their lives on the line and pray that they will live to see another day.
«I believe that it would be beneficial for our children to have an opportunity to begin each school day» by praying, Mr. Reagan said as he sent the proposal to Capitol Hill.
It was in 2003 that the late Matt Simmons predicted, with «certainty,» that by 2005 the US would begin a long - term natural gas crisis for which the only solution was «to pray
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