Sentences with phrase «behandelt die like»

«Tim Caughman did not deserve to die like that,» said Portia Clark.
«The stock market is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.
As «children of the Most High -LSB-,] ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes», (Psalms 82:7) who is Satan.
Get rid of all human discriminating religions, or let them evolve; but since their evolution is not possible, let them die like the other ancient myths.
you are dying like dried uri ne because you do not have the teamwork ability to raise children.
if he was god he wud have protected himself rather than die like a helpless street dog
jesus was a man and died like a man.
And you will die like all of us and then you get to find out who was right.
But Jesus came along and took our place on the cross, so that we would not have to suffer and die like He did.
If God vindicated a man who died like this, we are assured that our own agonies need not alienate us from God either.
who breath, sweat, eat, make love, laugh, and die like you can, tell you «I have a personal relationship with God» aka «The Being Who Crafted All OF Reality»....
In 1816 John Keats said about them, «They are dying like an outburnt lamp.»
Mohammed was just a self - styled stand - up prophet, child molester - pedophile who lived and died like any other human being; he did not resurrect like Jesus Christ.
I found out that the inverted cross is St. Peter's he felt unworthy to die like his master so he request to be crucified upside down.
Read the life and words of someone called «Jesus», and think about why someone like him lied and why lots of followers died like Esteban.
Christians who committed their life to God does not mean they have to die like a dog, or to die by someone'e experiment or unbelieve.
We die like beasts and are buried like dogs!
Somehow, a belief system that teaches people that they are the center of all the universe, created in the image of the most perfect being imaginable, strikes me as a bit more of an ego trip than accepting that we aren't destined to live forever because of our «specialness», but that we live our short lifetimes and die like every other living thing on the planet, our bodies decomposing and ultimately entering the food chain once again, on a tiny speck of a planet in an ordinary, remote backwater of the universe.
The Catholic way is dying like a sick man with AIDS in Europe where it was founded and supposedly supposed to be gaining a lot of power.
once again, can you prove that jesus was what he claimed to be... or did anything besides die like a few thousand others did!
And after there are no more mistakes to be made we all die like human beings.
psssttt... there is no heaven, no hell, no afterlife... when u die its like going to sleep forever... you won't even know it....
The story of his ascension to heaven evidently arose from the fact that such a man of God could not be conceived as having died like other men.
If he truly died like the Bible said, then who raised him from the dead?
To lead our exodus, Jesus had to die like we do: alone, with no particular glory.
The USA is not yet dead, but about to die like the whole Western World.
So God judges them, and says that although they are «sons of God,» that is, although He has given some of His authority to them to make judgments, they will still die like mere men (82:7).
«Stay with the best or die like the rest!»
Some say that the radical theology movement died like so many fads of the «60s; it was a «theology of the month» that made a flash and disappeared.
There are two kinds of people who had done mistakes: the first kind is — accept wrongdoings, confess these, repent, discipline for the rest of the life; the second kind is — never accept wrong doings, criticize others» wrong doings, promote others to do wrong, and live like never been sinned and die like never be risen again.
And «You could go out and get your head stepped on and die like that,» rudraksha
William If it turns out we die like rats what's the big deal?
If there is no God and we don't die like rats look out.
You can take your god and bible and find a nice place to die like a dog when old and useless!
Of course the rational answer is that he was just a good man who died like everyone else dies, and will never come back.
So if this person is just using «starvation» and «death» as metaphors, and they aren't actually experiencing the horrors of starving or dying like the kids in Somalia, then its pretty selfish to describe their life as if they were being punished.
They question how a loving god would allow their family member to die like that, to be taken away because of another radical group's faith?
For the first time they were able to show that the stem cells accumulate in large quantities and do not die like «normal» cells.
But if we decide that it is acceptable to treat humans worse than we treat animals, it should not surprise us if many people at the grassroots level decide that as along as they have to die like a dog, they would rather not suffer the fate of an abandoned stray.
7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.
This fad will die like all the others.
nah the best storyline in the league cant die like this They cool with each other again 8nc
He died like Tangie, instantly, facedown on the floor, shot three times in the head.
I don't want to die like my daddy died.
I grew up with the game, and I will die like that».
Even being in late labor, my grandma wanted to get out of there and take her chances at home instead of with the nonchalant midwives that just watched a woman die like it was no big deal.
I found myself overwhelmed at times, distraught that my son would die like his sister.
just this week we lost our 12 week old nephew co-sharing the bed with his mother and she breastfed, she thought she crushed him when infact he died of SIDS, top doctors here say most babies die from these freak accidents, and its better to not co-share at all, i have never seen a precious baby die like this but i did just 3 days ago i would warn parents of co-sharing especially mothers who are sleep deprived, if i can save another family from the gut wrenching emotional rollercoaster and having to switch of life - support machines, then my job is done here, just do nt put your kids in bed with you, you do nt want to suffer like we did and still are
Hell - Rufai, allow him to become the president and watch him die like yaradua and buhari.I forgot abacha.
He said it was a «dark, plastic hallway where pimps and thieves run free, and good men die like dogs.»
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