Sentences with phrase «behave in negative ways»

On the other hand, perhaps not surprisingly, workers with lower compensation are more likely to behave in negative ways when made aware of salary discrepancies.
He will learn that certain behaviors are not effective because he simply does not get what he wants when he behaves in those negative ways.
«If your 3 - year - old chooses to behave in a negative way after you have asked her not to, you can be assured she knows what she's doing, at least at that moment.»
If you child behaves in a negative way then discipline your child immediately and put it behind you.
If the dog starts to try and get round these rules or behaves in a negative way to the other members of the family group or to visitors the leader needs to have sufficient influence to make sure the dog understands it is wrong and changes its behaviour.

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«Document any form of harassment,» advises the post, and make sure not to rise to the bait and let the person's horribleness provoke you into behaving in just the sort of negative ways they've falsely attributed to you.
The argument against what they are doing is that there may be a series of negative consequences from behaving in this way.
For instance, if we looked at our straw placed in a glass filled with a negative - index material, the immersed portion would appear to bend backward, completely unlike the way we're used to light behaving.
Future studies need to clarify whether smaller subgroups of breast cancer, defined according to expression array criteria, will behave in ways similar to ER - α — positive or negative breast cancer but it is clear that the 2 major disease subgroups, defined by ER - α status, show contrasting hypoxic CSC responses.
The next time you hear a negative voice in your head criticizing something you've done, or the way you look or behave, practice Ahimsa on yourself by recognizing self - criticism as harm ---- sometimes even a form of violence.
«I am already empathetic and understanding of the lives of the students, but it is very easy to fall into a negative mindset about why students are behaving in certain ways and why they aren't doing what we are expecting.
Your best friend is also sensitive to negative or positive outcomes to his behavior, so make sure you always reward good behavior instead of punishing him for bad behavior, this way, your dog will always want to get his treat and behave in a good way.
Certainly in the GTA games one can interact, but in a negative way, but it was with Far Cry 3 that there was hope that one's actions would somehow make the lives of the NPC's better, besides doing side missions for them, for it was the freeing of the islands from the bad guys that one hoped would affect how the NPC behaved, and in a small way the developers reinforced this idea with more positive interactions like waving people as one passed by in liberated areas.
«If your head is full of negative thoughts, if you're not feeling the good feelings you used to, or if you're behaving in such a way that you sabotage getting what you want, it may be time to get some counseling.
Children behave in this way for a valid reason, not for the sake of being negative» ~ Webinar participant
Further, these negative cognitions can be triggered not only when the individual believes that the relationship partner behaves in a threatening way but also when negative affect is elicited by some other means (Mikulincer et al. 2003; Pereg and Mikulincer 2001).
There is also evidence showing that EC plays an important role in the development of conscience, which involves the interplay between experiencing moral emotions (i.e., guilt / shame or discomfort following transgressions) and behaving morally, in a way that is compatible with rules and social norms.8 Besides, children who are high in EC appear to be more able to display empathy toward other's emotional states and pro-social behaviour.4 EC is thought to provide the attentional flexibility required to link emotional reactions (both positive and negative) in oneself and others with internalized social norms and action in everyday situations.
Although peers may develop negative impressions of a child because that child has behaved badly, an implication is that even if a child with ADHD improves his or her behavior, the peer group may process that child's actions in a way that leads them to maintain their negative views.
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