Sentences with phrase «behavior of individuals»

This is where exposure to other, well - behaved dogs, along with diligence from the owner, play important roles in the overall behavior of each individual animal.
Specifically, we examine how the achievement and behavior of individual students eligible for a tuition subsidy changed after the program was launched.
A major focus of the field is quantitative measurement of the dynamic behavior of individual components of the system, and modeling to integrate the behavior of many components to explain system behavior.
The market environment will be assessed by observing the price behavior of the individual holdings within the portfolio itself.
Firms influence the professional standards and ethical behaviors of individual lawyers.
The Association of Professional Dog Trainers believes that the actual behavior of an individual dog should be the sole determination of its potential danger.
To shed light on this phenomenon, Roux and his team used supercomputers to simulate the movement and behavior of every individual atom in the potassium channel and its immediate environment.
Coverage focuses on conventional and unconventional political behavior of individuals, and of large organizations that participate in the political process such as parties, interest groups, political action committees, governmental agencies.
In summary, the ASPCA advocates the implementation of a community dog bite prevention program encompassing media and educational outreach in conjunction with the enactment, and vigorous enforcement, of breed - neutral laws that focus on the irresponsible and dangerous behavior of individual guardians and their dogs.
The solution runs a character or reputation search on a candidate's online presence, giving you a complete view of both positive and negative behaviors of an individual so that you can reduce hiring risks and make a more informed decision.
Perspectives of five stakeholder groups: Challenging behavior of individuals with mental retardation and / or Autism.
From flocks of starlings to schools of fish, nature is full of intricate dynamics that emerge from the collective behavior of individuals.
«As a biologist, I can contribute with knowledge about behavior of the individual animals,» explains Pernille Venø Troelsen.
An evaluation of the effects of Life Space Crisis Intervention on the challenging behavior of individual students.
The Varian microeconomics is the branch of current economics that analyzes the market behavior of individual consumers and firms in an attempt to understand the decision - making process of business, corporations, and households.
For quite a few years now, academic philosophers and sociologists, as well as popular social commentators who get paid to pronounce on such matters, have been telling us that people have been abandoning their formal personas in favor of the whims and behavior of their individual selves.
One sees a transition between the fixed behavior of individual atoms and molecules and the adjustable behavior of collectives.
It uses big data and the methodologies of statistical physics and network theory to describe the daily travel behavior of individuals, behavior that holds true at the larger scale of the entire population of two cities on different continents.
«Most notable, from the perspective of developmental science, is the fact that this study provides initial evidence of bidirectional influences among the drinking behaviors of individuals and their peers,» added Latendresse.
The primary goal of Danial Larson's laboratory is to understand gene expression in eukaryotic cells, starting from the mechanistic behavior of individual macromolecules and proceeding to their regulation in cells and tissue.
This «irritable brainstem» can «turn up the volume» of the response and in the worst scenario create temporary insanity and take over the complete behavior of the individual.
Funded by the National Institute of Health, LITE is studying eating and exercise behaviors of individuals who are successfully Living Lean in a Toxic Environment.
Abnormal Psychology: As its name suggests, it deals with the abnormal behavior of individuals.
Credit histories are a more or less complete record of the borrowing and repayment behavior of an individual (or a company).
By running a computer program that simulates the «minute - by - minute behavior of individual salamanders» based on weather conditions, the team concluded that there is a high probability that climate change is causing them to shrink.
Wrongful death is a legal term that refers to any death that arises from the negligent, reckless, or intentional behavior of an individual or company.
In Lunyr's system, tokens play a key role in providing incentives so that the rational behavior of individuals results in common good.
Actively plays the role of a teacher and advisor to promote and maintain healthy behavior of individuals
The ongoing behaviors of an individual or a set of individuals are recorded on a moment - to - moment basis using a limited number of categorical descriptors.
Moreover, psychopathy is negatively associated with the future dimension, which is in line with the impulsive and thrill - seeking behavior of an individual with high levels of psychopathy (Birkás & Csathó, 2015).
Within attachment theory (Bowlby 1969/1982; Cassidy and Shaver 1999), the motivation for belonging can be recognized in the attachment behavior of individuals.
The laws that hold dog guardians responsible for unjustified harm or damage inflicted by their pets should be rational and should not impose bans or authorize discrimination against specific dog breeds without regard to the temperament and behavior of individual dogs.
Coverage focuses on conventional and unconventional political behavior of individuals, and of large organizations that participate in the political process such as parties, interest groups, political action committees, governmental agencies.
The foster caregiver can judge the needs and behavior of the individual animal - how he behaves around other pets, adults, and children, how much space and exercise he needs, what kind of permanent home would be best for him.
«Given the behavior of the individual, it is clear he can no longer work for us,» Taco Bell told CNBC.
Cambridge Analytica, which rose to prominence through its work with Mr. Trump's 2016 election campaign, has found itself confronting a deepening crisis since reports this past weekend in The New York Times and The Observer of London that the firm had harvested the data from more than 50 million Facebook profiles in its bid to develop techniques for predicting the behavior of individual American voters.
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