Sentences with phrase «behaviour in»

However, rational behaviour in humans is in pretty short supply — even among scientists.
One way to probe where and why quantum laws break down is to induce quantum behaviour in ever - larger objects.
It looked like a non-venomous snake but, when grabbed, its eyes changed into those of a deadly relation — a never - before - seen behaviour in mock vipers
- Our study shows that both confident and fearful behaviour in mink is subject to considerable genetic influence.
While these phenomena are well known in animals, the study is a first of its kind for observing this behaviour in bacteria.
If yoga is associated with improving behaviour control, as suggested by the results of the computer test, there may be implications for managing aggression, antisocial or problem behaviour in prisons and on return to society, the researchers note — though this is not measured in this initial study.
The origins of sleep might therefore date back to the dawn of life 4 billion years ago, when microorganisms changed their behaviour in response to night and day.
He says computer models «based on our knowledge of plutonium behaviour in the marine environment, which is extensive, and based on measurements at the site,» offer «no good justification for interfering with the Komsomolets».
Building on existing research (Kirschner and Tomasello in 20102) which found that making music significantly improves pro-social behaviour in young children) the current study investigated not only the potential effects of music making (singing or playing an instrument) on pro-sociability but also its effects on problem - solving and whether there was a difference between boys and girls.
The researchers say that one of the effects on social behaviour in larger groups might be the perception of environmental risk.
«It's the first time we've observed this behaviour in primates,» says Furuichi.
They found that simple messages, displayed during load screens, can have a big effect on player behaviour in the subsequent game.
They took account of psychiatric history and they also looked more closely at the difference in suicidal behaviour in women who had been diagnosed with cervical cancer or a precursor to cervical cancer (the equivalent of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3, or CIN3).
But this does not appear to explain entirely the increased risk of suicidal behaviour in our study since only one of the four observed suicide cases during the first year after diagnosis had gone through surgery.»
Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras at the UCM - ISCIII Joint Centre for Research into Human Evolution and Behaviour in Madrid, Spain, and his team studied 17 of the skulls (see photo).
The switch in the brain that sends us off to sleep has been identified by researchers at Oxford University's Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour in a study in fruit flies.
Habitual bipedal locomotion is a defining feature of modern humans compared with other primates, and the evolution of this behaviour in our clade would have had profound effects on the biologies of our fossil ancestors and relatives.
Dr Bill Bateman, Senior Lecturer at Curtin's Department of Environment & Agriculture, led the study that proved eastern grey squirrels were able to modify their behaviour in urban environments and prevent unnecessary responses when humans acted in a predictable manner, such as staying on the footpath.
Thus, one of its fundamental premises is better information and training on the appropriate behaviour in case of earthquakes for the general population, including foreign residents and tourists.
But now Rebekah Dawson from the University of Western Australia in Perth has documented the behaviour in both large and medium sized wallabies, and shown the behaviour is driven not just by size, but rather the animal's habitat and overall body plan.
«This is one of the few studies to explore how pollution from human activity impacts schooling behaviour in fish.
Zubizarreta says the reason is as follows: «People are somewhat wary of the idea of living in a wooden house: it's an organic material, it's less consistent that concrete or steel and can catch fire, etc.» In this researcher's view, the reason for this wariness is largely a cultural one: «Today, there are excellent treatments to improve the durability of timber; with respect to behaviour in the event of fire, the CTE - M standard specifies how the structure has to be designed.
If this inverse CSI effect exists then one might imagine that a proportion of cyber-criminals would modify their behaviour in one of three ways.
For these researchers, the bursts of demographic expansion caused by climate change in southern Africa were probably key factors in the origin of modern humans» behaviour in Africa, and in the dispersal of Homo sapiens from his ancestral home.
Newly trained AI, taught to avoid specific errors may exhibit unexpected behaviour in another situation.
Likewise, certain aspects of group structure and social behaviour distinguish humans from other primates and almost certainly emerged through major evolutionary events, yet there has been no consensus on how to detect aspects of group behaviour in the fossil or archaeological records.
Now there's a computer vision system that can detect suspicious behaviour in CCTV footage as it happens.
The study links a greater incidence of behavioural problems in foster children with various factors, such as emotional relationships within the social and family context and the educational style of foster carers, given that they are experiences that can trigger the appearance of maladaptive behaviour in the children.
The study revealed sex - specific, anxiety - like behaviour in the offspring of both normal - weight and obese pregnant mice exposed to the androgen dihydrotestosterone.
Male offspring, on the other hand, were unaffected by the elevated maternal androgen levels, but displayed anxiety - like behaviour in response to maternal obesity.
The mechanism for the maintenance of cooperative behaviour in sociable weavers revealed by this study is unlikely to operate at such a global scale, but within smaller communities the idea of kin - directed cooperative behaviour is likely to be widespread and relevant across many other species.
Whether this behaviour helps skin function isn't clear but Yuriy Pershin of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, who has studied memristive behaviour in amoebas, describes the skin's role in processes such as temperature regulation as «primitive intelligence».
Indeed, no one has reported this behaviour in the wild, and similar records in captivity are rare, Loughman says.
«It's a very clever idea and it's something that was waiting to be done,» says Michael Huffman at Kyoto University in Japan, a primatologist who studies rock handling behaviour in Japanese macaques.
Ever wondered what makes the collective behaviour in insect swarms possible?
Previous observations, including by Charles Darwin, have suggested that elephants may manipulate their breath to reach inaccessible food, but there has been limited opportunity to test this behaviour in an experimental setting.
«The fact that they are using them to manipulate behaviour in their own favour is cool,» says Serena Dudek of the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in North Carolina.
Speech recognition software transcribes their conversations for researchers to label with keywords, so that AI can use real human speech and behaviour in similar situations.
Min Tan of the Guangdong Entomological Institute in Guangzhou, China, and colleagues captured 30 male and 30 female short - nosed fruit bats in Yuexiu Park in Guangzhou City and observed their mating behaviour in enclosures.
This supports the theory first advanced several years ago that the arrival of early modern humans in Europe may have stimulated the Neanderthals into copying aspects of their symbolic behaviour in the millennia before they disappeared.
This is important, as behavioural research has shown that (unconditional) intrinsic motivation often sustains helping behaviour in the long - term, whereas (conditional) extrinsic incentives only tend to work for as long as the social incentive is maintained — of which a 4 - week (summer) challenge is a prime example6.
Senior co-author Professor Keith Hawton, from the Centre for Suicide Research at the University of Oxford, said: «Communication via the internet and other electronic means has potential roles in both contributing to and preventing suicidal behaviour in young people.
Now Ella Gale and colleagues at the University of the West of England in Bristol have found memristor behaviour in P. polycephalum «s food - seeking tendrils.
Have our brains evolved to direct our behaviour in ways that have become maladaptive in the modern world?
Richard Evans started out as a developer of the artificially intelligent behaviour in video games such as The Sims 3 (pictured), in which players direct the lives of characters in a simulated suburban community.
Existing studies show that impulsiveness is predictive of online risk taking behaviours, but this additional research with British and Italian young adults highlighted that high self - monitoring — or adapting behaviour in line with perceived social norms — was equally predictive of posting risky content, which Dr White says could mean young people think it's the best way to behave.
What is the most optimal energy behaviour in everyday life with variable electricity prices?
Although moral codes appear to rule out the act of killing in the bridge experiment, most moral behaviour in animals appears focused on outcomes — the death of an individual, say — rather than the act that brought it about.
Takahashi thinks studying the hormone behaviour in more detail could prove productive.
King presented her research last week at the summer conference of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour in St Andrews.
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