Sentences with phrase «behind computer desks»

Everything from using paid employees that sit behind computer desks and chat with you and try to string you along, all the way to using highly sophisticated computer software bots that are designed to mimic real females and then send bogus email messages used as a way to bait you into buying a paid subscription to the site.
You cross your fingers that they'll just move into your spare room and sleep forever on the futon with mis - matched sheets, under the owl wind chimes, behind the computer desk, tripping over my yoga mat.
No matter whether this has been caused by sitting behind a computer desk all day or just because you spend way too much time traveling, posture problems can cause serious...

Not exact matches

I knew that I didn't want to sit behind a desk and work with computers all day, but I took a leap of faith, and ended up making a good choice.
In a restaurant, at the front desk of a hotel, at the concierge desk of a cruise ship or behind a computer screen, employees enjoy Section 7 rights to discuss the terms and conditions of their employment, even when, to employers» dismay, these discussions occur in front of guests.
During the day you can find me sitting behind a desk, staring at a computer screen.
He went into a large office with the man, saw a United States flag, a huge desk with its computer on top, the built - in bookshelves behind him, the windows beside him.
Colors were bright and vivid, but the low camera resolution lost many of the finer details of the picture, such as any text and images on the computer in the background and individual items on the desk behind us.
The words, «loan application» tend to conjure up images of a professional in a dark suit, sitting across from you behind their desk, tapping into their computer or adding machine with a serious look on their face as they evaluate whether or not you are worthy of the credit requested.
Have you ever wanted to train dogs and spend your workdays romping around with cuddly canines instead of sitting behind a desk, staring at a computer screen?
Plus, there is a small room with two computers and printers located behind the Business Center reception desk.
Some time ago, Lifehacker posted a practical tutorial on how to tuck away computer cables behind your work desk.
As Lubin's chair swiveled behind the desk he shares with his assistant, cluttered by papers, computers and an empty mug with chocolate stains, Lubin talked with International Business Times about where he sees the cryptocurrency industry heading in the near future.
If we sat behind the computer too long, it reminded us to move and then let us know when we'd moved enough to return to our desk.
The timing was right and by end of the week I'd found a neat pine TV armoire for cheap at my favorite consignment store, and by the end of the next week, with my bro's long - distance assistance, I had built an extra shelf in the top half and now both printers and all my computer equipment is neatly behind closed doors with channels to hold cords stored, and my monitor and phone are the only items on my desk and I'm on my way finally to having a lovely but functional home office.
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