Sentences with phrase «behind other drinks»

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BUT, Now living in Christ, I DO NOT believe that it is God's Desire, nor is it BENEFICIAL to others or myself, for me to go out and get Butt WASTED drunk and high on Drugs and get behind the wheel of a car and just go for a cruize around town.
Some days baby may drink the whole amount in the bottle and leave some behind on other days.
The best: The Scooter X2's basket is probably the largest on the market, and it has a drink holder and zippered pocket behind each seat, as well as mesh pockets beside the seats so each child has a place to put bottles, sippy cups, and other little items.
While you may not always have a choice, try to travel at off - peak times or days so you'll have more space (and fewer other passengers to worry about); arrive early enough to get through check - in and security screening without sprinting to the gate (remember, you'll have to take your baby out of her stroller and carry her through the checkpoint) but not so early that she gets restless even before boarding; always preboard if you can so you can grab premium space in the overhead compartment and get your baby situated without a crowd waiting impatiently in the aisle behind you; time feedings to coincide with takeoffs and landings (If you're still nursing, offer the breast; if not, offer a pacifier or sippy cup to minimize baby's ear pressure); and bring plenty of drinks, snacks, and entertainment.
«Whether behind the wheel of a car or a boat, drunk drivers are a danger to themselves and a menace to others,» Governor Cuomo said.
We are committed to arresting anyone who chooses to drink and then get behind the wheel of a car, endangering the lives of others
The other day over drinks, a friend asked me if I knew the history behind the word «marathon.»
Do not take your pet to high - traffic pet areas where there may be other pets that are infected, sharing drinking water, smelling each other's «behinds» and fecal matter, etc..
For others, who might want to try the food or drink everyone's been talking about, T+L can lend a hand pointing out the sources behind the hottest new trends.
I earned my PhD in Environmental Studies and Chemistry from the University of Victoria where I was lucky enough to take a graduate course partially taught by Dr. Andrew Weaver (a man I respect and admire take that as you will) and spent many hours drinking coffee with his and other graduate students from the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences and took the opportunity to get educated about the science behind, limitations of, and theories supporting the models being used to make these critical policy decisions.
Every day, someone steps behind the wheel of their car and recklessly attempts to drive while drunk, putting every other motorist they encounter in danger.
A breach of duty may occur when a driver texts or otherwise gets distracted behind the wheel, drives while drunk, runs a red light or stop sign, or drives while excessively fatigued, among many other examples.
A new study co-produced by Uber and Mothers Against Drunk Driving indicates that Uber, Lyft, and other app - based ride services are also behind the decline in drunk driving incidents in California.
It is because of the other driver's illegal and negligent actions of getting drunk and then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle that you have had to suffer injuries and property damage, and for that you should be justly compensated.
It has a simple fact behind that drinking and driving can result in death of yourself or other people on Nevada roads.
One of the only good things to come of this event is that one of the teenagers involved in the accident now talks to other students around the nation about the experience and the importance of not driving while drunk, speeding, or texting while behind the wheel.
Never drink and drive or display other destructive behaviors behind the wheel.
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