Sentences with phrase «being a single mother»

«My wife is tired of being a single mother,» he says.
«I am the single mother who while in the ICU today got a phone call from my manager, director, and HR who said I could either come in now or resign.When I said I needed some time and this is all traumatic with caring for my boyfriend they told me that I would need to make a decision by noon and if I didn't come in or resign, they would terminate me.
She was smart, hard - working and, because she was a single mother, she needed a sound income.
Please do not lump my child in a category with monsters just because I am a single mother.
Many of the women, in particular, are divorced, quite a few are middle - aged, and many are single mothers
I am a single mother and I have responsabilities.
She seemed a simple hero who climbed, steadfast, over every barrier placed in her path: the language barrier, the barrier of being a single mother, the barrier of finding work as an immigrant in the midst of the depression.
However, I was a single mother of a special needs child.
Two - thirds of the minimum wage workers, who are earning an average across this country of five dollars and fifty cents an hour (they're in this hotel today, and you'll pass them in the hall over and over again), are single mothers with three children.
If this were the case there would be no single mothers and no childless marriages.
For instance, less - educated women are more likely to be single mothers.
Thank you for the great recipes and other pages to check out as well I» m a single mother of 4 children, all of us have differing food allergies, gluten being our main one.
She simply saw me as an oasis from the desert of being a single mother for 13 years.
When you're a single mother, time is something you just don't have much of.
I was a single mother and having a very hard time.
Granted, you've got to give her credit for being a single mother of four while still maintaining the Queen of Pop title for all eternity.
But, I got to thinking that if I was already operating as a single mother, I may as well be a single mother and at least have the prospect of any benefits that might bring.
Being a single mother is no joke.
AFRICAN MOON: So I like what Trisa brought up because being a single mother in itself is almost like trying to tap into that super power but being a single mother and breastfeeding and now, I have three like I definitely had to become super woman like I had to realize that everything is on me, okay?
This particular family is a single mother with two young children.
Vicki is the single mother of Alex (12), Ryan (8) and Jessica (6).
Alice Farrow is a single mother, lesbian, retired LLL Leader and expatriate Australian living in Rome with her two bilingual children and adopted dog.
Ana Slocum, Articles Editor and Author of Panda & Ananaso Ana is a single mother who stumbled into Attachment Parenting after the birth of her only son, Niko, in 2010.
Make sure sons especially get exposure to male role models through sports, male relatives, or even other kids» dads Be A Good Single Mama 1) Don't be ashamed of being a single mother; realize you are a strong person, and a powerful figure in your child's life; you can still guide them and set them on the right path.
Are you a single mother?
I am a single mother, first baby, and he has been sleeping with me since day one, except during daytime naps when he sleeps in his crib.
I'm a single mother, but my mom lives with me to keep the baby while I work, and she's tried to get him at night to see if he'll go back to sleep and he just screams until we finally both give in.
My friend Carol has been a single mother since her older son was in elementary school and her twins were less than a year old.
Dr. Lane is a single mother so works hard to create balance.
Hi, This is me lately... lots of reasons, mainly a very stressful couple of years including divorce, job being downsized, and being a single mother now.
If you're a single mother, you must remember to try the following:
I'm a single mother of an infant and, obviously I work full time, too.
Carmel Sullivan is a single mother who founded CoAdobe because she recognized the high cost of housing as one of the top barriers single mothers face in raising their children.
It doesn't matter if the mother has an active parenting partner or is a single mother, we all need help.
For instance: they're that broke; they're single mothers working two jobs and lucky to squeeze in a few hours of sleep at night; they make lunches but have already left for work in the morning and aren't around to make sure that they get out the door (just to toss out a few).
Let's make one thing clear, there is nothing wrong with being a single mother or raising children as a single parent.
However, if you're a single mother whose child has to ride the subway home from school alone because you have to work to put food on the table, the subway ride would be unavoidable.
i was a single mother with my first child and i was bed sharing with her with no problems..
Enough of the funny stuff, I am a single mother and thought that it was just me but the more I interact with other parents I'm in good company.
So I figured that Becuz I'm a single mother if she had a father he could put her to sleep.
When there is a single mother, how can she possibly be able to have the time to breast feed, while a whole host of other pressures are on her shoulders.
Being a single mother is hard enough, and to be forced into that due to a loss, is doubly hard.
I am a single mother to an almost 9 month old baby boy.
By Monique I started my journey toward being a single mother by choice with fertility testing.
Once typical of only poor and minority women, this trend doesn't seem to be slowing down, as the stigma of being a single mother has been replaced by the choice by women to have children on their own.
With my older son, I was a single mother.
I was a single mother and I desperately wanted to stay at home with my baby son.
Dear Abby: My sister, «Laurel,» is a single mother with one child.
I am the single mother of 3 grown children: Paige, Yates, and Alex. I have two granddaughters, Sophia and Brianna.
Morgan, my step - daughter, was a single mother.
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