Sentences with phrase «being closed minded»

And yet you describe Alexi as being closed minded and unaccepting of the GW caused humans.
Maybe I am an entirely reasonable person and maybe you are wrong about my being closed minded.
This why Playstation is the best in this gaming industry, not like others that only depend on their company name like Nintendo for example that only want to keep selling their devices without releasing new games, Sony on the other hand they keep pushing boundaries in terms of gameplay and visuals, they always have this forward thinking unlike the competition that like to remain in the past or just being closed minded (Nintendo / MS).
No, but maybe it's more of a process of holding onto beliefs with an open hand and being open to allowing God to slowly untangle truth from untruth instead of being closed minded because we have determined truth through our own mental efforts.
That's a far cry from being closed minded to the concept, but it is unlikely we will ever have more proof of god than there is that mankind was farted from the butt of a cosmic water buffalo.
Negative minds are closed minds.
and they say tha religious people are close minded... go do your own research, its called google scholar and its free.
To dismiss something as hogwash is closed minded and very anti-science.
Saying I have confirmation bias (which I don't), calling me a closeted fundie, saying I'm closed minded and then making fun of a theory that Sam Harris postulates...
A university should be an open environment for people of all walks and whatevers to exchange ideas... and I don't believe anyone has a right to be close minded in any university.
If I believed in the Great Pumpkin with such conviction that I proclaimed «I can not be anything other than convinced» to a Christian who was trying to tell me about his or her God, they would probably accuse me of being close minded.
I am a Pagan and I have to say that I know Pagans who are closed minded and even racists.
At one point, in anger, the larger of the two missionaries abruptly stood up, pointed his index finger at me, and shouted «You are closed minded».
I will forever be perplexed at believers who claim that non believers are closed minded.
It does baffle me to a point that being close minded is so easy for some people.
Non belief is also different than skepticism or cinicism, which are closed minded approaches to thought.
You won't even attempt to engage in any serious study of the issue (which I have done extensively) so why should I care that you are closed minded?
Yeah, but see the problem with that is that religion explicitly tells you to be close minded - blessed are those who believe without having seen (or something along those lines).
You really think it is close minded for a religious employer to suspend the employment of someone who is going to take the view that there is no God?
I and other atheists I know feel the same as many Christians do about not wanting to be lumped in with all the stereotypes about being close minded and hateful.
I find the atheist trolls on this blog to be closed minded and arrogant, but I respect their right to their closed mind and arrogant views.
I do not belive all non belivers on this blog are closed minded trolls, but their are many.
One last word on this subject is America open your eyes on this because all religion will do is close your mind!!
I am a Muslim and I am sorry to heart that the Muslims around your area are claimed to be closed minded people.
Believing in a divine creator does not mean you are closed minded.
Going by that logic, you are closed minded to the idea that tiny fairies that live in pocket dimensions are responsible for gravity.
That is why I can assume that evolutionists are closed minded.
How exactly is rejecting non-science being close minded?
You are closing your mind to the reasons not to believe in something without reasonable evidence.
its funny when you people say atheists are close minded... nothing is more close minded than inclining to useless faith and a creation of the imagination that becomes an easy answer for all sorts of deep questions.
Unlike you however I am not angry at or frustrated by those who disagree with me, because, like you I can not prove you are wrong and I am not going to waste my time trying, nor am I going to call you names and say you are closed minded in your conviction that science can answer all questions, in time.
You claim others are close minded but then go on to assert that the only worldview that exists is the one put forth by the bible.
IF it didn't, then you are either a troll yourself, or you are closed minded to a degree that would make a clam envious.
Both ends are closed minded, tend towards hate and bigotry of everyone else (as evidenced by many posts here) and are the true danger to society.
I agree she was close minded and breaking up was probably a good thing.
While I agree with respect to being close minded, I don't understand how people with diverse, if not irreconcilable, religious beliefs can hold a long term relationship together.
No matter if you are an Atheists or a Religious person, if you even entertain the possibility that God does or does not exist, you are a close minded individual.
because they are closed minded and believe that she was bullied into doing it even though she chose to walk into the building and look at it... and I don't believe there was a neon sign yelling, «i'm a religious contraversy, look at me...»
Who's the closed minded bigot now.
and its OK to be closed minded..
When you're closed minded everything seems to reinforce your world view.
Now who's closed minded!
I know what you mean last time I told some one he was wrong and gave him the proof he told me I was close minded and cussed me out.
You are the closed minded person here.
Some cience folks who deny religion are closed minded to a realm of possibilities that have not been disproven (God).
These things have been explained time and time again, but yet all you do is close your minds and go la la la la, and train your followers to deny, deny, deny.
Unfortunately many people blindly believe what a person in authority tells them even when that person is a closed minded fool.
Do you really think atheists are close minded?
And hopefully help you not be a close minded fool.
If you think my disbelief in God is close minded then I would of course disagree.
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