Sentences with phrase «being in the office all»

As soon as they were in an office they felt they had to take things a little more seriously.
During that first year, the company was in an office «closet» in a Long Island town with its warehouse in the garage of Nesi's parents» home.
PDA's in the office makes others uncomfortable which could lead to moral problems and potential legal issues.
One day some other members of Lapointe's team were in his office, admiring his collection of miniature die - cast sports convertibles.
Plus, taking a break from being in the office will help your employees focus and be more productive once they get back.
We tried amnesty before, when Reagan was in office, and all it did was encourage more to come.
The United States has been falling behind on math and science test scores for decades — and waiting for help from the federal government is almost always a bad idea, no matter who is in office.
Hillary has been touting change, but with her in the White House it would be more of the same divisiveness we have seen since her husband was in office.
I have been in an office when the men in black arrived and started removing all of the computers and files and changing the locks while the owner of the business sat sobbing and refusing to let go of his desk until the police came and threw him off the property.
Deslandes says that O'Leary did try to be inclusive, when he was in the office, by inviting people to meetings and seeking to give them more responsibility.
For example, if a creative CEO is fine with employees» working from home or wants everyone to be in the office by a certain time each day, the expectation must be set and the rule adhered to.
President Donald Trump has not even been in office a month yet and has already made some egregious errors in his professional communications.
«Just because you're in the office for the required eight hours doesn't mean you've done your job.»
But Silverblatt also said that, in the six months since Trump has been in office, the market has not been paying as much attention to development's in the nation's capitol.
When you have to get work done and can't be in the office, you want the experience to be seamless and use features you're already accustomed to when you are behind the desk.
Trump filed for re-election the day after taking office — allowing his campaign to continue to raise and spend money while he is in office.
One is that social media sites, like LinkedIn, make it easier for company leaders to stay in touch with former employees, whether they're in the office next door or halfway across the country.
I need you to be in the office from 8:00 to 5:00 every day.»
Are you ready to give up weekends to be in the office?
«A lot of the stuff that happens on Gchat is not necessarily productive and wouldn't be talked about in real life — it's surface - level nonsense that's getting in the way of why you're in the office to begin with,» Bolt says.
Social media can be great to build a community, but now that you're in office, what more can you do to keep the public engaged?
And how many attorneys are in this office to fight the nation's book cookers, insider traders, and other Wall Street thieves?
«It's one thing if you are in the office and can provide valuable feedback face - to - face.
And in Washington, tradition holds that early generosity, or even one small pre-election check, will be remembered by candidates once they are in office.
Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffett, who is also 84, has been in office for 59 years.
Clinton admitted, however, that the relations between Republicans and Democrats in Congress were the worst he'd seen since, well, since he was in office.
«The more that you make space for people to have life outside the office, the better they're going to perform when they're in the office,» Forman says.
Consider investing in employees» well - being in the office and find fun ways to keep your team in shape.
«If I was in office, Carrier wouldn't be leaving,» Trump said in a speech at the Indiana Fairgrounds in April, saying that he would impose an aggressive tax on Carrier and other companies moving manufacturing jobs outside the US.
Is your team excited to be in the office?
There's a big difference between that one time you have to stay late to finish up a big new project and when it turns into an expectation that you're in the office until after the sun goes down every day.
For one thing, employees often overcompensate and over-communicate to make up for not being in the office.
On a daily basis, four of five dogs are in their offices, fostering collaboration and camaraderie among employees, while also helping Petplan emphasize it's mission.
Colleagues recalled to The New York Times that he would be in the office by 6 a.m., even after taking a five mile run in the morning.
I'm in the office by 5:15 AM and proceed to work at a frenetic pace for 15 hours straight.
The first Bush would get up at 4 a.m., go running, be in the office by 6 a.m. and stay up until 2 a.m. «He was a horror,» said a former White House nurse who had to try to keep up with him.
When you tell someone the only way they can be spontaneous is in the office, you look like a fool, especially to the next generation.
What that means is, I'm supposed to be in the office from 8 to 5, Monday through Friday, but I want to be flexible, so I have to ask for permission from my boss.
«Literally, it was an amazing moment last week when we were in the office and he said, «I really need to go meditate in order to be in a place to make good decisions right now,»» Huffington said at the iCONIC conference in New York City on Wednesday.
When I was in the office every day, there were some people I really liked, but some days they drove me nuts, because they kept stopping by, they kept interrupting me.
On most days, he says, about three to four people are in the office, including freelancers.
And if productivity falls, an employee can return to being in the office full time.»
A clean break can be energizing and can improve focus on the days employees are in the office.
McElveen - Hunter: I was in my office quite a bit, and the door's always open, and I went to lunch with some of my people every day, so I got the scoop.
I wake up at 4 a.m. and am in the office by 5 a.m., which means I have gotten ahead of my emails, communicated with board members and clients on the East Coast and in Europe, and caught up on the news before most people have had their first cup of coffee.
The defendants in the case «fully expected that when I was in their office and they said, «Raj, you have a choice between walking away a rich man and being ruined in court and in the press,» that I would chose to walk away a rich man,» Bhakta says.
The most productive time of the year for a company doesn't have to be in the office.
Being in the office an extra two hours isn't something that you want to do — but in this instance it is something you have to do if you want to meet your goals.
Research suggests that markets are affected by who's in office, at both the executive and legislative branches.
In many jobs, the need for the teams to be in the office full - time is no longer there, especially for knowledge workers.
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