Sentences with phrase «being part of something bigger»

By being a part of something bigger than ourselves, and always having the attitude of giving — whether that be of our time, our attention or our finances — we've created a way to bond with each other as agents, as neighbors, and as friends.
You also have the security of being part of something bigger.
So in short, languages are great but what we are really looking for are people that will thrive in our fast - paced, collaborative environment and who have a real interest in being part of something bigger.
I felt a sense of community and being part of something bigger than myself, which is a nice break from being alone in my studio for hours on end.
Whether it is my work with our school principals, our school principals work with our teachers or our teachers work with our students, we want people to buy - in to being part of something bigger, and not just do the minimum to feel they have completed a task.
The team finished the season second overall, and the players gained the experience of being part of something bigger than themselves.
Feeling empowered and being a part of something bigger affords teachers a feeling of pride, self - worth and reward.
That gives them that sense of belonging and a sense of being a part of something bigger... «Here's an issue, here's a problem, and I'm going to lend my part to that.
This kind of participation and being part of something bigger is way more rewarding than small - time bullying, though it likely comes from the same need: to be noticed, validated, seen.
They clearly have a sense of being part of something bigger than themselves.
I was excited to head to Los Angeles partly for a little mama getaway, but mostly for being part of something bigger than me.
It's about being a part of something bigger than myself and working for justice, making space for God, while defeating a core lie that I still, somehow, believe about myself and, perhaps, women.
«We're not a huge group of people but by coming together with people locally and joining up with the ONE campaign... it gives us a sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves.»
For difference makers, it's about more than money — it's about meaningful work and being a part of something bigger than the task at hand.
To attract talent and not break the budget, Graham suggests promoting the experience of working with a startup, which can be exciting and energetic and typically attracts young and ambitious men and women who are hungry for an opportunity to be part of something big.
The funny thing is, a lot of people that've worked out here have had their own companies, but they wanted to be part of something bigger.
That's the kind of thing that shows someone has a calling: when they can see their part in the history of something; when they can see that their work is part of something bigger than themselves.
In addition to feeling like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, some relatively inexpensive perks can be the difference between them staying with your company and jumping over to a competitor.
He wanted to make incredible products, but those products would be part of something bigger — creating a role model for people who wanted to build a sustainable organization.
By simply investing in what you know, identifying a pain point and using tech to alleviate it, you can be a part of something bigger than yourself.
In your book, you talk about how games make us happy by providing satisfying tasks, achievable goals and the chance to be part of something bigger than ourselves.
I knew I wanted to be a part of something bigger in the Pure Barre world one day.
Follow As author Emily Giffin once said, «Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it's important to follow your heart...
Almost all games play on this desire to be a part of something bigger.
Loss of a loved one, strong feelings of loneliness, «hitting rock bottom», a need to belong to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Church can be a miraculous place, for those in need of a place to be a part of something bigger.
Therefore we are a part of something bigger.
We are asking our daughters to live out who they were made to be by recognizing that they are a part of something bigger.
«For a smaller congregation, it's really nice to be a part of something bigger,» said Matt Staniz, the pastor of Temple Lutheran Church in Haverton, Pennsylvania.
It takes advantage of people's search for meaning, their desire to be part of something bigger than themselves, even if it goes against truth and knowledge.
My faith helps me be a part of something bigger than me along with all mankind.
Just like going to a restaurant is a nice change of pace to get fed on a lazy day and get some food you wouldn't get at home... (2) I think we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, and meeting with other Christians on Sundays helps us with that — singing together, fellowshiping, etc. (3) Sunday mornings can be one of the places where the pastor gets to teach people how to feed themselves.
«You feel as if you are part of something bigger than yourself, a hungry, chattering component of a grand pleasure machine.»
instead of starting it since they all have the talent and interest from other schools to be a part of something big now instead of starting it and seeing it unfold later.
Come on Jenks stay and be part of something big.
Fight for your place and be part of something big.
Those of us involved with API do so because we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and to have an anchor in our own lives to help us transform, to undo our own negative internal programming, to learn to live — and speak — peacefully.
In essence, I try to make a child feel like they are part of something bigger.
I think she will get a lot out of a greater understanding of the concept that she's part of something big and important, something that is happening all over the country.»
Working here is more than a job, it fosters a sense of purpose and allows you to be a part of something bigger.
«All of us are part of something bigger, a movement for change, a blue wave rising in special election after special election,» Mayer said in a statement after she declared victory.
«All of us are part of something bigger — a movement for change, a blue wave rising in special election after special election.
It's a relationship - you're part of something bigger than you, and it matters what you think and feel and do.
Of course, some people get involved in studies because they want to be a part of something bigger.
«Self - esteem gives you a feeling that you're part of something bigger, that you have a chance for immortality, that you have meaning, that you're not just a sack of meat.»
«I guess people want to be part of something big and something successful.»
We are part of something bigger than just ourselves, so if we don't tend to that bigger picture - the well - being of the planet and all its inhabitants — we will not ultimately thrive.
Be Part Of Something Bigger Than Yourself: Selfish people die younger than people part of a group and a movement.
It's an amazing feeling to know that you're part of something bigger than yourself.
I love everything about this campaign and it is exciting to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
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