Sentences with phrase «beings for all eternity»

Yeah, but he lies in order to be able to lick god's b a l l s for all eternity while he smells the smoke of the tormented coming through the ventilation system in god's throne room.
the biblical hell is for eternity,, the quranic hell is temporal,, wait for the great white throne judgment.
And what possible action would justify doing this to billions of human beings for all eternity?
If they're murdering for you because you've told them they'll get some special ex.istence with an unproven being for all eternity, then you're accomplishing your evil by blatant lies..
So asking whether we will have sex in Heaven or whether our pets will be there is really asking what kind of God we serve and what his best intentions are for our eternity.
That's theirs for eternity..
Rather, what you'll see in this article, is that saturated fat is a perfectly natural part of the human diet and has been for eternity... it is NOT the evil demon it has been made out to be!
Kolkata, West Bengal, India About Blog Indian handicrafts are for eternity rich in multiplicity owing to immense diversity in the cultural set - up of Indian society.
Holding that child and knowing he / she will be yours for eternity will melt everything else away.

Not exact matches

While waiting for something to get complete can feel like an eternity, it is important to make the most of that time.
Saje offers an extremely generous return policy, which allows customers to return products any time, for the rest of eternity, even if it's half - used and they lost the receipt.
Take me to your leader and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity
Trying to support and service from «here to eternity» isn't easy for anybody.
The «COMING SOON» sign has been in the front window for what seems like an eternity, but Research in Motion is really, really, really set to unveil its BlackBerry 10
«As you shrink for all eternity, everything that you know and love are gone forever.»
Another caveat: while your transfer - pricing strategy needn't be set in stone for eternity, you can not be tweaking it constantly to accommodate recent financial results.
The «COMING SOON» sign has been in the front window for what seems like an eternity, but Research in Motion is really, really, really set to unveil its BlackBerry 10 to the public on Jan. 30.
If your «SEO Expert» says we're going to build 200 links for you every month from here to eternity, then you should consult with someone else!
we'd be adding equity to a market that was stale for an eternity.
My sense of the heavens» beauty, of eternity, was inseparably mixed for me with a sense of transience — and death.
Yet, despite all of these derogatory references to the Terry Malloys and Dean Wormers and Norman Bates in the world of gold and silver, I continue to believe that gold, silver, gold and silver miners, developers, and explorers are going to quite soon have their moments in the sunlight, finally out from under the rocks and tree stumps where they have been hiding in darkness for what feels like an eternity.
I don't mind burning for eternity in hell, as long as I know I was a good person, only for myself and the rest of humanity, not for any false Gods... which is all of them in my book.
It would take an eternity for me to want to be part of such an unjust place.
Let's see... believe in our God or you will be tortured for eternity... Believe in our God even if science and the fossil record refute our conclusions... Believe in our God who can do anything, it doesn't matter what you come up with, he can do it and don't you dare call it magic or fantasy... but don't test him either, he's not a performing monkey who does tricks to convince us he's real, we just have to have faith, but he could do anything if chose to...
We have the opportunity to go through this ordeal in the here and now and accept the penalty Christ paid for us with gratitude because I think the pain will be even greater, once we have entered eternity, knowing that our life was never lived in true freedom and grace.
Those people who get divorced are also damned for eternity!!
It's your choice though, do whatever you want, don't let ME or the threat ot burning for eternity influence your decision» He then decided to close down the telepathic chat we were having because he had to make the rounds like he does every night.
God will send them to hell to burn for eternity because God is a ruthless psychopathic tyrant that gets off on making people suffer.
The fear of the great nothing is too much for my mind to bear, and I can sleep at night by convincing myself that the absolute nothing we all face one day will instead be full of happy choirs of angels, reward for any suffering I've endured, punishment of the wicked and evil (it pains me to think those who cause so much evil will not suffer for eternity, so hell is a great comfort too), and that I'll get to see all those I currently miss since the death of friends and family are so painful.
This is ONE NATION UNDER GOD's JUDGMENT and God was where HE has always been and where HE will always be for all of Eternity; in HEAVEN.
presumably you worship a deity whose plan it is to torture some segment of humanity for eternity... and whose bright idea was that?
RELIGION - there has always been this invisible magical man with no explanation, got bored and thought hey i want some company and * POOF * created everything from nothing besides man that he used dirt to make and women that he used a rib to create then for the next generation a lot of incest happened and now we are at 6 billion people in only 6,000 years were the majority of people will suffer for eternity to do not believe in him, even though he could easily save them...
I love my children but I sure couldn't imagine torturing them for an eternity because I gave them free will to try to do what's right.
Your god is quite the sick sadistic putz — creating billions of people for the sole purpose of torturing them for all eternity.
Fortunately, you will never have to suffer the defeat of discovering at your death that there is no heaven for you to go to (or feel relief that there is no fiery inferno for you to be tormented in for eternity).
U need to stop trying to come up with your own meanings for life and start thinking about how ur life can affect ur eternity... we're only here for a short while, think about it
This is the same God that I regretably believed actually burns people for all of eternity??? Someone a Christian holds onto «justice» and God being «perfect» to justify punishment without purpose?
I personally believe that there is an afterlife... and if God tells me, «I made you to suffer for 100 years on earth for an eternity with me,» I can't say that I'd complain to the guy.
Oh, and don't forget we have immortal souls too, because I don't like the idea of not existing in some form or another for the rest of eternity, what I have on this beutiful earth is just not enough to satisfy the greed for more...
What the Evangelical church needs is a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost, just like in the book of Acts, where daily, thousands recognized their need for Jesus Christ as the only person who could save them from a Christ-less eternity.
This is a religion based on an angry god who's going to put most of the people on this Earth in Hell for eternity.
If you do not, you will be condemned for all eternity.
Love and follow Jesus» truth and live spiritually, while here on earth as it is in heaven, dwell with Him for eternity.
He is God and Lord alone and he (Jesus) will love you for all eternity whether you choose to go to heaven with him or to hell with the devil, its up to you, but I guess if you don't believe in Jesus Christ then I guess you don't believe that Satan exist either.
The just and loving god is going to do mean things to me for all eternity because I don't believe in santa claus.
Someone who was already angry that He could create people who He knew would go to Hell for all eternity.
God was where HE has always been and where HE will always be for all of Eternity; in HEAVEN.
so please explain to me how everyone that does believe in your god, even though there are many gods around the world, are all going to burn in hell for eternity?
If they will accept His gift, believe in Him, then, they, even those who murder and molest babies, will be cleansed from their sins and can live together with Him for eternity.
Furthermore, however bad some atheists can be, no matter how undiplomatic or downright rude, will never ever see an atheist sign saying that you will burn in Hell for all eternity if you don't share our beliefs.
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