Sentences with phrase «belief among»

«The misconceptions about Zoocasa from some Realtors are plentiful,» says Darryl Mitchell, adding that the belief among some real estate professionals that Zoocasa is anti-Realtor or competition for salespeople is completely false.
«The misconceptions about Zoocasa from some Realtors are plentiful,» says Mitchell, adding that the belief among some real estate professionals that Zoocasa is anti-Realtor or competition for salespeople is completely false.
The widely held belief among industry pundits was that when the stock market started to rebound, the extraordinary performance of publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs) would cool.
The price surges represent a belief among market investors that the nascent Blockchain - based cryptocurrencies will have massive impacts on the market, in much the same way dotcom companies did previously.
There is a growing belief among regulators that bitcoin is not a cryptocurrency but an asset and this means trades
While there's a widely held belief among the general population that bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies are completely anonymous, this isn't actually the case.
There is a deeply held belief among institutional investors.
The commonly held belief among serial ICO investors is the best qualities to look for are: teams with multiple cryptocurrency veterans who have years of experience working with this type of technology, thoughtful approaches to compliance and a secure cryptocurrency with unique features beyond what other tokens or high - tech tools already offer.
At least, that's a common belief among policyholders.
Tom Morrison, an associate at Rollits Solicitors, says the investigation has come about largely as a result of the level of complaints about the standard and availability of facilities at BAA's airports, most notably at Heathrow, coupled with the belief among many that operational and capacity issues would be addressed quicker and more effectively by an owner which was facing competition from neighbouring airports.
As a result, there is the belief among some that a client can divulge absolutely anything to their lawyer, even their intention of committing a violent crime, and the lawyer can not share this information, without exception.
Well - meaning employers frequently think they should ban all discussions or expressions of religious belief among their employees.
Running for election risks creating the false belief among some law society directors that their role is to represent their electors, which may result in election platforms designed to be attractive to that group.
1) There is a mistaken belief among some in law firms that research is easy («if articling students can do it, it can't be that hard»).
The most widely stated reason for continuing to reference print law reports sources is a widespread belief among legal researchers that there is some intrinsec value in print law reports that is lacking in electronic sources.
That all said, the point that greenhouse gases aside, fracking can be safe is the genuine belief among the fossil fuel industry.
It is a widespread belief among liberals that if only Democrats can continue to dominate national elections, if only those awful Republicans are beaten into submission, the country will be on the right course.
We now have proof: socialism is a consensus of belief among Western citizens that it is far better to be taken care of by a government run by hypocritical liars that will promise you anything to stay in power, than to be responsible for your own actions.
I suspect that the higher level of belief among ocean sciences and particularly geophysics represents second order belief (i.e. support for a perceived consensus) rather than personal research on AGW detection / attribution or a careful survey of the literature.
This is such a dramatic and perversely entertaining story (whose subtext is, ease and pleasure and wealth is inherently destructive, which has always been a popular belief among a large cohort of human beings) that many people are compelled to believe it right from the start, and the news media love it and hype it, and extol you as a solon whose special knowledge will save mankind.
«Climate scientists» took note of this fact, and think their conjectures will be accepted by the public if the public believes there is a consensus of belief among scientists.
It is a widely held belief among those in the art world that Hockney's meeting with the modern artist Jacob Kramer in Leeds and the viewing of Alan Davie's exhibition in Wakfield in 1958 pushed Hockney towards the type of work that is considered avant - garde and identified him more with the pop artists of the late sixties.
By the 1950s, de Kooning defied the predominantly held belief among his «Ab Ex» peers that representational painting was dead.
There is a belief among travelers that it is nearly impossible to book a peak - season award ticket, especially to a popular destination.
There is a growing belief among veterinarians and breeders that a natural diet is necessary for a pet's health and well - being.
In fact, this is a fairly common belief among pet owners — so much so that sales of music albums made just for animals has been steadily on the rise.
This has not been proven, but is a common belief among training professionals.
As you can imagine, this is a highly unpopular belief among most cat lovers.
Typically, the common belief among many retail traders is that money can only be made when trading Forex in a trending market, but this is not the case.
One of the reasons that CommonBond is able to offer interest rates that are lower than the competition is the belief among the company's founders and investors that creditworthy borrowers should benefit from lower rates.
There is a belief among experienced traders that market makers move a stock down to the stop to get more shares for their account, since they believe the stock will rise again.
What I want to focus on is another illusory belief among some authors — and most of these are self publishers — that eBooks is the exclusive way to forge ahead in publishing.
There's a popular belief among authors that if they self - publish and demonstrate that their books can generate huge sells, a traditional publisher will take an interest in their work.
One thing that's changing in Nissan's favor is the positive perception of EVs and the belief among some buyers that there's nothing wrong with driving an EV as a Monday - to - Friday commuter car, then renting something bigger with a combustion engine for holiday weekends.
It's still unclear how Aston Martin will adopt these technologies on the Vanquish, but there's strong belief among management, led by Palmer no less, that the Vanquish's price tag will be sufficient enough to accommodate the introduction of these technologies into the fold without the company having to cut corners on other aspects of the next - generation sports car.
Accounts of such schools highlight a widespread belief among their teachers of empowerment over student outcomes despite students» disadvantages.
The Efficacy Institute approach is built on three elements: building consensus on clear targets for academic proficiency; building belief among teachers, parents, and children themselves that proficiency standards can be achieved; and then building a continuous stream of feedback from student assessments to drive changes in curriculum and instructional strategy.
What can be gleaned from available research and data is that patterns of giving have shifted in recent decades to include more efforts to fund disruptive or innovative approaches, signaling a belief among funders that problems in K - 12 education are not solely an issue of a lack of resources but also of a need to use existing resources differently.
There is a widespread belief among teachers that students» constant use of digital technology is hampering their attention spans and ability to persevere in the face of challenging tasks, according to two surveys of teachers being released on Thursday.
You'll leave this session knowing how to create belief among your school team that personal and collective growth are possible, and use data to drive coaching decisions that will have positive effects on outcomes that matter to all.
as in» there is a belief among reformers...»» reformers probably do not have much to say about teacher prep...»» There is probably a parallel belief that teaching should only be a short - term job...» Or,» youthful energy is more valuable than experience, though this is less explicitly stated and may not be as consistently supported among reformers...» and therefore»... it should be clear that the quality of... Read More
More broadly, there is a belief among reformers that the best way to improve the quality of teachers is to open the profession up to as many people as possible then cull the lower quality ones.
But the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which has researched poverty, rejected the idea of low parental aspirations, but instead blamed a lack of self - belief among white working - class families.
There's also the misguided belief among many that excess tax / basic aid district are sapping the system.
There is a deeply entrenched belief among many educators and parents that the role of teachers is to teach the curriculum for the year level; the role of students is to learn that curriculum; and the role of assessment is to judge and grade students on how well they have learnt what teachers have taught.
He talks about a mistaken, destructive belief among parents and students: students» futures and worth are determined by which schools say yes and which say no — and that's so wrong.
There is a famous belief among «Trekkies» that the quality of a Star Trek film relies on its numbering in the franchise.
In the world of online dating, religious sites indicate a classic belief among some love seekers that faith matters and that God is the ultimate matchmaker.
The survey confirmed the belief among Chinese women born in the 1970s and»80s that the more education they have and the higher their salaries, the harder the task of finding a husband.
Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong.
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