Sentences with phrase «belief gives purpose»

Religious belief gives purpose to those who have a need to believe they are more than an insignificant spec of dust.

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So it's fairer to say that her confidence in her method — and her belief that it could be the source of purpose — keep her from critically examining her real purpose, giving her that unjustified confidence that her knowledge of numbers was evidence that she was right about justice.
Individual freedom is indeed central to conservatism but so is the belief that individual freedom is given purpose and direction in the context of strong communities.
At one point, for example, Carter describes beautifully the creedal portions of the Catholic belief in the sacraments, only to end by claiming that «the entire purpose of the sacraments was to give an outward sign of belief
It is our duty as Americans to know and appreciate the systems of belief — the mythic cosmologies, the scientific laws, the common - sense attitudes — that in times past have served to give coherence and purpose to our life together.
Gager, to allow yourself to be killed for no purpose or belief is a waste... we will all die... What and how we choose to do with our life given to beliefs or purpose is what makes a person great or menial...
The whole movement back to a commitment to the church started to make more sense when I reread Erik Erikson's discussion of identity as being tied to the discovery of an ideology, a belief system, which gives one a transcendent fix on the meaning and purpose for existence.
Now if you're wondering what I am speculating, in this case I'll give you my belief; and that is that the game has to do with the purpose of life.
Psychologically, if it gives them some kind of closure in their belief that there is a purpose higher than them for the destruction in my state and losing their homes / loved ones I don't have a problem with that and I don't think anyone else should either.
We have all been given another year to re-create our mission, our belief, purpose and relevance to the public.
His purpose was to give a factual account of Islamic beliefs and how that belief system affects the lives of practicing Muslims.
The belief has been that smaller, specialized schools — known generally as charter schools — whose principals are given a great deal of autonomy, will give parents and children a great deal of choice and that they should replace the large, amorphous, all - purpose public schools that, in any case, haven't been doing a good job.
Effective teaching, it seems, always comes back to understanding the fundamentals... Ability grouping, also called by some (erroneously), instructional grouping, is based on the belief that students can be placed into various groups or configurations for teaching purposes is a given in schooling and education.
That's kind of ironic given the current belief that the purpose of No Child Left is to ensure all students regardless of their backgrounds should achieve at the same level.
However, it did give guidance saying: «it must be held that the fact that the workers are prohibited from visibly wearing signs of political, philosophical or religious beliefs is appropriate for the purpose of ensuring that a policy of neutrality is properly applied, provided that that policy is genuinely pursued in a consistent and systematic manner.»
(The Tribunal accepted that it could insist on its morals if it provided service only to members of the particular religious belief, or if its purpose was to give instruction in its religion — the reason why Catholic schools can fire teachers who divorce.)
Vision To be the Real Estate Team of Choice, that is committed to Serving, Growing and having Fun selling real estate Values God, Family, Business Beliefs 12:45 Win Win or no Deal Integrity — do the right thing Going above and beyond our client's expectations Developing a top producing team that is committed to growth Attracting top talent to our team Creating wealth through real estate Having fun while truly loving what we do Serving our community with our time and money Success - Full utilization of our God given talents to our God given ability / purpose
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