Sentences with phrase «belief in a particular set»

Behind this article is the bigger question — belief in a particular set of dogma or disbelief in God altogether.

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Should students never perform any music with a religious text, even if done in a secular setting and with the purpose of providing a complete education, not for the purpose of worship or of promoting a particular belief?
The modifications in Christian belief above referred to in no sense discredit this revelation; they are modifications only in man's interpretation of it, and in particular, they arise from new ways of looking at the Bible as this is seen in its historical, prescientific setting.
It is a time when new leaders emerge who articulate a set of commonly shared beliefs and understandings — a new worldview — which the vast majority of the population accept because it makes sense in terms of their own experience, regardless of their particular denomination or religion or formal belief or affiliation.
If the family has a particular set of religious beliefs, they will no doubt teach their children about them, whether they're in school or not.
Most religious singles have particular set of values and beliefs in their life.
While writing culture assignment, you must understand that culture comprises of the total of inherited ideas, beliefs, values and knowledge accepted by people in a particular society or in a particular organization.It is the behavior that results when a group adopts a set of generally unspoken and unwritten rules for working together.
But in this novel I wanted to do something more complicated, and maybe more interesting — I wanted to try to figure out why people believe what they believe, and why they need their own particular sets of beliefs to operate in a...
But if the only reason the state will not let it have one is its religious belief, then the state is in default of its duty of religious neutrality, which applies as much to prevent the state from singling out a set of beliefs for a particular burden as to prevent it singling out a set of beliefs for special support (the proposition upheld by the Supreme Court in Mouvement laïque québécois v. Saguenay (City), 2015 SCC 16, [2015] 2 SCR 3).
For this reason, where a church or religious body asserts, because of its ethos, that religious belief constitutes a genuine occupational requirement for employment, it must at least «be possible for such an assertion to be the subject, if need be, of effective judicial review by which it can be ensured that the criteria set out in Article 4 (2) of that directive are satisfied in the particular case.»
[14] A number of exemptions from such liability are set out in Schedule 10 of FSMA (for instance, where the defendant reasonably believed that the particular statement was true and not misleading, and continued in this belief until the relevant securities were acquired).
[59] Justice Dickson's formulation of religious freedom [in R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd.] is founded on the idea that no one can be forced to adhere to or refrain from a particular set of religious beliefs.
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