Sentences with phrase «belief in a small state»

Harris's fringe: At the Conservative conference, John Harris asks whether the cuts agenda is being driven by fiscal arithmetic or a Tory belief in a smaller state
I believed in the need for government to be disciplined in its management of public money and deliver large savings; he had an ideological belief in a small state, as well as a ruthless eye for party advantage.

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The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce said that while it favored expanded parental leave benefits, there was a «strong belief among many business owners that once again, to the financial detriment of small businesses, a mandate is being adopted in San Francisco that would be better dealt with at the state or federal level.»
After all, the party won well over 40 % support at the last election, with a lot of it coming from older and white British voters, from Leavers, and from those with small - c Conservative values and a belief in a smaller, less active state.
The sum total or added knowledge in the sixty years following Cook's voyages had led to a general belief that around the South Pole was a scattered archipelago and not a continental mass, a state of geographical information that was not materially changed until the discovery by Charles Wilkes that after all there is a great Antarctic land, even if it is smaller than the land of legend.
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