Sentences with phrase «belief in young earth»

While reading The Language of God, I experienced a strange phenomenon: I simultaneously grew more convinced that my faith in God was in fact reasonable while also growing more convinced that my belief in young earth creationism was not.
According to this chart, the Christian worldview includes belief in young earth creationism, support for the death penalty, a commitment to mind / body dualism, rejection of non-traditional family structure, and devotion to fee enterprise and capitalism.

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No, just over 40 % are young earth creationists, based on their infantile beliefs in the Easter Bunny, or some other fictional character.
Perhaps you can disprove certain beliefs, such as the «young earth» idea, but at the core level science and religion are not in conflict.
The ultimate problem is not the obvious facts that evolution occurred and the Earth is not so young, it is how do you develop a belief system that Mankind is special and has to behave in a special manner because of that.
Here in the UK we have vocal atheists ridiculing Christian beliefs; but the beliefs they choose to ridicule are always the more extreme fundamentalist, 6 - day young earth creationist types.
First, our brother Michael Gungor, one of the most thoughtful musical artists of our time, has been publicly vilified across Christian media — both traditional, online, and social — for openly discussing his belief in an old earth rather than a young earth.
@Ken, Bill Nye is, I think, talking about Young Earth Creationism, which is a belief in a strict literal interpretation of Genesis, which is inconsistent with the evidence we have available.
My list of beliefs which «faith» required included; literal creation and a young earth / universe, complete scriptural inerrancy, total abstinence from alcohol, no women in church leadership, absolutely sexually chaste outside of marriage, homosexuality equals pure abomination, and on and on the list goes.
After becoming a Christian, he reevaluated his evolutionary beliefs from training in secular geology, and is now a young - earth creationist.
In addition to the lawsuits, the program was criticized for letting students attend religious schools that teach Young Earth Creationism — the belief that the universe is no older than 10,000 years.
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