Sentences with phrase «belief systems involve»

Victor you say: In fact, both belief systems involve a leap of faith.
The resulting belief system involved four layers: a redefinition of «Jew,» a redefinition of «Nazi,» a denial of the concept of «left» and «right» in politics (to totally disorient the believer); and, for Jewish LaRouchians, a guilt trip and special fears.

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is mediated by our own unique belief system, then this issue of expert opinion can be a real problem, especially where belief and the «self» is involved, as opposed to expert knowledge on medical / legal / other issues.
1rst, the definition of cult according to the dictionary in this case Webster «Cult: formal religious veneration: worship 2: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also: its body of adherents» so anyone involved in a church is in a cult period.
They just don't share the same belief system — no hatreed involved.
There could be other factors involved as well, such as school - family incompatibility, multiple intelligences (where certain children learn best within environments that aren't offered in either public or private schools), as well as religious convictions and beliefs that aren't welcome in the public school system (creationism, for example).
The system is based on the belief that involving local communities in the legal process helps to improve understanding of and increase confidence in the criminal justice system.
Recently, advanced cognitive researchers have been especially focused on the capacities of abstraction, generalization, concretization / specialization and meta - reasoning which descriptions involve such concepts as beliefs, knowledge, desires, preferences and intentions of intelligent individuals / objects / agents / systems.
The authors used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate connectivity in two brain networks involved in social processing: theory of mind (ToM, otherwise known as the mentalizing system, which allows an individual to infer what others are thinking, their beliefs, their intentions) and the mirror neuron system (MNS, which allows people to understand the meanings and actions of others by simulating and replicating them).
Breaking the worrying cycle involves looking at the underlying belief system sustaining the worrying pattern, learning how to detach consciously from the mind with meditation and taking a rational approach to analyze and understand the mechanism of worrying.
We at Rose Matchmaking have a strong belief system in keeping the personal touch involved helpful dating advice, casting Houston, TX 77056.
To the untrained eye, the strain of magic involving animal spirits and the use of charms and powders in Cynthia Bond's novel might seem to be a branch of voodoo - a belief system that finds its origins in the Western African religion of Vodun.
In many theistic belief systems, the deity is intimately involved in human affairs.
When I'm involved in making sculpture, I'm looking for a system of belief or ethics in the material.»
An associate professor of art at New York University and the chair of the Department of Art and Art Professions, Bransford's work has been involved with belief and the visual systems it creates since the 1990s.
In other words, deniers are not those that deny science based on factual data, deniers are those that do not share the same belief system or faith that Climate Scientists Share have involving «The Theory of AGW».
Politics involves vested interests, belief systems, and Weltanschauen, all immune in the short run to facts.
There is more than «uncertainty» that needs «review» in the «greenhouse» involved «climate modeling» belief system.
There is not actual any observed «greenhouse temperature amplification process», there is little valid data that can be produced, and the models mentioned are nothing more than a produced belief system that has material quantities plugged in with no regard to use of the known properties of the materials involved.
I am your neighbour / Ideas about the family / Ideals and limitations / Identities / Identity and relationship / Identity vs role confusion / Image of social care / Immediacy / Impediments to permanency / Importance of cooperation / Importance of fathers / Impulsivity and irrational beliefs / In - between / Including families / Inclusion / Independent living / Independent living skills / Indications for treatment / Individual and residential treatment / Individual antisepsis / Individual demands / Individual differences / Individual experiences / Individual recognition / Individual sessions / Individuals and groups / Indoor noise / Indulging the deprived child / Inner pain / Inner world / Innovative book / Insecure attachment / Inside kid / Institutional care in Germany / Interactive learning / Intercultural relationships / Interest contagion / Intergenerational programs / Intergenerational theory / Intergenerational work / Internal / external control / Interpersonal dependence / Interpersonal responses / Interpretation as interference / Interpreting behaviour / Interpretive systems / Inter-staff relationships / Intervention environment / Interventions / Interview / Intimate familiarity / Introducing supervision / Intuitive decision - making / Investment in relationships / Invisible suffering / Involvement of families / Involving families / Involving young people / Irish view / Irrational acceptance / Isibindi project / Isolation rooms / I've been an adult too long
These included: fear of cancer and the belief that it is a terminal illness; fatalism and the belief that nothing can be done; stigma around sexual activity, fear to leave family to travel for healthcare, personal and community stories about negative experiences with the health system, and the costs and travel involved in accessing health services.
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