Sentences with phrase «beliefs as lies»

But if what we believe is not true, then the questions and challenges will expose our beliefs as lies.

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As a Christian it is my belief that in order to show Christ risen we must embrace everyone and in order to do that we must be able to reach people where they are, and to not have a crisis of Faith in your walk with God is a lie.
At least one place Lewis explains this problem was in the Screwtape letters, where a demon exclaims, «How much better for us if all humans died in costly nursing homes amid doctors who lie, nurses who lie, friends who lie, as we have trained them, promising life to the dying, encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even, if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!»
Between the religious belief in revelation and the secular rejection lies a popular middle ground, «the spiritual world picture», Ross Douthat explains in his New York Times column, using the Christmas story as an example.
Oh, I forgot, probably what to teach them how to lie through with a sincere face after you get caught on tape expressing your true belief that 47 % of the American public are a bunch of nobodies that are just lookinjg for a handout and how his job as President is not wo worry about them.
True, the belief that we are such animals is itself simply part of this credo but there is no reason why a belief's genesis, as opposed to its justification, should not lie in what it posits.
I raised my 4 children in the faith, although it got more and more difficult over the later years as I began to see the fallacies of the belief, and I began to feel like I was lying and pedaling junk philosophy to them.
So basically, Bob, you support misinformation and downright lies, as long as they support your personal belief.
Atheists frame their religion as a «non-religion», but that's just a lie — atheists have a lot of beliefs, just like anyone else.
The miss guided information befoul and trample the beliefs of good honest people, as stated before, by the people who spot lies and the common misconceptions.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
If you believe, as many evangelicals do, that Mormon beliefs are not strictly Christian, then you have three choices: vote for the conservative, vote for the Christian, or lie to yourself and be a hypocrite.
Feuerbach was convinced that religious belief corrupts morality as well as truthfulness, and he could even say: «It lies in the nature of faith that it is indifferent to moral duties.»
But if we can not reconcile those beliefs with his status as a hero and a liberator, the deficiency lies with us and not with the nearest thing the Age of Revolutions produced to a saint.
And if it turns out in the end that all of this is bunk, that the Bible is a lie, well then, we have no sure way of knowing what eternity holds and any religious belief is as good as another, and we should choose a way of living which helps us show love towards others and helps us live a life with a sense of the divine that brings hope, joy, and peace to our life.
I do in a sense have faith but my faith lies in believing in things such as personal responsibility, values such as hard work, respect, and ethics such as charity and helping others (which I developed on my own out of my own choosing and I recieve my own satisfaction from doing not a belief in sucking up to an invisible man in the sky for «great reward» after I die).
Hence, it can not be called evidence and is not truth, as your endless dodging and lying and twisting plainly show how people in your cult will say anything to support this cult's belief.
Theology was the belief that he did it all on his own and should be hailed as a cancer warrior and an inspiration to us all and that he would never lie and cheat, and that is what we would all believe still if a thorough investigation was not supported and evidence gathered and examined to show the truth.
But though I would never cease to harbor the altogether illiberal belief in the existence of unmitigated evil, something else, which continued as always to lie in wait for American intellectuals, was also lying in wait for me.
The answer lies in this story from Luke and our belief that God validates the work of sweeping every bit as much as the work of shepherding.
Herein lies the peace of God» debating is a politically correct term for arguing... We are, as we speak making choices that shows our true beliefs.
First of all, it implies some superficial beliefs about the place of sexuality in human experience (we might regard these as being in the antechamber of the temple of sacred sexuality proper): the belief that sexuality is a key, perhaps even the key, component of the quality of being human (in this, of course, lies the pervasive heritage of Freud); the belief that modern Western culture, and especially American culture, has unduly suppressed sexuality (this is the anti-Puritan aspect of the proposition), and, that, as a result, not only are we sexually frustrated (and that frustration carries all sorts of physical and psychological pathologies in its wake), but our entire relation to our own bodies as well as the bodies of others has become distorted.
Poverty indeed is the strenuous life — without brass bands or uniforms or hysteric popular applause or lies or circumlocutions; and when one sees the way in which wealth - getting enters as an ideal into the very bone and marrow of our generation, one wonders whether a revival of the belief that poverty is a worthy religious vocation may not be «the transformation of military courage,» and the spiritual reform which our time stands most in need of.
I think part of the problem lies in the practice of approaching the Bible as inerrant with a belief that every verse is a nugget of wisdom and hidden meaning and each individual verse is «true.»
It beggars belief a succession of Australian governments have let us down in this way, as does the revelation Meat and Livestock Australia has been fleecing producers for years, raking in enormous fees off the back of the lie it was looking after the interests of the Australian live animal export industry and the beasts it deals with, only to be busted as an irresponsible, incompetent, dishonest and uncaring bunch of cowboys.
The stats don't lie but don't forget either that the Gunners have just won back to back Premier League games away from home for the first time this season, so our self - belief is up and as an report shows, Wenger believes that it will be a good day to be a Gooner.
Pirlo says he wan na play in a different league nxt season, hw about we sign him for cheap n he plays as a deep lying midfielder as wel as increasin d belief among our young stars n squad Just a suggestion tho
The Barrel Effect refers to the total load of past and present physical, chemical and biological contaminants in food, air, water, as well as the emotional state of the individual (yup, those negative affirmations or lies you're constantly telling yourself transform into beliefs which can show up physiologically throughout your body in the form of illness and disease).
Operating on the belief that life is suffering and animals want to die, the PETA employees who work in PETA's Community Animal Project have, according to former employees, one overriding goal: to acquire as many animals as possible in order to put them immediately to death, and they are told to lie and even steal people's companion animals in order to do so.
Her research into belief systems and ethnographic collections informs her practice, notably her installation about one of the first large uprisings on the African continent, Rumours that Maji was a lie... (2014), first shown at the Jeu de Paume in Paris last year, and later developed as a new project, Kinjeketile Suite, which was exhibited this year at the South London Gallery.
Through series as diverse as the «Spot Paintings,» «Medicine Cabinets,» «Natural History» and butterfly «Kaleidoscope Paintings,» he has investigated and challenged contemporary belief systems, tracing the uncertainties that lie at the heart of human experience.
He keeps inventing new ways to challenge our beliefs in ostensible truths and convincing lies, creating surreal stories that can be read as allegories for political events and historic accounts.
unecessary to the agw belief system yet fought over as if it were a relic welcome back do u support lying?
With no basis in fact, Mr Turnbull's claim that Australia is a world leader should be seen as an epic lie of the kind that becomes possible only for those who hold a fervent belief in a greater cause that justifies a falsehood of this magnitude.
It also gets tricky as you can only lie about facts, not beliefs.
More specifically, the trial court might well have proscribed extrajudicial statements by any lawyer, party, witness, or court official which divulged prejudicial matters, such as the refusal of Sheppard to submit to interrogation or take any lie detector tests; any statement made by Sheppard to officials; the identity of prospective witnesses or their probable testimony; any belief in guilt or innocence; or like statements concerning the merits of the case.
Some people are of the belief that there is no longer any need to worry about scaling debates, as they believe that the adoption of Segregated Witness (SegWit) will solve the issues that lie at the core of the bitcoin fees debate.
It probably wasn't an intentional lie, but the reality is that when people embrace something as «true», they tend to filter out information that disagrees with their belief and then impart that belief to those around them.
Specializing as a Marriage and Family Therapist, it is my belief that the key to resolving the many questions we have about ourselves, lies within our past and family history.»
This introductory workshop will present the essence and context of childhood domestic violence; how the impact of it shapes the neurological patterning of the brain and the developing personality; how to recognize the symptoms and beliefs (lies and strengths) of CDV in adults as well as in children; and how to treat those individuals and families.
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