Sentences with phrase «beliefs by contrasting»

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This is not surprising in itself, of course; what Roof and McKinney regard as significant is the fact that religious communities are increasingly distinguished not by theological beliefs but by «contrasting ethical styles and moral views.»
Growth occurs when the conflicting beliefs are converted by creative thought into what Whitehead calls a contrast.
By contrast, since what makes the statement «I exist» true is a wholly contingent state of affairs, it is in fact falsifiable, even though I myself could never falsify it, insofar as none of the other statements that would have to be true in order for it to be true would be an unavoidable belief for God or a statement that would necessarily apply through his experiences.
He believed, by contrast, that, whatever our own religious beliefs, we should be studying the growth and development of Christian culture (in its broadest sense) because it was Christianity which had created and shaped the culture we still live in today.
By contrast, in literature class we read poetry and fiction, and in social science we study the subjective beliefs of various cultures from a naturalistic perspective.
In contrast, traditionalists have reacted to change by reemphasizing orthodox religious beliefs, stressing historic religious practices, and identifying with religious movements working to maintain or restore the «old - time religion.»
I would agree with Whitehead (PR 13, 151), by contrast, that those notions that we inevitably presuppose in practice should be regarded as the nonnegotiable elements in our belief systems.
Friedersdorf's thought experiment, by contrast, relies on the same belief that undergirds multiculturalism — the very creed that has helped propel Trump's populist campaign and fueled the alt - right.
Their conviction that one's beliefs mattered contrasted with the attitude of many of the sharper students, who were contemptuous of religion if not merely bored by it.
2 — By way of contrast it now becomes easy to see that belief is not a form of knowledge, but a free act, an expression of will.
By contrast, Atheists do not seek to punish people for their ideas on how the world works, but rather to let people know that their belief system is flawed; that the burden of proof is not on their side.
Belief in resurrection, by contrast, flourished in a context of persecution and deprivation, appealing particularly to activist groups by giving martyrdom a transcendent justification.
By contrast, altruism is the belief that it is ethical for people to try to do what is best for everyone else.
Longer - serving MPs by contrast have fewer incentives to please the leadership as they may have already have been sacked, resigned or overlooked for government office and are thus freer to decide according to their personal beliefs.
This is a long - term plan underpinned by our beliefs — and the contrast with Labour is stark.
Brown and Ed Balls cling vigorously to the belief that the 2001 and 2005 elections were won by contrasting Labour «investment» with Tory «cuts»: the reddest of the «dividing lines» beloved by the PM and his acolytes.
Also, the story is able to draw on both Christian and traditionally Korean shamanistic traditions and combine them with the history of Japanese colonialism to create its morbid atmosphere, which has the ability to chill even without a belief in any of its superstitions.4 That said, the bludgeoning nature of the approach kept the movie from achieving the masterpiece status many other critics have assigned it.5 By contrast, Park Chan - wook's latest, Agassi (The Handmaiden), has received a mixed reception, but I feel it is his best since 2003's Oldboy.6
By contrast, for the most part teachers» beliefs did not vary significantly according to the characteristics of the students in their schools.
By contrast, people tend to view with suspicion data that contradict their preferences and beliefs.
By contrast, the equally unlikely streak of incorrect predictions also generated a relatively weak belief in the existent of an «unlucky» agent whose luck was perceived to be likely to revert before the game finishes; evidence which was reflected in an increase in the subject's propensity to buy in the final round of coin flip.
Yet, given that cultures vary in their customs and beliefs, the same behavior may be interpreted differently across cultures.2 It is likely that any behavior that is viewed, within a culture, as adaptive will lead to its encouragement by significant others including parents and peers; in contrast, if a behavior is perceived to be maladaptive, it will be discouraged.
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