Sentences with phrase «believe evangelization»

We believe evangelization is best served by boldness and clarity about the difference faith makes.

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He refused to believe that Vatican II, the ecumenical council he had experienced as a powerful work of the Holy Spirit, could only lead to permanent incoherence and division in Catholicism; and by providing an authoritative interpretation of the Council, John Paul II's pontificate energized the living parts of the Church and made Vatican II the launch platform for the new evangelization and for the Church's rediscovery of itself as a missionary enterprise.
While most scholars believe that Francis was ordained to the diaconate, his way of living the gospel life was a decidedly lay pattern of the imitation of Christ, ordered to evangelization.
George Weigel believes Benedict's rich insights have «turned the Church definitively toward the New Evangelization» the evangelical Catholicism of the future,» and thus placed Catholic orthodoxy in a far stronger position than his critics realize.
The gains could be enormous, and not least in increasing the numbers of priests, as Pope John Paul believed: Particularly in the context of the new evangelization, the people have a right to turn to priests in the hope of «seeing» Christ in them....
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