Sentences with phrase «believe holy wars»

Not exact matches

In his opening statement, prosecutor William Weinreb argued that Tsarnaev «believed he was a soldier in a holy war against Americans.»
These days I believe the Christians like to call it «justified killing»; previously it was things like «purifying the faith» (as with the various Inquisitions), «Holy War» and «Crusade.»
... What has happened over time is that people were forced to believe in the one of the Abrahamic faiths through Holy wars, torture, Crusades and Inquisitions, and as people practiced this chosen people ideology, whether Christian, Catholic, Jew or Muslim, which was built on the principle of remaining segregated from the un-chosen, their faith urged them to remain segregated, where they lived and never to marry anyone outside their faith... and even in death there is a history of segregation which to this day continues, try having a non Jewish person buried in Jewish cemetery.
Holy wars produce large numbers, but countless people have been killed throughout history by people who believe they were justified by their religious beliefs.
They believe they are fighting a holy war, much like the crusaders thought that before.
4th, were was this doctrine when they were mass murdering people for not believing, for being a witch, or during the holy wars?
It is believed that in the supreme holy war the Mahdi will have 313 Companions.
Clearly, there are no real gods, or if there are, they don't really care what people believe — they're fine with holy wars and millions of people with conflicting supernatural beliefs all certain that their beliefs are the really true magical divine truth of the real invisible universe creator In any case, I'm sure we can both trust that real gods can manage peoples beliefs on their own and don't need you to manipulate others on their behalf.
Say, don't you think that a real god could use her omniscience to to stop holy wars and clarify whatever it was she wanted people to believe if belief was important to her?
And sure enough, what begins as a clarion call settles into a somewhat familiar period costume drama spiced up now and again with racy sequences nonetheless sobered by the memory of the delirious hedonism of that opening, wherein we get Dracula's backstory as a hero of a holy war, repulsing Muslim invaders in Romania, turning to blasphemy when the vengeful Turks fool his wife Elisabeta (Winona Ryder) into believing that her beloved has died on the battlefield, and gleefully chewing artificial scenery with toothy relish.
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