Sentences with phrase «believe in a higher power»

As long as people believe in a higher power, it is impossible to NOT believe in evolution being set in motion by a higher power.
Believe in a higher power if you want but why put groups against groups?
So we move from the word game study on motivation to your own hypothesis of why believers lack motivation, indulge me and I play along... So, in your opinion a person who believes in a higher power lacks motivation?
While I don't believe in any higher power I respect other people's right to believe in whatever they choose.
King has said many times that he believes in a higher power but that he finds organized religion distasteful.
In fact, I've always been intrigued by how anyone who doesn't believe in a higher power could come to the conclusion that there is any purpose to life at all beyond what we have socially or individually constructed for essentially selfish reasons.
Some of the Non-Christian Founding Fathers: George Washington (Founder of Masonry in the US, Masonic rules are that one must believe in a higher power but that's about it for Masonic religion), Jefferson (atheist) Ben Franklin (Rosicrucian), Unitarian (and similar groups).
Bottom line — Atheists can believe what they want and those who believe in a higher power will believe what they want.
Your statement implies that non-religious individuals are somehow smarter than those that believe in a Higher Power.
God forbid (to coin a phrase) anyone should be genuine and have heart and actually believe in a higher power and and a track record that proves he is dedicated to helping others.
I'll choose to believe in a higher power if evidence of it's existence is found.
Beliefs inform decisions, so anyone who believes in a higher power and its a $ $ ociated dogma allows those beliefs to affect their choices.
You can't prove how life came into being but you refuse to believe in a higher power.
Truth is many evangelical preachers are involved in priestcraft which actually turns people so off of organized religion that they stop going to church and then stop believing in a higher power.
The primitive man who believed in a higher power might have greater survival capabilities.
whether or not we believe in a higher power, AA brings us together to heal and help each other with our struggle.
Believing in a higher power is very different than organized religion, especially if you admit you don't know exactly what that higher power is and don't give it a name.
While over 90 % of humans believe in a higher power, no God has even 1/3 of humans believing in it.
Those who have a brain and think for themselves see that is is bunk (see the «invisible pink unicorn» comments), leaving those of us who still believe in a higher power and seek spiritual understanding on an island.
I do not mind that you do not believe in a higher power, you have every right to not believe.
Jason, you are putting down the fact that people believe in a higher power.
I have no trouble believing in a Higher Power.
The ability to reason abstractly and believe in a higher power requires abilities monkeys do not have.
I too can accept that there are those who believe in a higher power.
Human beings evolved to believe in a higher power because it helped us survive, but the reasons for this no longer apply.
Do I believe in a high power or a great unexplained force.
I'm Pagan and I was told at three different AA meetings I couldn't be sober without Jesus, and I DO believe in higher powers.
I was mere making an observation to the fact that they spend a lot of time reading about belief when they themselves claim not to believe in a higher power.
I have met several people who don't believe in a higher power who have come to accept the belief that there is no life after death.
Mankind has been worshipping and believing in a higher power since recorded time.
lngtrmthnkr, I'm actually inclined to believe in a higher power... just have some reservations about the literature and religion.
Just because I don't believe in a higher power, that doesn't mean I have the right to belittle the belief of anyone else.
If you believe there is an afterlife therefore by extention you believe in a higher power and if you believe in a higher power why isn't it possible that GOD created the world?
What ever the President and his family believe is none of my business... every single person believes in a higher power their own way... or not at all.
If I wanted to believe in a Higher Power, so be it, if I wanted to think that Math was my guiiding principle, that was OK too.
Rebuttal 1) I am atheist and believe in a higher power.
Is Bill that stupid to believe that if you believe in a higher power that you then have no abition in expanding your mind.
Well, Winston G., it would probably last just as long as a successful, 50 + year old person who doesn't believe in a higher power.
It doesn't matter if you or I believe in a higher power, do not tamper with the greatness of this country, and respect the beliefs of others that you don't understand.
I believe in higher power, but I don't believe in religion.
This issue is an extremely common topic at meetings and it is always stressed that believe in a Higher Power can be anything of your choosing and many AAs simply believe in the power of the group as a whole as their Higher Power (I have also know many people who started with this belief and later found faith in God).
I do believe in a higher power, but that higher power is the universe / multiverse itself and its inherent balance.
Statistically, atheists and agnostics have more formal education than others and therefore inherently have a wider breadth of general knowledge and are more likely to question EVERYTHING, which makes it harder for them to believe in a higher power.
Thanks for letting others know that you can be sober in AA and not believe in a higher power.
First of all, it is not irrational to believe in a higher power.
I am not a Christian or any other religion but I do believe in a higher power that is intellegent and there is good here if we let it take us there.
To work the AA program properly you have to believe in a Higher Power, something greater than yourself.
Hi Allison — Buddhist believe in a higher power that is not god.
Fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter whether or not you don't believe in a higher power.
To the atheists, I say there's nothing illogical about believing in a higher power.
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