Sentences with phrase «believed by acne»

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If your acne is caused or exacerbated by the way that you are cleaning your skin, however, I do believe that switching to washing your face with honey could improve your acne.
Now I only struggle with acne on my neck, near a jaw line, which usually is caused by hormones if I was to believe the Internet:)
Melissa's book is basically about how acne could be linked to excess fluoride and not enough iodine — if you believe in any way that your persistent acne might be caused by excess fluoride then this book is a must - read!
I truly believe acne can be cured by diet; the over-the-counter products can definitely help to reduce acne, but I do not think it will get rid of it forever.
Therefore if you believe that your acne is caused by out of control hormones, hygiene is completely useless for you.
So I would be ecstatic if you could reply and give me some advice as I believe that acne needs to be sorted out internally (by like vitamins etc) not just externally with face creams and I just need them off my nose as I can't remember the last time I felt my nose smooth and didn't feel embarrassed taking pictures Kind regards, Sebastian
While FODMAPS are not proven to cause acne, judging by the evidence I believe that they almost certainly do.
Territorial marking behavior is believed by many experts to be one possible cause of feline acne.
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