Sentences with phrase «believers than atheists»

Ironically, it was a very devout film that would appeal more to believers than atheists.

Not exact matches

(But, sorry, atheists, there was no evidence that believers were any less intellectually humble than non-believers.)
In other words, the ratio of angry believers to not angry believers is greater than the ratio of angry atheists to nonangry atheists..
I think the percentage of atheists versus believers is higher than the number you provide, and I also think the important point (perhaps implied by tallulah) is that per person, there is more anger on the side of the theists than the nonbelievers.
I know many atheists who, in my opinion of course, are better persons than many, if not most, believers.
More atheists post here than believers so that proves there are less believers or that they're embarrassed?
The atheist who claims to come from a «faith» background is extremely confused and more to be pitied than admired.Had the supposed «believer» continued in the «faith» they claim to have forsaken, they would ultimately have appeared before God and been rejected.These were deceived, they never met God, they never knew God and they never understood God.They are devoid of the Truth and twice lost.There is hope while they still breathe Gods gift of life that they might someday meet and be reconciled to God, but their lying nature makes salvation less likely.Debate with them is an exercise in futility.God bless
Well, given that many atheists are actually more informed (as studies have confirmed) than believers, a better analogy would be that it's like asking a former professional chemist now teaching an English class about chemistry instead of asking the Chemistry teacher who never made it past chem 101 as an undergrad.
In fact, a smaller fraction of Atheists commit crimes than believers, so you could argue that Atheists are actually more moral.
I would bet MY LIFE that the average «believer's» IQ is 20 points lower than the average Atheist's IQ.
As an aside, the irony might be lost on you that, despite the fact that so many atheists here are so quick to note that believers do not have a monopoly on morals, you are essentially proving the point of believers that, from a historical perspective, atheists far more than believers have lacked morals vis - a-vis war and death.
And I can tell you from over a decade of counseling experience that I have found FAR more «self - loathing» (as I believe you are using that term) among atheists and agnostics than among believers of any faith.
It seems that atheists almost always know more about the bible than the bible believers..
Unfortunatly I would guess that is because there are less atheists than believers.
Abortion is more of a believer problem than a god-less atheist problem.
That makes many believers more open - minded than many atheists.
That still makes atheists better than believers.
A lot of believers do that, I suspect because it's easier to paint atheists with the same brush than it is to realize that so many people from so many walks of life have found reason to reject the faith you cling to with such desperation.
As an atheist I would love nothing more than for moderates to stand up to these bullies, but my experience has been that they leave that up to us because they're just too nice to criticize, and they can't stand being told that they're not following Jesus by other believers.
The 70 % of believers that atheists have been yammering all this time is equivalent only to less than two person per capita.
I find that atheists tend to know more about religion than most believers — or at least that is true of Christians in the US.
We are top of the food chain and our actions have identifiable consequences on the environment around us, but both atheists and believers can agree on that much (well most of us any way), but that's not good enough for most people, they have to have MEANING, there has to be something more than meets the eye with them.
So in this BB forum (named more for the alliteration than anything, I bet), we atheists can mingle among the believers in equal numbers and speak to a somewhat captive audience.
And to anyone says that the positive outcome is achieved in this life, I expect you to prove that an Atheist's life is objectively better / more fulfilling / creates more enjoyment than a believer's life.
Studies repeatedly show that atheists tend to have better knowledge of your book of fairy tales than believers do.
They were right, Atheists know more about religion than believers do.
if they wanted to address the atheists it would have been a message more supportive for non-believers rather than crushing for believers.
And because of that fact you will find few who are angrier with or cuss him more than I. And because of this I can state for a fact that the Atheist's are more realistic (extremely harsh and unforgiving) in assessing God and his actions than the believers.
An atheist has more faith than any believer in any other religion.
The first is that atheists are smarter and better informed than Christians and the second is that they tand to be more aggresive and «in your face» than believers.
If you've met atheists who pity believers, it is becuase they know that the whole of existence is much grander, and more humbling to the individual, than those who subscribe to an anthropocentric / anthropomorphic God are willing to admit.
The typical atheist knows more, and has reflected far deeper about religion than «believers».
Studies have shown believers to have higher IQs than carnal atheists.
The atheists, who do not have any more answers than the believers, do not set the manner in which people pay respects.
Why not realise that atheists killed more people than believers?
Unfortunately Agnostics and Atheists are the most trusted less in this country than any other belief, lack of belief, group in the entire country, running for public office as a non believer is a sure way not to win, so I running as a christian is the only logical approach to public office if you want to actually win
More people are atheists than believers, but that does not answer the question.
We, TRUE believers have lesser tendencies to commit murders and other unpardonable sins than atheists because, we believe that aside from it is logically, morally and lawfully wrong to harm our fellow beings, we also believe that they are abominable in the sight of God.
Believers, have a point when they say that agnostics / atheists don't know anything either, but some would rather disbelieve something on the basis that their is no proof rather than believing something on the basis that you can't prove otherwise.
I suspect that's the real message, rather than it being «intended to reach atheists in the Muslim and Jewish enclaves who may feel isolated because they are surrounded by believers».
That amounts to more than 300 million religious believers, an astonishing number in an officially atheist country, and three times higher than the last official estimate, which had largely remained unchanged for years.
I used to be very religious and I can honestly say that I as an atheist I cherish life even more than when I was a believer exactly because I don't think there is an afterlife.
American believers are more generous in every sense than the atheists, and Mormons in particular, she observes, would be sure to win a «goody - off contest» with the atheists.
Several recent studies by research organizations, among them Biblical Archaeology Review and Pew International, have revealed that atheists and agnostics have a more substantial knowledge and understanding of the Bible than True Believers.
Atheists ridicule believers, rather than tolerating them.
Every thing is becoming possible since they our earthly lords wanting to act as Gods replacing believers only God and satisfying atheists beliefs in their Earthly Gods more than the God of Heavens.
2) Where's your source for your number «1 out of a thousand», because its more commonly accepted that most atheists study and reflect on spirituality far more than «believers».
Some lying idiots say so called atheists know more about the Bible than believers... that sure isn't evidenced on these blogs.
In reply, perhaps atheist know the Bible somewhat better than the average believer, but when you hear and feel God, one doesn't need to be a scholar on the Bible.
Atheists can be just as ignorant of science as any believer and believers can be more scientifically knowledgeable than Atheists, e.g. Ken Miller and Francis Collins, to name but two.
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