Sentences with phrase «believers who»

Waste not your time on these lowly believers who live and hope for reward for their good works!
But not to those believers who speak of the Communion of Saints or the Vow of the Bodhisattva.
I realize that such a passage may be offensive to some heretics, but imagine how offensive it must be to religious believers who fancy that their heretical simplifications are orthodox!
So it is not JUST (some, maybe many) believers who don't know this, but many atheists (or at least non-believers) as well.
Maybe instead of pointing at the atheists in your midst, you might want to start with the believers who think gov» t funded programs that aid the sick and poor should be done away with because it's not «real» charity.
With that in mind, I have noticed that many, if not most new converts can have, in all appearances, a genuine spiritual experience before any high doctrine of «scriptural authority ever enters their head.Now, some may say that just how it works, first you crawl, then you walk... baby food, then the meat, but this is my point... the world is full of «spiritual meatheads»... there are so many believers who wdn't know an original thought, unless of course, they cd find the chapter and verse to unequivocally support it.Is it so difficult to comprehend how a collection of ancient documents may not be the final, complete and indisputable Word of God, but mere human artifacts, sometimes godly, sometimes not, sometimes helping, sometimes hindering.?
Who to believe — the believers who twist everything to fit their bible or the scientists who can repeat results and provide evidence.
The believers who have done this are heroes, and an atheist represents evil?
Apparently he didn't say anything about believers who accept evolution.
It is made up of those believers who trust in Him as their Savior.
For example, on Friday mornings, I have coffee with a group of men, no bible study or agenda, just a group of believers who come together to share and encourage one another as we go through life together.
Peter, though, is strong in confronting those who would deny the sacrament of baptism to the Gentiles, and argues for an acceptance of believers who do not follow the circumcision rules of Leviticus (which is also where we find a condemnation of homosexuality).
People can not be upset with believers who believe what is written but people who disagree have to take it up with God.
Other churches practise exclusively the baptism of the believers who are able to make a personal confession of faith.
The first parable of each pair refers to those believers who live during this age — the age of the church.
We see here in our midst in North America a group of believers who only minimally understand the doctrine of grace and our walk is so seriously affected that we have become ineffective in our witness to the gospel.
Exactly the childish type of self - righteousness we Atheists have come to expect from believers who insist that since we claim not to know something, they claim to know it for us.
A couple of pastors are explaining the why and how of baptism to a church that is (apparently) filled with new believers who know next to nothing about baptism, why they should get baptized, or what will happen at the baptism.So they created this video and showed it in their worship service.
Now for you non believers who have decide to take a shot at me, let me make this plain for you.
Theology must always be a fresh living expression coming from the lips of Christian believers who are keenly aware of the problems and questions of their own time.
It's not just on a Sunday morning, let also remember that gifts were given out to all believers who received Jesus Christ as their primary Savior.the Bible did not say male only» but all who believe that he Christ Jesus is the son of God.
There are lots of Christian believers who think God made the world and everything in it and it's all awesome.»
The Church can not sanction any act of sex outside of true, ie male / female, marriage, because it directly goes against the Church's primary vocation as the Bride of Christ, i.e. that Body of believers who spend their lives seeking «him whom my soul loves» (Sg 3:3) and making him the first priority of their lives.
I think that a «local church» is nothing more than a gathering of believers who are part of the larger, universal church.
How many believers who post Jeremiah 29:11, ««For I know the plans I have for you,» declares the Lord, «plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future»», to their Facebook feed realise that those words are spoken to the Jewish community exiled in Babylon, or have read the 28 chapters preceding that feel - good verse?
Many Gnostics apparently identified with the «seed of Seth,» including tile believers who used the Apocalypse of Adam, perhaps the oldest writing in the Nag Hammadi Library.
He unfairly patronizes the humble believers who believe in Indulgences for the Holy Souls.
With reference to the Regensburg lecture, which pointed out that in the West we have a form of rationality that lacks a spiritual content (reason without faith), whilst in Islam we find a type of spirituality that has turned into violence (faith without reason), he suggests the solution lies in the hands of believers who are not fanatical.
This inability to listen is equally surprising on the part of intelligent people committed to the principles of sound, scientific exegesis and on the part of believers who profess to rely on the revelation in Holy Scripture.
We are fully aware that there are many non believers who still enjoy the Christmas festivities, but the Christian majority (an estimated 240 million people in the United States) are seeing their beliefs and freedoms gradually eroded by Politically Correct intrusions and assumptions.
I think for the majority of believers who sub.scribe to any particular faith, an ecu.minical service can be a thing... Not to say it isn't right for those who believe that all religions point the same way or something similar, but at least as a Christian I can say an ecu.min.ical service is not a place to go for a sermon.
I find many believers who public say, «I don't know the fate of non-believers, only God does.»
There's no reason to vilify believers who don't impose their views on you or to smugly mock them.
Christian prayer, in all its ranges, is never an individual thing; it is personal, certainly, in that it is my prayer, but it is always my prayer as one of a family of believers who share together in the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and are thereby, in the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, assured of the love of God.
Jesus says, of course, that there are other sheep which are not of this sheepfold (John 10:16), which most likely refers to Gentile believers who were known as «God - fearing Gentiles.»
There are believers who function without these two elements, but not many.
People sneer at the former communist true believers who have now become capitalist managers, and they make snide comments about foreigners who migrate from Eastern Europe and are willing to work for less money than Germans are.
«Peter, though, is strong in confronting those who would deny the sacrament of baptism to the Gentiles, and argues for an acceptance of believers who do not follow the circu - mcision rules of Leviticus (which is also where we find a condemnation of ho - mose - xuality).»
Paul closes Ephesians 3 with another prayer that using the riches God has provided; God will do amazing and incredible things in the church through the lives of the believers who use these riches for God's glory.
This passage has so many «applications» to the believers who are boots on the ground and grinding it out as they live by faith on a daily basis.
(34) Then We evacuated those of the Believers who were there.
Two nations of believers who could equally claim to be God's children.
Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of hard working believers who are disciples and are risking their lives to reflect the image of Jesus to a hostile world.
I finally met gay believers who really loved God but who also had accepted that «we are who we are» — that they were gay and that this was fine.
And like the mistaken believers who quoted their Bibles 150 years ago to «prove» slavery was God's will, so people quote the Bible to «prove» God is against gay people.
but, i know that the Holy Spirit is changing things all of the time through the spirits of the believers who are part of the body of Christ.
As a wave of disappointed voters announced on Twitter that Trump's election has led them to drop the label evangelical, den Dulk speculated that evangelical believers who voted for Clinton may have been less likely to identify that way in exit polls, widening the born - again gap between the two candidates.
What we do acknowledge is a unity in Christ with Roman Catholic believers who, no less than we ourselves, have been saved by God's grace and justified by faith alone.
There are some socially responsible believers who volunteer alongside non-believers every day.
Also, consider Romans 14:1 & 4, «Accept other believers who are weak in faith, and don't argue with them about what they think is right and wrong... Who are you to condemn someone else's servants?
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