Sentences with phrase «believes about a politician»

And he says the negative portrayals are effective if they resonate with something that the public already believes about a politician.
He said the negative portrayals are effective if they resonate with something that the public already believes about a politician.

Not exact matches

When Singapore was part of Malaysia, Lee's belief in an egalitarian society had aroused the suspicions of Malay politicians who believed Lee spoke loftily about multiracialism even as he canvassed for Chinese votes.
That is why politicians don't really care, they wouldn't make it about believing this or that... they would simply make it about taking care of our planet ----- we should all agree on that!
Mostly I believe that religious leaders need to refrain from preaching about politics (and politicians) from their pulpits, or risk losing their tax - exempt status.
As someone who is committed to increasing political participation and passionate about Christians engaging with what politicians actually say, rather than what we've heard them say, I believe it can be helpful when a politician chooses direct modes of communication rather than allowing their words to be mediated through the press.
Yes, it is true that Mormons do not believe in the «Trinity» since the concept is not mentioned in the Bible and was created and voted upon by politicians and clerics in about 300AD.
How can these politicians believe that god uses them for his will... there are many out there that actually believe that god is using the U.S. to bring about his will... example... world peace... that is such a lie and makes no sense... the bible teaches that only gods kingdom will bring peace and security to humanity... no nation will bring about his will... much less currupt war mongering politicians... all nations left and right wingers or whatever will be crushed!!!!
In his new book, «The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You've Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson,» Barton attempts to dispel the popular notion that Thomas Jefferson was a secular politician who pioneered the idea of strict church - state separation.
While it is laughable grown adults still believe in make believe and fairy tales, at least this guy wasn't as big of an idiot as other politicians who openly talk about religion and their beliefs.
I can not stand the thiestic cowtowing the politicians do, expecally since they are all hypocrites for saying they are christian, when there actions are so clearly not those of the jesus I have read about, albiet I believe it is fully mythology just like wiccanism, or greco / roaminism.
Nearly 70 per cent of MPs believe that recent stories in the media about expenses have lost them, and politicians in general, trust in the public's eyes, a survey by ComRes for Total Politics revealed.
In reading comments made by politicians such as Gerald Kaufman and Roy Hattersley about appearing in Frank Johnson's sketches, we are led to believe that there was almost a golden age of parliamentary sketchwriting.
In his foreword to the programme for yesterday's all prayer breakfast, David Cameron wrote «I believe very deeply that we should be confident in Britain about our status as a Christian country... Greater confidence in our Christianity can also inspire a stronger belief in our work as politicians to get out there and make a difference to people's lives — and it should inspire our support for churches and faith organisations in the vital work they do in our society and around the world.
Politicians on all sides are steered by polls suggesting low public support for raising benefits, especially for the unemployed (about 15 % believe they should get more).
David Cameron said in a speech earlier this year that access to porn was «frankly difficult for politicians to talk about but that I believe we need to address as a matter of urgency» adding that «Government is going to play its part too.»
«My goal is to exceed your expectations and to make you believe in politicians again,» Haber told a crowd of about 100 supporters at the VFW Post 5253 in Albertson.
He continued that Gordon Brown did not believe what he had said about her — that is what made him a human being as well as a politician.
«David... believed in constant political campaigning as the daily style of politics and in exerting control - freak discipline over his colleagues, with steady injunctions about the use of set policy lines and slogans on all public occasions, of the kind which has given a talking clock style to many politicians
He released «stark» new research from focus groups around the UK which shows that Labour voters think that politics and politicians are disconnected from the real world and believe there is «real anger about perceived dodgy deals in Whitehall».
We also believed that the nation was facing too much concentration of private power that few politicians were talking about.
I believe that the vile behavior of New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has shown us, the taxpayers and voters, that these politicians care only about themselves.
I believe it... unlike Baroness Warsi (the Tory panellist) we will offer a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty even if all the countries have ratified it... we mean what we say and at a time when we are fighting illegal wars and have politicians with their fingers in the till it's about time a party spoke up honestly for the hard working decent British people».
When asked about former Prime Minister Tony Blair's dealings with the press, he said Mr Blair believed the press made people feel cynical and negative about politics and politicians and thought this was undermining Britain's democracy.
Castro turned informant after he was indicted by the Bronx District Attorney's office for lying about election shenanigans back in 2008, and is believed to be the first sitting New York state politician to snare a colleague while wearing a wire undercover.
When I listen to Labour politicians speak about Northern Ireland, I can not believe they would say the things they do if people from Northern Ireland were more actively involved.
«Because what these murderers and madmen have said differs very little from what spokespersons for the United Nations, journalists for the «mainstream» media, and liberal politicians say about global warming... The point is that believing in global warming is not «mainstream,» smart, or sophisticated.
I've got to believe that it's something about the structure of the charter sector — its governance by mission - driven boards instead of local politicians; its ability to recruit and retain educators that share a vision rather than a collective bargaining agreement (and conventional preparation and certification); its sense of urgency driven by accountability to authorizers and funders — that makes the difference.
In some cases, the politicians truly believe that there is something «different» about a certain breed or two, but in most cases, the targeting of certain types of dogs is purely designed to appease a misinformed and frightened public without having to put time, effort, and money into solving the problem of dog bites by all breeds.
He believes in letting his subconscious reveal itself through brushstrokes, commenting: «I savour slips of the hand that express one's unconscious feelings about the person being painted» — a risqué strategy when painting politicians!
That though the world is getting more and more complex, the old answers (Do what you're told, buy a lot of stuff, obsess about THESE celebrities, worship THESE gods / THIS God, watch this trashy Reality TV, watch these crappy movies, read these crappy bestsellers, listen to this crappy music, believe these politicians etc.) aren't working for us as well as they used to.
So it's fruitless to ask politicians what they believe about climate, Roberts argues, as their rationalizations can shift endlessly.
For example, Carlsson - Kanyama and Hörnsten Friberg (2012) found only 30 % of politicians and directors from 63 Swedish municipalities believed humans contribute to global warming; 61 % of respondents were uncertain about the causes of warming, and as much as 9 % denied it was real.
He wrote a well - reviewed book called «The Climate Fix: What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You About Global Warming,» in which he presents measured skepticism of climate - change orthodoxy — for example, he believes the role of carbon emissions from human industry is greatly exaggerated by politicized science, but he doesn't think human carbon emissions are irrelevant, and is not implacably hostile to the goal of reducing them.
In spite of the inability of weather models to forecast more than about 10 days ahead, the climate modelers have deluded themselves, their employers, the grant giving agencies, the politicians and the general public into believing that they could build climate models capable of accurately forecasting global temperatures for decades and centuries to come.
But he is clearly frustrated at what he believes has been the wilful misleading of a confused and increasingly fed - up public by politicians and industry groups who, he says, deliberately spread misinformation about climate science and the policies that might reduce Australia's emissions.
One day climate scientists are going to have to wake up to the reality that the politicians that say they believe in all this stuff are doing nothing about it.
Does anyone really believe our bureaucrats and politicians could read and understand what was written about the graph?
It is a spy thriller about a lawyer being smeared by politicians because they believe he has information that can implicate them in criminal matters — the murder of a politician who was opposing a privacy bill that is really a bill empowering mass surveillance.
At the end of the day, what you believe about 1960s politics should be up to you — and influenced by your own reading, research and sources — not dictated or influenced by politicians.
Even though the country's central bank and politicians have been leery about cryptocurrencies, Shetty says his team will be very vocal about the technology and believes
It's because I care so much about others that I believe decisions about whether to choose adoption, end a pregnancy, or raise a child must be left to each individual, in consultation with their family, their faith, and their doctor — not to politicians who have no idea about anyone's specific situation.
I believe it is about time that organized real estate should be acting more militantly to fight for the survival of our livelihood, and if the laws are unreasonable, we should lobby collectively for the politicians to change them.
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