Sentences with phrase «believing community of faith»

The isolation of Scripture study from the believing community of faith (nuda scriptura) disregards the Holy Spirit's work in guiding the witness of the people of God to scriptural truths, and leaves the interpretation of that truth vulnerable to unfettered subjectivism.

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The Christian faith and the other faiths that believe in a loving, peaceful God (including much of the Islamic world) have reached out into our communities to help people — helping first and preaching God's love by example.
While the big lie people in DC believe is that they can change the world on their own, Graham argued that changing their neighborhood — both locally and globally — is best attempted through the sustainable, Spirit - empowered work of a community of faith.
We who proclaim Christ ought to have enough faith that our Lord is what we claim him to be, to permit such men and women to have, if not full then some limited, participation in Christian life in the community of faith; for we are confident, or we should be confident if we really believe what we say about Jesus, that such fellowship with him in the company of his people will lead them more and more deeply into the true significance of his person.
I believe you have raised a pertinent issue here though with church attendance being likened to a «badge», a sort of measurable physically viewable achievement that people measure community, commitment and faith by — which is sad in a way because the regular meetings during the week aren't always for everyone.
I believe that God wants us to wrestle with Scripture like this because being a person of faith isn't about being right; it's about being in relationship with God and a community.
No matter how his faith has originated psychologically, or how the interconnection of all its elements may be interpreted theologically, the Catholic believes the Church (not: in the Church), because he believes in God and his grace, in the crucified and risen Christ as his only Saviour, and not the other way round, even though as a Catholic he always believes in the «community of the faithful».
All of this is to say, then, that myth and legend in the Old Testament serve for us a historical purpose: the literature of Genesis informs us in a unique way about the faith of the community of Israel, about what Israel believed.
Supremely the myths and legends of Genesis tell us of the faith of Israel, of what this continuing community believed about God not abstractly but in his active relationship to world and Israelite history.
Even if the faith I appropriate were somehow brand new, never before conceived, the product of no apparent community save my own internal dialogue with myself, if I really believed it to be true I would perforce share it with others; and thus, whether I directly willed it or not, a new community would be created around it.
To be sure, we must personally appropriate the faith of the community to which we belong and make it our own, and in this sense Luther was right in insisting that everyone has to do his own believing just as everyone has to do his own dying.
What these rising communities really signal, Jenkins believes, is a deep spiritual hunger in the developing world and the wide appeal of the Christian God and the Christian story even where local religious faith is strong — perhaps especially there.
I'd say that the most defining part of my faith — the center of what I believe — is the love of people & redemptive community.
I would be glad if you could consider the substance of this lecture a kind of commentary on the first paragraph of your own «Call to Covenant Community,» which reads: «We affirm faith in Jesus Christ who proclaimed the reign of God by preaching good news to the poor, binding up the broken - hearted and calling all to repent and believe the good news.
As a Protestant who believes that this process of self - criticism, both personal and corporate, is an expression of faith and that every attempt to absolutize any given form of the tradition is idolatrous, one question I ask of other religious communities is whether they encourage this questioning and critical spirit.
Many of the things I still believe in I first learned in that modest Baptist community of faith: that Jesus loves me and died on the cross for my sins; that the Bible is the totally true and trustworthy Word of God; that all human beings are made in the image of God and are infinitely precious in his sight.
What gives him confidence in his conviction is not any esoteric knowledge of the mysterious God which has been revealed to him, but the testimony of the Bible and of the community of faith to the great company of people who in their own day believed they heard the Word of the same God and sought to obey.
They remind us that faith isn't simply about believing something in isolation, but about being part of a community.
A new study from the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding found 30 percent of Muslims agreed with the statement «I believe my faith community is more prone to negative behavior than other faith communities
«For me I fundamentally believe that faith is the basis of good work and faith communities can be used to be part of the solution rather than to be painted as part of the problem which we tragically see too often.»
While joining people where they're already gathered is essential, the formation of believing communities is a natural response to faith in Christ.
The successful experience of the State of New York with such a law in which hundreds of cases have been adjusted satisfactorily even without recourse to the courts encourages us to believe that the difficulties are not nearly so great as some feared or wanted us to believe.42 It is true that one can easily put too much faith in sheer legislation which may be rendered futile if it is not supported in the community consciousness.
A Year of Faith is a time set aside by the Church to focus on the meaning of our baptism» in other words, who we are, what we believe, and how we're called to act as a Christian community.
I believe that this vision stands in the tradition of biblical religion with its future - orientation toward a perfected community, an ideal destiny which never fully comes to pass but which stands as a powerful lure generating faith, love, and hope.
The presence of both of these psalm - like pieces in present context simply testifies again to the faith of the believing community that the life of God impinges on the course of human events with power, purpose, and compassion.
It was entirely Elizabethan for today's Queen to attend the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Palace earlier this year to say: «The concept of our established Church is occasionally misunderstood and, I believe, commonly underappreciated», going on to remark that it had «created an environment for other faith communities and indeed people of no faith to live freely».
I think tithing is one of those really difficult subjects, I am also not able to speak on that, it is something one must feel compelled to do and believe it is important to the community of faith he / she is part of...
As they worked through this change, Jason and Alise discovered that there was much more holding their marriage together than pulling it apart, and they began to work in their faith communities to bring about a greater understanding of what the others actually believe and to bring about a better dialog between atheists and Christians.
While I've spoken at many of them, and Passion has influenced them around the world, I want to be able to lay down at the feet of Jesus and say I gave it a shot — I tried to build into the local community of faith that he gave his life for, that he loved, and that he believed is the best agent for change in the world.
At times, the purpose of interpretation is to evoke fresh faith for another world from that which the community already knows and believes.
For the church in which we believe, on which we count as the supporting, interpreting community of faith, is actual, interpersonal reality, not a form, but an action, trust and loyalty experienced over and over again...
In Montgomery's day, people of all Christian communities took for granted the reality of prayer and believed that without prayer Christian life could not be lived nor Christian faith maintained.
This school has made us conscious of the fact that the witnesses gathered in the New Testament are not only individual witnesses — free witnesses, one might say; they are already situated in a believing community, in its cult, its preaching, and the expression of its faith.
Yet even on these terms it should remain possible for an interpretive community to make a conscious decision to hear the Bible as scripture, to believe in the coercive and constraining force of the Bible's own unique literary construction, and to regard itself as trying to live out the demands of a word and a God that stand over it, in continuity with communities of faith within the Bible and in the church's ongoing history of interpretation.
None the less, if it should turn out that one can be a Christian without holding firmly to personal persistence beyond death, this is significant; and since, as I have just been saying, I think that such is indeed the case, I believe that nobody ought to require acceptance of some variety of personal persistence as a pre-requisite for a welcome into the Christian community which is grounded on that faith in God in Jesus Christ which the community exists to make available to men and women in every age.
And, while we have no real reason to believe that the world of television can be completely turned around, at the same time those committed to the task of trying to do so continue to hold up in their communities of faith the ideals of open and free communication and a civility in our culture which we do not yet possess.
It's easy to say that ritual and liturgy are the heart of that community if almost everyone believes the truths of the faith.
Remaining loyal to its implications and living in the community of those who believed was a matter of faith.
Since this is our expectation, the context of our preaching and of our faith and living must go beyond the community — even the worldwide communityof those who presently believe and embrace all those who are invited to believe in Jesus Christ — the entire human race.
It is even more dependent than the scientific community on the direct relation of the knowers to theological reality — the God of faith and believing men, the subjects and objects of ultimate love, the commander and the commanded, the forgiver and sinner.
This temporal catholicity of Communion and of the Christian faith is also the reason why the context of our preaching can not be only the worldwide community of those who already believe.
I believe my biblical understanding has grown so much this year, and through the pages of Scripture the call for community — the call for belonging to the body of Christ — has been so apparent that I think anyone who actually reads the word will be challenged to no longer live their faith alone.
Some members of the faith - based community in western Massachusetts are starting to talk about ways to help people whom they believe will be harmed when a casino opens.
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Mission Statement: Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the witness of Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason we, the faith community at Genesis United Methodist Church, believe that all people are sacred children of God.
UC believes enrolling students from many different faiths and backgrounds enriches the university's community and the learning experience of our students.
As people of faith, we believe we have a moral obligation to protect our bodies, our communities, and our soil and water from toxic chemicals that make us sick.
Saffold said the decision was important not only to TWU «but also, we believe it sets an extremely valuable precedent in protection of freedoms for all religious communities and people of faith in Canada.»
Mission Statement: Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the witness of Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason we, the faith community at Genesis United Methodist Church, believe that all people are sacred children of God.
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