Sentences with phrase «believing in their cult»

The fear with a President who happens to believe in a cult — is whether or not we are electing the Organization or the individual.
He jumps from his untenable premise, to «MY god did it», and why he believes in HIS cult.
All mormons believe in the cult first no political decisions can be made without church approval to preserve their cause of taking money, property, and polygomy.
how many of you Christians will be voting for a man who believes in the cult Mormonism?
Its the greatest tool a cult uses to keep people believing in their cult.
Believing in your cult has proven it can't create a good society.
Secondly, you believe in the Cult of Islam from what I can gather.
No it's not if you don't believe in your cult and God then it tortures for all eternity that is conditional.
However, there is no need to believe in some cult leader from thousands of years ago.
When someone believes in a cult and are wasting their time wouldn't you try to show them the way out and stop the brainwashing.
I can't believe so many people in Utah still believe in this cult.

Not exact matches

Boy, you got that right, They members are so brainwashed from the cult leaders, they actually believe that one day in 1978 God called down to issue that blacks are ok for the priesthood.
They didn't last very long as a cult because they did not believe in procreation (having babies).
The bible is a joke and people who believe in it just need to feel like they are part of a cult or that their «sins» will be forgiven.
If you believe in the resurrected Christ, you are of a cult of sacrifice that believes in a God that requires sacrifice.
I can count how many other cults believes they are in some way shape or form related to Jesus Christ.
Dalahäst Do you honestly believe that members actually realize that they're in cults?
Hi, with all do respect, do nt you believe that a formal apology to the black race for the many years of stone cold bigotry should come from the apostles all white, or the milocvich 70, next in line, all white also, yea I said milocvih, Its like some big comunist white cult of 82
All religions are cults to those who do not believe in the supernatural.
My wife believes him and trusts him and she is a better judge of character than I. [When she met Mark Driscoll in 1997 she said he was a «future cult - leader» and she was never happy about me hanging out with the Young Leaders Group.]
When I read the story of Faith Christian Church in Tucson, Arizona, that is being investigated because some believe it is a cult, I wasn't alarmed by any one of the accusations.
Crossing Church in Elk RIver, MN under Eric Dykstra, I believe this church to be a cult - one that I lost my son to for far too long, he is now «home» with his family, thank God!
And he'll get you to believe that nonsense just so you will embrace that cult, and in doing so, you are unknowingly embracing Lucifer.
There are fundamental, Bible - believing churches — not cults — whose very doctrine work to keep women in subservient positions.
Still ALL, every last Christian (this means you) talks of love and how great Jesus was, but show nothing but hatred and intolerence toward anyone who does not believe in their awful horrible disgusting cult.
Troyer believes that he and his wife were lured into a cult made up of breakaway members of the larger Amish community near Bergholz in rural eastern Ohio.
Muslims in western nations tries to act «nice and tolerant» to make non-Muslims believe & think their evil religion is peaceful so people fall into their cult and convert!
I believe with all my heart, after thousands of hours reading the Bible under prayer so my understanding would be inspired by the Holy Spirit, that the Mormon church is indeed a satanic cult - it's one of the «other gospels» Paul talks about in Galatians 1:8.
This is a cult, and we can not let Romney in, be educated — not sheep, think for yourselves, research and learn what things really are without believing all the spin out there.
Muslims in western nations tries to act «nice and tolerant» to make non-Muslims believe and think their violence and evil religion is peaceful so people fall into their cult and convert Blacks, people in jail, and poor women are main people being target!
What about the Mormons that believe in mormon magical underwear that protects them from evil.Or they revere Joesoph Smith as their messiah when he was a con artist, molester, rapist, theif.Or what about Mormons believe god lives on planet kolob lol.I am a conservative christian repub and can not vote for a cult bishop like Romney, Do nt sell your sould supporting a cult bishop who believes this garbage lol.
Romney is a cult Bishop who worships a religion that a con man, molester rapist, murderer made up to help him with his polygamy beliefs.Mormons are not even close to being chiristian in any way.Mormons are responsible for many crimes against women and children.Any man who believes his underwear has magical powers is a sicko and belongs in a padded room...
There is no evidence of demons or your god so your a clown and pretty dumb to believe in your delusional cult.
Romneys grandpa was Ran out of the USA to Mexico for having 12 wives and some as young as 11 years old, and being a Mormon cultist polygamist.When Romneys grandpa got to mexico he was gunned down by a jealous husband of one of his wives... Yeah these are the cult values we do nt want in the whitehoiuse.Romney believes in the same things as his grandpa... what sickos
Religions are cults that believe in things for which there is no evidence.
I also think lots of pastors really don't believe anyway — they get the game, they are not in it to model after that cult leader.
I think I'm going to be sick, AA wants nothing to do with press radio or film (nor does it wish to engage in any sect, cults or religion), yet you have the nerve to write an opinionated article about not believing in God and being part of AA?
At this time yesterday, only lunatics, fringe cults, and mad scientists believed in aliens.
If repentance & believing in Jesus is the only way to heaven, by Gods full grace and not good deeds it is the faith Any other way, any other Jesus, any other inspired book with a message from Jesus, is a cult.
I hope I live to see the day when those who believe in Iron Age Judeo - Palestinian mythology are looked upon as a numerically insignificant cult.
And many will compound their hypocrisy by asserting that «Obama is a Muslim» in order to justify voting for someone they believe to be a cult member.
Will the Christian right vote for a person they believe is in a CULT or Obama who is a Christian???? Hummm!!!! Better yet, do they still believe he us a Muslim!!!
My cult believes in the holy trinity: shal - allah (sha - la - la), tral - allah and fal - allah.
Many believe that Mormons — who, unlike traditional Christians, believe in holy books beyond the Bible and practice customs like posthumous proxy baptism — belong to a cult.
In the sacramental mystery cults, which were so influential in the Mediterranean world of the first century, the term (or its equivalent,» Lady») was regularly used to designate the deity who was believed to preside over the culIn the sacramental mystery cults, which were so influential in the Mediterranean world of the first century, the term (or its equivalent,» Lady») was regularly used to designate the deity who was believed to preside over the culin the Mediterranean world of the first century, the term (or its equivalent,» Lady») was regularly used to designate the deity who was believed to preside over the cult.
After introducing Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the Values Voter Summit in Washington in October 2011, Jeffress told reporters he believed Mormonism was a cult, expressing a personal position and one held by his denomination.
I do be Ievethat all religions are man made cults and that they are all brainwashed people believing in a God they will never see or hear.
I would be interested in anything that you, as a 21st century member of the religious cult, might have to say, but am not interested in anything written so long ago by bronze age or iron age cult members because they really knew nothing about the world and believed in gods the same way any primitive man did... through scientific ignorance.
That being said, I fully support everyone's right to believe whatever they like and to practice their beliefs in the privacy of their home and their cult's clubhouse.
As such, I am as likely to believe that Harry Potter killed Voldemort as I am to believe anything in your cult book of horrors.
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